I always see posts about white roasties with black kids, but would you date a white single mother if she had white kids?
I always see posts about white roasties with black kids, but would you date a white single mother if she had white kids?
Yes, and put more in her
You are failing to see the redpill potential in those kids. With a strong father, they will follow.
The only good couple is Asian woman + Black man
>She comes from a smart background
>He comes from a savage background
Together have the best balanced offspring
depends on a few things;
>why is she single?
>what is her personality? Does she have agency? Is she whorish?
>Will she serve you?
so what? the only way I'm raising another man's bastards is if I'm desperate.
there needs to be more of this
Ok, fair point. But consider it.
Is the husband still alive?
Why? What if her husband died or something do you still think that she isn’t deserving of love??
My mom had my sister a few years before meeting my dad. She looks so different but is white so neither said sister or I knew the truth until she was 18.
She was still obsessed with my dad at that point but eventually got over it since he was just another crappy absent alcoholic.
So there's potential for having a healthyish family but everyone will still think you're a cuck whether or not your children do.
Depends. Why does she have the kids and not father? Widow? Divorce? Slut?
If her ex-husband is an ex because he died in an unfortunate accident and she’s willing to match the number of kids she had with him, with me.
If she’s a divorcée then fucking hell no.
Das rite. Asian pussy will be stretched by BBC so much she wouldn’t even go back to aznboys
I could see myself doing it depending on the age of the kids if they are young sure id take on that role, if they were older and I was just into their mom I wouldn't really try to raise them or be their new dad but just hopefully lead by actions and inspire them by being strong, treating their mom right, having a job getting to know them personally etc. I'm a social guy and I like talking to youths, I'm even a godfather for some of my friends and I suppose if they snd their family died I would support their kin
Depends on her age and the events of the separation. I would have zero issue with a white widow with white kids under 30 years of age.
No. A good mother will always put her kids first. And if those kids are another man's, then that makes you at best the 14th most relevant thing on her list.
Don’t believe women. If they were abused, they probably liked it or deserved it. She knew who she married.
This is literally what cuckold means
"The word cuckold derives from the cuckoo bird, alluding to its habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests"
No. Thats a nuclear option for someone desperate. A single mother will instinctively cling to a provider even if she honestly thinks shes into you its an instinctual survival method to protect her children.
No. I made my own children.
As a general rule: NO.
Only consider doing so if:
>she has daughters
>she is widowed - NO DIVORCEES
>Bonus: had a good relationship/ is generally a loyal partner
>she is
not date just fuck and forget
Honestly yeah, but only if we were both over 30.
never date single mothers
never date divorcees
You should be able to tell if a man is a good guy before she got serious with him. There would have been signs he would be abusive.
If she was a widow yes
Otherwise no
>is the world devoid of any women without kids?
>was she widowed by dumb luck, or are we dealing with bad choices?
if both of these priors are met, i'd consider it
Holy shit the amount of reddit i smell in this thread, any man saying yes should go back to r/cuckolds.
No way fag
For sex sure, would never marry obviously
>memeflag deleted the posts
Maybe if I am over 50 and she is under 25
The idea that physical discipline is wrong in a marriage is an invention of the 1960s. Not beatings, but discipline, sometimes moderated physical discipline, isn’t just appropriate, it’s a basic duty.
>is the world devoid of any women without kids?
Bruh they’re making new women
>memeflag deleted the posts
it was swedish femanon
she makes stupid posts and deletes them
I knew a single mother. I tutored her son. Kid was a wonderful kid who just needed a male figure to bond with. I had no interest in her, but I would have been a full time "Rent a Dad"
As cucked and shit as it sounds? I would be a Rent a Dad if it meant some boy got something resembling a father figure in his life.
The roastie can get bent.
The son though, he shouldn't have to suffer not knowing his future and true power.
If she's a widow because her husband died defending isreal I may consider it. She'd be getting that sweet VA DIC money as a bonus
Not necessarily. A lot of the times, they present a 'mask' for when they are interacting normally with other people and save that for when they get home. Also some abusers are skilled at emotional and psychological manipulation.
Id date but probably not marry single mom of healthy beautiful children. Id consider it to be practice for raising my own children, and also other women would desire to have me put children inside of them. But its also possible that shes a good woman with good a daughter, id just put more children in her.
Since I can’t have kids sure why not I can raise them to be white supremacists
Women of any race + black men = perfect balance. It's the only way to eradicate the cuckold nerd genes that lie within the Y-chromosome and bring back the laws of nature.
Yes. And make her more.
>The idea that physical discipline is wrong in a marriage is an invention of the 1960s. Not beatings, but discipline, sometimes moderated physical discipline, isn’t just appropriate, it’s a basic duty.
What do you count as physical discipline, like how is it different from beatings and when does it count as a beating? and do you only think that it’s the husband why should discipline the wife or do you think should happen when the husband does something inappropriate?? Also why can’t you just talk to your wife instead of hitting her? :/
No, not even if she was widowed. I want my own children and i feel like the family would have problems if they had half siblings
>What do you count as physical discipline
A firm strike or grab. No closed fists.
>and do you only think that it’s the husband why should discipline the wife or do you think should happen when the husband does something inappropriate??
Most men tend not to get hysterical and they don’t crave dominance and discipline from a woman, feeling resentful and unsettled when they don’t get it.
A man’s home and what happens in it is his business. If he does something “inappropriate” to the extent that it’s damaging society, that’s the sovereign’s time to step in.
>Also why can’t you just talk to your wife instead of hitting her? :/
98% of the time you can, but a woman who knows with total certainty that the man would never use force against her no matter what she does or how she behaves doesn’t really feel owned, therefor she doesn’t feel secure, therefor she has less of an urge to breed.
Daughters only
Depends on the age and attitude of the child. If the child is young enough to not have bonded with the dad, probably. If the child is an old whiny brat, hell no.
>raising another man's child for some whiny roastie
Hey Woody Allen, enjoying your vacation on Tel Aviv?
If the fathers dead. I ain’t raising somebody else’s kids, they’ll never view you as their father.
>What do you mean by grab?
I mean grabbing a person
>But tons of men are WAAAY more immature and worse at making decisions than their wife.
Only on television and in movies
>Also most women become will become resentful and won’t be honest with you out of fear of getting abused if you hit them you know...
Discipline isn’t abuse and women crave discipline from a dominant man, they will instinctively seek it out (though never admit, or even acknowledge, it in those words). You’ve got everything backwards, women resent not having it. Compare the way they act before and after the 1960s, where physical discipline in a marriage was widely pathologized for the first time in the entirety of human history.
>So you don’t think that it’s the wife’s home too?
Of course it’s her home, but a wife is her husband’s property. This is a thing called civilization.
>The not true and women don’t want to “feel owned”....
Yes, they do, and yes, it is. Nothing destroys birth rates more effectively, swiftly, and consistently than feminism.
>Like if you hit your wife she’ll feel a lot less secure you know. I think that a husband should PROTECT his wife from getting assaulted and stuff not being the one that assaults her.
Discipline is not an assault.
No, no I don't.
>deserving of live
Sure, from betas at the bottom of society.
Marrying a widow with children is acceptable
Only if it was 1 kid, not a retard, and Dad wasn't in the picture, if Mommy was under 25 and super giving/kind/forgiving. It's crazy risky though, you'd have to live her like crazy. Any Migtow loser or incel autism type can't meet any chicks anyways.
>Only on television and in movies
In reality too, I’ve seen it a lot.
>Discipline isn’t abuse and women crave discipline from a dominant man, they will instinctively seek it out (though never admit, or even acknowledge, it in those words). You’ve got everything backwards, women resent not having it. Compare the way they act before and after the 1960s, where physical discipline in a marriage was widely pathologized for the first time in the entirety of human history
Please stop believing in that. Women don’t crave to be “disciplined” by their husband. Also when do you even think a wife is supposed to get “disciplined” like are you one of those people who think that she should have to follow what her husband tells her to do no matter what??
>Of course it’s her home, but a wife is her husband’s property. This is a thing called civilization.
Women aren’t property and it’s uncivilized countries that tend to think that women are property :/
Also are you one of those people who thinks that women shouldn’t be able to divorce even if her husband literally beats her up for no reason or cheats on her??
>Yes, they do, and yes, it is. Nothing destroys birth rates more effectively, swiftly, and consistently than feminism.
That’s not true. The most feminist countries in Europe which are the Nordic countries have the highest birth rates in Europe whereas the more patriarchal countries like Poland and Italy have the lowest birth rates. And no it’s not immigrants who are causing this since Iceland also has one of the highest birth rates in Europe and has almost no immigrants.
>Discipline is not an assault.
It literally is though... Men should protect their wife from getting beaten or something worse not be the ones who cause harm to their wife.