Brit/pol/ Still seething about clapping Edition

>The Royal Mint to manufacture medical visors for the NHS Heroes

>Brexit: EU-UK trade talks to go ahead via video link

>Coronavirus: Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests positive

>Health Secretary Matt Hancock tests positive for coronavirus

>Coronavirus: Chief medical officer Chris Whitty self-isolates with symptoms

>Belmont moorland fire: Huge grass blaze breaks out

>Tunnock's factory shuts down production amid coronavirus crisis

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Las Malvinas son Argentinas.

Fuck british pirates.

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>BBC links
First for OP is a cunt

Would laugh if everyone in parliament got sick

reminder that you only have a 15% chance of "surviving" the uk SARS-CoV-2 strain

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it's gonna be just like the war boys

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Wash your hands before touching my bonce.

Reminder that Doommong is a retard and has zero understanding of epidemiology.

if you love R N A CHESS, clap your hands
if you love R N A CHESS, clap your hands
if you love R N A CHESS and you love it 2 X S
if you love R N A CHESS, clap your hands

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how you coping lads, i feel like the isolation thing is making me want to go out more and get a gf

so this is just a worse than normal flu season right?

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please present your workings out to the class

Shoo! favela monkey.

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who fucking cares retard. fuck off back to monkey general

anyone who doesn't reply to this is a comunist?

Nth for massive solar flare

House of lords is one to watch.

meet a nice girl at the pictures before getting sent to the front line for some banter and guns then coming home to everyone celebrating your effort and a booming economy?
no it's going to be nothing like that.

it's more like the black death 2.0. biggest happening since the black death anyway.

Washed and sanitised mate. Here you go.

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Being completely avoidable and ruin us for jewish benefit?

only 15% of patients have "recovered" while 85% have died.

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I just took a look at cvg to see numbers and he was in there complaining we were all mongs for not getting it.

My gf is an NHS nurse and I'm proud of her. She is working 12 hour nightshifts currently while I'm sat on my ass doing nothing.

nah like this

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Did you clap for her?

what exactly is the point of /cvg/

you don't fucking applaud her when she walks in every night though do you.

clap at her when she gets home

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Get the bitch to buy you something nice on the way home, threaten violence if she fails you.

why are Americans like this?

i like those odd's

What is Brit/pol/'s opinion on Anglo diaspora returning to Britain? I'm 90% ethnically British (10% Italian, to my shame), and I hate my country. There is no future for the white race here. There is no spiritual connection to the land or people.

what about aboout the other 8 thousand?

>She is working 12 hour nightshifts

your a failure as a man if your gf has to work like that


Make sure and clap every hour to appreciate her. Every half hour when she is sleeping.


He's a moron, mate.
Never wished it upon anyone but I would love to see him doxxed.
Uninformed scaremongering is absolutely pathetic.

New PM when?

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cant you just fuck off to the wonderous natural landsacpes canada has to offeR?

based bazza telling it like it is

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Wait did you lot not like the NPC clapping or something? I live in a shitty block of flats and heard all my neighbours doing it yesterday.

so like most generals on this website

how soon can we expect these drones to be armed with live ammunition?

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The numbers are handy. I took a scroll down for old times sake as I was in it in January and glad I was as I prepped then and there he was bitching about us over here.

>Wait did you lot not like the NPC clapping or something?

Let me read a letter I recently received. "Dear Mr. Johnson. Why have the Tories seen fit to suppress our freedom of movement? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen."

Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course, your question touches on one of the most basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for Britain? Will they ever deactivate the lockdown and let us walk again?

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I clap her with my erect penis if you know what I mean. If you don't, just ask me and I will explain in greater detail.
Bro, I'm dying without her help.

We have an outstanding pact with the native indians in canada. You'll have to stick it out mate, For the glory of the crown.

Wheres the UK death numbers today??

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doing a clap lads

Kind, clean English hands.

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>tesco offered fully paid wages + SSP for self isolating people

Im currently pretending to self isolate cause I said my partner has symptoms.

I kinda want a longer, fully compensated wagie break. Should I tell em next week that I developed symptoms and need to further isolate another 7 days (its part of the flowchart in our company website, its that NHS thing)?

There are no testing kits for plebs like me and they cant really call bullshit on it without severe legal repercussions, imagine telling an employee showing symptoms to fuckin go to work.

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what a fanny

Fuck off we’re full.

You’ve all been poisoned anyway

you can assume that they'll follow the same pattern, as they have been so far. nobody is recovering from this thing.

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we dont need more people, we need less
though obviously its far more desirable than shipping in nignogs

When did you lads clap for us? heard nothing last night.
On the bright side I enjoyed the NHS hour. Skipping a 30 person queue was bretty good today.

Lots of doctors and nurses have called off sick and had to isolate, so she is basically forced to work the worst shifts and hours as the only nurse. This whole week she has been the only nurse for literally 100+ patients.

Fuck off we're full.

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Is the clapping everyday?

I did find it semi-cult like. Best thing NPCs could do is wear masks and not be fuckwits but I suppose clapping for ARE N H S is easier.

The Mekon Cummings is a technocrat, specifically a worse technocrat than most of the EU. He'll take the blame for this and get booted.

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just opened my window to check

Keep it going for as long as they’re willing to pay you. Lift, read and enjoy the sun.


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m8 the council have drones and 999 is overwhelmed with curtain twitchers reporting people for being out the house. the country has gone mental and its taken 5 days.

The 4channer in me suspects half of my doc colleagues are self isolating over stupid shit. One guy literally self isolated because a friend of a friend coughed.
Pretty much

are fucks still all over the public transportation like i saw the other day?
i dont think new york subways are closed either

I wouldn't if I was you, you'd hate england even more, try australia or new zealand instead

why are NHS nurse uniforms so frumpy now? Bring back the sexy sexy sex ones, killjoy lefty lesbians!

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Orwell has arrived

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Report your neighbourhood for not sufficient sycophanty to rnhs

the rumour on twitter is that indian spock is gonna be the next big cheese

hOw CaN tOrIeS bE rAcIsT iF wE hAvE bRoWn Pm??!

Ignore the clapping just enjoy a cuppa on the couch and stay in all we ask. Seeing couple of coffin dodgers today have a lengthy chats in Tescos was interesting considering they're high risk.

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kinda worried I might get scrutinized at work, or if not, when I eventually get the corona how can I get outa that? do I just work through it?

hmm, I kinda wana get another week off though, 3 weeks of fully paid wages while I relax at home is heaven

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Having to underline the obvious for the plebs. This country is beyond saving.

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I love how cheap that phrase has become. Saw it used in an ad, and now apparently saving the life of like 3k boomers = the importance of the battle of britain
Do you want to see the current crop of ogres in sexy dress?

yeah it's funny seeing brit/pol/ go all DON'T TREAD ON ME overnight when usually they're moaning that the police are ineffectual and the public can't behave itself. Just mindless contrarianism tbdesu

And who is left holding the parcel?

Sweet baby jesus.

The memes have become real.

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I went to tesco the other day for milk wearing a half face respirator with double P100 filters + nitrile gloves. The only people in the queue outside wearing masks were under 30. Boomers seem to not even care.

hope they do that canzuk thing, would love to move to canada

I'd claim her for the glory of mansa musa

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the NHS. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also NHS's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike the NHS truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in NHS's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Does anyone know when the antibody tests will start rolling out? I keep thinking I might have had a mild infection bit I don't know for certain.

Please post the Revell model set lol

fucking spastic

Clean the house up and have dinner ready for when she comes home. You are the house bitch now.


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Ineffectual against pakia, they’ve always been effective against whitey

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I send her dick pics and cute messages often, which she likes.

All my good local takeaways have closed ffs. all thats left are dubious paki kebab places that I wouldn't want to eat food from even if we weren't in a pandemic.

Ruth is such a fucking ugly name

well she's a very admiral woman but you should at least be caring for her.

>paramedic is the only white

sounds about right

it'll be the kike Raab. There isn't a single fucking full-blooded Anglo on the front bench of the so-called "Conservative" party. Outrageous.

nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert nonce alert

i agree the modern day uniform is soulless, i imagine it has to do with gender equality and all that, you dont really see women wearing dresses to often now days unless its a night out

Then they go into the hospitals and fuck everything. I mean we've literally stopped cancer operations, and now anybody that has Covid19 and gets a heart attack only gets a one off shock no response, dead. (no compressions, ventilation etc...)

Beautiful names: Emilia, Imogen, Florence, Elizabeth, Catherine, Cecilia...Alice

Radio 2 now are doing 80s songs in classical with an orchestra

pretty comfy desu

currently playing the power of love

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>housing prices predicted to drop by 60%
fucking nice

all we need to do is ban foreign ownership of homes

>nooo you can't just notice things reeeee

Tesco's doesn't close till 10pm.. I feel an essential journey coming on.

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Don't worry mate, I'm taking good care of her when she is home.

source pls.

it was on the bbc news ticker a moment ago