Fire them off.
What’s the best conspiracy theory you’ve heard regarding how covid-19 really spread?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's actually because of 5G networks penetrating your brain matter and cooking it like a microwave and there is no virus. Chinese just turned the weapon off.
>COVID-19 is a low grade bio-weapon designed and intentionally released by China to kill off the sickly and the elderly who are an economic burden
>World governments believe it was "accidentally" released from the lab in Wuhan because why would China release a deadly virus on their own population?
>World governments tell their citizens its a natural virus because everyone would lose their shit and we would have total anarchy if they found out it was man made
>The virus has a much higher mortality rate but China is lying about the number of deaths to keep the rest of the world in the dark while they mobilize for war
>China is claiming that the US government released the pathogen in Wuhan to rally their citizens for all out war
>They will strike shortly after our hospitals are overloaded and after our government declares martial law
It's a virus meant to depopulate Africa but it had to affect the rest of the world first because or else it would be too evident
That the whole thing is fake and gay, just a power grab.
"Symptoms" are now so varied and vague that anyone dying of anything is now COVID-19 or "related".
Project Zyphr is easily the best.
america released coronavirus on chinese soil as petty revenge for beating them in the trade war because there is nobody in the government with foresight longer than 20 minutes to realize how fucking stupid that would be.
If you need proof of how stupid america is with geopolitics just look at how they drone striked soleimani in january and labeled maduro a "narco terrorist".
Chinese bio-weapon made to destroy Earth. The Chinese knew they could contain it with China so they released it knowing that the US would fail at stopping the spread. The best thing about it is that they can't be blamed for it because it's an animal disease.
Yeah and Amy threads about it get nuked.
That sounds like some KANGZ shit that Kanye would say like "the government gave AIDS to niggers". I doubt anyone gives a fuck about Africa except for Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and South Africa.
Nature rolled enough dice. It's also far more contagious than countries are saying it is.
Jewish bioweapon to kill goyim
The text with the blue background
Everything that I have found about the virus itself seems to proof the text right
Everything that I found about the western elitist, gates, the jews, hollywood, soros pizza and stuff seems to proof the text right
I know right, who cares!
Conspiracy theory is a made up CIA word. There are only hypothesis you newfag
The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status
This and also massive distraction, news not covering anything else
Sam Tripoli and Eddie Bravo bring up interesting points about Biden. Also the US pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord in this podcast from about 20-26 minutes in
Why are you avoiding asia.
It's about the ungoverned zones.
chemtrails are spreading (((sars 2.0))) to reach remote locations
fuck off, glowniggers!
They want us to stay inside so we don't see what is happening in the sky.
The moon has been gone for two weeks now, there's less and less stars every night and there is something coming our way.
21 million cell phone contracts in China were cancelled across the 4 major providers between January and march. Coronavirus killed 21 million chinese.
Will check that tomorrow lol. But from my perspective shit is same as always.
Yeah and where's a credible source supporting your shitty claims? Even if there really were 21 mil cancelations that doesn't necessarily mean they're all dead, they could be in working camps amongst other things.
Green climate activists had biologists and chemists join their ranks. They developed COVD-19 in secret and released it in China. These are some of the same people who spread the propaganda about how having children is immoral considering the state of the world, especially since kids have a carbon footprint and even moreso as they get older. The less people on the planet, the less pollution. Their intention is ultimately simply to kill people via the virus (which they consider a moral necessity) and to shut down the global economy as much as possible being that that will decrease emissions from things like flights, cruises, factories, etc.
The more dead there is and the more shutdown the global economy is the better off the planet is. Think about how insane some of the green new deal and climate activist people are.
Plus already seeing the "nature is curing itself of a parasite" memes by normies
That would make Tom Clancy a Prophet. The Original Rainbow Six.
No theories. Just this image I took yesterday while right next to a telecommunications center.
I cant seem to make a thread on this but make of it what you will.
Here you go Xi
It was on the body of an extraterrestrial found in a crashed ship. Apparently the being is from zeta reticuli and the have retrieved hologram recordings of dinosaurs from the Mesozoic period.
Oh user I have same bad news for you...
Covid-19 is alien in origin and was brought here by the probe, ʻOumuamua, which was here last year.
This is why you have countries shitting bricks so badly.
SO2 (Sulpher Dioxide) levels were reported to be extremely way way high across Beijing & Wuhan. SO2 is a common gas released from the burning of human bodies. This indicates huge mass cremations across China.
>aha jk bro really it's just 6M unaccountable
Yeah, you're actually proving my point.
>They will strike shortly after our hospitals are overloaded and after our government declares martial law
they'll lose and have a civil war which results in their leaders being killed.
>Project Zyphr is easily the best.
we've seen already seen a few official faggots calling for a world government, it's fucking scary
The most interesting one is that a janitor at Wuhan bioweapons lab stole an infected pangolin and sold it at the market.
1 retard told me its just a cough and you wouldnt hear about it if it wasnt an election year
It’s a man made virus released to crash markets due to media hype and hysteria and get Trump out of office. Also, it helps usher in a new world order with massive encroachment upon our liberties.
A big source of Adrenochrome is in Wuhan China.
The virus was put into Adrenochrome and those that use it are being poisoned.
The treatment for Covid-19 is cheap and simple but heavy users of Adrenochrome can not use it or it will kill them because of the already high iron content in their blood.
The only other way to get Adrenochrome is from the source, hence why school is closed.
The only way to know if you have Covid-19 is testing that goes to the CDC which is controlled by Trump, on the list? you have Covid-19.
Covid-19 is not transmitable.
Notice how the president calls this the invisible enemy very frequently?
Remember how he says it will be over by Easter.
Notice how many elites are recording strange videos of themselves saying to follow the instructions and we will get through this?
The two hospital ships Mercy and Comfort are prison ships and will round up the selected "patients" and take them to Cuba.
Trump even says these two ships have had "updates" recently.
Enjoy the show you are just fine.
The ecig sickness, which is still up on cdc website, is covid.
its not a conspiracy, its a rational explanation that ties in with with real world observations and strategical logic.
this is a bioweapon designed to be unleashed on america so that the chinks could win the war
Nigger tongue chink anus
The Chinese government released a bioweapon to stop Hong Kong protests, and used the quarantine to covertly remove the worst offenders.
It’s skynet. They use 5G to control killer drones that target enemies of the chosen people.
Not with 5G, they won’t. It makes guns obsolete. What good are guns if your enemies control *insert here whatever robotic killing devices the pentagon has been working on since WW2*
I think they'll invade Taiwan while North Korea invades South Korea
We have absolutely no proof corona virus is making anyone sick. We havent even proven it has infected anyone. The tests are all false positives. The hospitals are empty. The disease is asymptomatic because testing positive doesnt make you any more likely to be sick. The "symptoms" show up weeks after testing positive, because anyone will get a runny nose, headache, shortness of breath if you wait long enough. It's absolutely fucking ridiculous that anyone is taking this seriously. The death rates are obviously fake. It just shows how hypnotized the masses are. A hoax is staring us right in the face. Wake the fuck up. Nobody has COVID-19. This plague is absolutely nonexistent
From my mom:
This is the final installment of the NWO, after that we will all be chipped and cattled.
My mom used to read consiparacy magazines and books in Greece from the 80s. Fun part is that the old conspiracies she used to read are actually happening..
She needs to take pills kek
It's backfiring
No, this is just the excuse jews are using to “quarantine” their communities from the rest of society during the great culling
mandatory vaccinations and microchips, muh mark of the beast
The Chinese government is corrupt and had very lax regulation of wet markets resulting in poor hygiene which led to cross-contamination and accelerated inter-species mutation. When the virus was identified and the appropriate authorities were notified they decided to hide it instead of taking the blame resulting in zero containment until it had slowly spread uncontrollably at which point the Chinese government couldn't cover it up anymore.
My theory is that the virus that is killing people is not the virus being tested for. That creates all kinds of confusion where people who are dying test negative, people who test positive often have not symptoms, etc.
It's not that crazy, viruses are super small and it takes time to get the right one. HIV wasn't identified as the cause of AIDS for several years after the disease appeared.
(((Gates))) & Wuhan labs created it. Released it in the wet markets so China takes the blame. North Kora probably has insight on this as they mentioned a "Christmas Gift" we would be receiving due to Trump's incompetence in negotiating denuclearization.
this seems believable
the chinese are engaging in bio warfare because of the trade war. the cruise ships are a cover story for it hitting military bases in WA, VA, and TX early on. Bezos is on China's side and is shipping a little Lung Pao Sicken in every package. this is why amazon sorters are catching it at the warehouses.