when the NY EMT is asked have you seen a "viral pandemic", EMT laughs(pic related), when the EMT is asked "have you seen a glut of coronavirus" the EMT just shakes his head saying no.
also according to some hospital employee, she has not seen a surge of coronavirus patients, the youtuber is then escorted away by police
went to local hospital, literally no lines nothing but empy tent, video anons in Spain travel to many empty hospitals youtube.com/watch?v=WVTBabRLJ-U
there is no surge of sickness, no surge in yearly death count, world wide or in any country, this pandemic is based on asymptomatic cases testing positive on a meaningless test
China has no new cases because the changed the test, now the test is designed to not detect anything , thus phasing out the hoax.
the World Health Organization (WHO) reacted to the change in their Friday situation report, noting: "Some previously reported 'clinically diagnosed' cases are thus expected to be discarded over the coming days as laboratory testing is conducted and some are found to be Covid-19-negative
Just so everyone knows I did some research on this and it appears that the conversation with the woman in the first video was faked. Be careful what you believe on the internet.
Hudson Cooper
Here's how the scam operates and why the Hospitals are now empty in places the media claims are overwhelmed.
If you have the flu or are a non covid patient they tell you to stay home, hence the empty hospital. empty hospitals are then ready for mass casualty drills, complete with crisis actors who sign NDA agreements, they move into the empty hospital and film the covid-19 drill which gets put on the news. The hospital staff never see the non drill patients but assume they must exist.
n Florida: "Miami-Dade’s taxpayer-owned Health System being squeezed financially by the coronavirus pandemic — elective surgeries have been canceled by executive order of the governor, there’s been a freefall in patient admissions" "the number of patients at Jackson Health was the lowest it has been “in many, many years”. “If you walk through Jackson today,” “it’s very empty.”
posts from people claiming to be medical types in other EHG threads
"RN working in ICU in Wisconsin, Only 2 patients that have tested positive needed to be admitted, and they never needed a ventilator. All the other positive cases are quarantined at home. Census is low overall and I actually enjoy work because family is not allowed inside and I have easier patient assignments. I hope this shit continues because I was getting very burnt out leading up to this. Thank you for exposing this. I thought I was the only one who noticed.."
"HospitalAnon here. l work in Denver, CO. The hospital census is so low, units are shutting down and staff is being asked to give up shifts and stay home. THIS IS EVERY WHERE"AROUND THE CITY. The hospitals are UNDERWHELMED!"
Ayden Roberts
It's all a sham. Nobody is infected with COVID-19. The tests are fake. Some people may never test negative for years with this testing. We have nothing to fear but the medical industry
Joshua Turner
Wow sounds familiar! Remember AIDS? That's not real either. Just so everyone knows
Hudson Stewart
you've proably already seen this German user: crisis actor works for coronavirus detection company youtube.com/watch?v=cUGaBMoRqq4
more "There's a few different factors to this though, anons. Hospitals are emptier because we're actively discouraging people from coming in, and most ORs are only doing emergency cases, meaning all electives and many "would be nice to have" type surgeries are being delayed.In my hospital, we dropped from 30-40 cases per day to 10-20, closer to the former than the latter. This is all to prepare for an anticipated ((surge)) which may or may not occur. There are only a handful of cases in my county, so my facility is dead as a doornail with furloughed staff (especially from surgical services, which I work in, but was lucky enough to be kept on in the interim), and a reduced number of patients. The beds only being used to 55% capacity. So we're well-prepared for any ((surge)0 and the hospital seems far emptier than it usually would be as a result. Whether the ((surge)) occurs or not is unknown, but I'm tending to believe that in the vast majority of places, it won't happen. Regardless though, empty hospitals are a sign of the times, and if it wasn't for coronavirus, many of the facilities being discussed here would actually be far busier in normal conditions than they are now."
This. Where are all the politician and celebrity boomers dying from the virus?
Jayden Nelson
on second thought the conversation makes sense though, hmm
Charles Bell
Based! I will spread this information.
Isaiah Roberts
No virus has ever been isolated from a human subject. Viruses do not pass Koch's Postulates: they have never even been proven to exist, let alone proven to cause disease. Stefan Lanka's claim that measles has never been proven to exist was upheld by the German federal court. What are identified as "viruses" are a most likely just one form of a pleomorphic germ created endogenously in the human body, and used to break down diseased tissue. Germ theory is wrong, and Louis Pasteur was a fraud and a plagiarist. Bacteria and so-called "viruses" are a symptom of disease, not the cause.
>>in rather small City/town >>Two reported positive cases, still alive >>Hospital on red alert and my elective procedure gets postponed Fuck this virus I need my birth control
now a word from our esteemed sponsor, Thomas Paine "we wouldn't need to surrender our rights if the pandemic was real, since we would see sick and dying everywhere and our fear of sickness would enforce a quarantine even as the pandemic first spreads, without needing to surrender our natural rights, only a fake pandemic requires surrender of our rights
no philospher of ancient greece (Plato, Socrates etc.) which lived though the Athenian Plague, ever wished to suspend natural law, or the basic freedoms of its citizens over the threat of the ancient plague, If there really was a pandemic you wouldn't need the lockdown, since people would see sick and dying everywhere, and voluntarily not leave thier house, no violation of rights is necessary for keeping one from jumping from great hieghts etc. because it is real it enforces itself, so there need be no law banning our movements during pandemics since real pandemic enforce thier own laws by the power of thier deadly nature
The only pandemic that needs suspending of liberties is a fake pandemic, these are pandemics of testing positive as asymptomatic carriers, which is no power of nature
therefore thier lockdown defies natural law and common sense, is not useful for any situation forseeable, and is a form of economic war on our country, the emperor has no clothes: the shelves are full of products, the hospitals are empty
Lately I also start to question truth of this pandemic. Italy with so many dead people, and where da fuck are the bodies then ? Why we don't see any videos of bides being moved around ? Do you know anyone who is sick on that ? USA claims to have 90k cases now, Italy with so many deaths and cases too. And videos are no where to be seen. If New York doesn't get rekt next month and we don't see people actually sick and dying on the streets, I call bs on this pandemic.
This is part one of a 4 part in-depth documentary on this, vital viewing for anyone looking to educate themselves on what's really happening right now. It explains why it's so important for tptb to ram this bullshit narrative home.
Viruses really are not what you've been led to believe.
Eli Young
The last video is from a nigger baiting to get followers check the account
Xavier Hughes
What do you mean with only one video? There's lots of leaked videos here in Spain, that's the thing that's being discussed here: it's an absolute shame and a political scandal to see people on the floor and on chairs without room in our public health system.
op pic related China built a potemkin hospital to prove there was a real pandemic when there wasn't, just to take a picture of empty beds, after the hoax was over it remains empty, all for show, for the live exercise i.e. drill Mike Pompeo: Coronavirus crisis "were in a Live Exercise" youtube.com/watch?v=cKatRD69WUo
How is one of the most deadly diseases ever to grace this planet asymptomatic? How do any of these statistics make sense? Why did 99% of deaths in italy have comorbidities? Why do people test negative "up to six times" before receiving a positive test? How did dogs, sheep, pigs, cats test positive when viral infections are species specific? It's 100% BS
depsite the hospitals being empty all over Spain they have filled this giant with mostly empty beds, the drill actors are applauding and are clearly not sick, no ventilators etc just for show, there laughing at us youtube.com/watch?v=Qg3ch4ETs9Y
translated from the comments, Spanish are seeing through the lies"ypical strategy of social and mental manipulation: we are bombarded every day through the means of disinformation with people applauding or in solidarity or doing not know that against a supposed virus and citizens who resist believing the official version will be singled out as unsupportive or bad people. And so they create more sheep for cattle and people will accept on tiptoe without questioning all the measures taken by the official powers. All this artificially created crisis serves as a master in strategies of manipulation and social control."
Charles Gonzalez
Gentleman, before anything I'm just pointing out this. If you check out 5G in EU, they wanted to push it into fully up and running network at the end of 2020. So 5G is alredy in Poland, it's not so common yet, as Polish people are poor, they can't afford to buy new 5G phone, or won't buy new 5G phone, just for that fact. Notice how few cases and how slowly it goes here. Now lets go to ID2020, why 2020 ? why not 2021 ? Why da fuck everything must be in 2020, what's so special about this year lads ? I swear if they put vaccination for this kung flu as obligatory, I'm out from the city. If it's how they say, that you get this "vaccine" plus some chip or "certificate" to confirm having it, it's just screeeching of hoax.
Jackson Howard
What’s funny is this is true and no one believes it.
Sebastian Nelson
The hospitals are cancelling routine operations and treatments to make sure they have the maximum amount of beds, equipment, resources and staff free.
The answer to OPs thread is quite simple really, isn’t it..
Yeah but there's no real corona victims so the hospitals are empty.
Ryder Bell
>The hospitals are cancelling routine operations and treatments to make sure they have the maximum amount of beds, equipment, resources and staff free. >The answer to OPs thread is quite simple really, isn’t it..
We have absolutely no evidence corona virus is making anyone sick. We havent even proven it has infected anyone. The tests are all false positives. The hospitals are empty. The only people taking up hospitals are people who are in quarantine due to a false positive. There are not thousands of people dying on breathing machines. The media is claiming people are dying because hospitals have no room to put them on a breathing machine. This is 100% fake. The hospitals have enough room to treat people. The disease is asymptomatic because testing positive doesnt make you any more likely to be sick. The "symptoms" show up weeks after testing positive, because anyone will get a runny nose, headache, shortness of breath if you wait long enough. It's absolutely fucking ridiculous that anyone is taking this seriously. The death rates are obviously fake. It just shows how hypnotized the masses are. A hoax is staring us right in the face. Wake the fuck up. Nobody has COVID-19. This plague is absolutely nonexistent
Robert Martinez
Did anyone ask why Nancy was pushing for lifetime benefits for local community papers/media workers?
Its because the are installing 5G slow kill grids. That plus the flouride and depleted soils, humans should be dead by 50 in the future, no problem.
Nathan Fisher
>The hospitals are cancelling routine operations and treatments to make sure they have the maximum amount of beds, equipment, resources and staff free. >The answer to OPs thread is quite simple really, isn’t it..
When you or someone you care about gets ‘this hoax’ you will remember what you wrote today.
I want to add more. Currently there are riots in Hubei(some bigger chink hole in china) If they have sucha spread of corona there, why tf they're protesting now, and no one is afraid of it anymore ? wtf is going on there.