Chins screwed us big time

I give this one last try.
It's a long read, so if you're interested take a look at the page count and bump it if you think it's worth it.

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Read it earlier kraut. Bump for good possible insight.


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Bumping for happenings

You are missing important geopolitical context. Read Zeihan.
just desserts soon

Deserves a bump

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You're missing the Jews planning and starting it, and the replacement migration from South America into the US and Africa to China. The world becomes a brown beige sludge, and Israel becomes one of the only functioning ethnostates.

Think you're on the right track but don't forget there's a power struggle going on right now in China. Xi disappeared Ren Zhiqiang last week for writing a critical piece about his handling of the coronavirus crisis. Zhiqiang is the son of an high ranking CCP member and a childhood friend of Wang Qishan who has been waiting in the wings. Qishan is now vice-president, and also part of the globohomo cabal, but he's famous for his time as mayor of Beijng during SARS known as the Firefighter. When Xi dies or loses trust of key figures Qishan is bound to take over as the one pulling China out of its crisis.
Got a lot more info because Qishan was involved with Sinovac as well. Also fuck jannies

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good insight but i still think Chinks are collapsing

Me Chinese
Me so rich
Me make you my bitch

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why would they keep it down first but report it in such an overblown fashion later? to make the shock bigger?

its the opposite you fucking retard.

China was unphased by the trade war and trump released a bioweapon on chinese soil at the war games thing as petty revenge. This is the same retard that drone striked soleimani and just labeled maduro as a "narco-terrorist". Hes not above stupid shit like using bioweapons like engineered coronavirus to destroy the chinese economy. Only problem is china actually has foresight and the ability to stop a pandemic with extreme authoritarian measures and then intentionally let it leak back into america and europe to get back at america for using a bioweapon on them.

America released coronavirus and is now going to die on that sword because america is ran by imbeciles

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holy shit, jus halfway through and it's fucked

that's interesting. Maybe that's why he's pushing for a war scenario.

If pic related is real, it would only lead to China being further fucked as the rest of the world gives them a nice fat fuck you and moves everything home, invests in automation and tells China to get the fuck back to the rice fields.
So yeah, screwed us how? Gave us a much needed wake up call on never to trust them again? We fucking needed that.

yes, for us.

not if globohomo stays in power

Globohomo is fucking buckling. If anything, this shit has shown us that globohomo stands for free trade and open borders in good times, protectionism and tribalism in times of crisis. Look at the inner market. Blocking vital supplies, Poland confiscating our hand sanitizer produced by Norwegian owned factories, claiming some fucking bullshit while we're giving them hundreds of millions every fucking month.

Nah man, globohomo won't fucking survive this unscathed and thank fuck for that.

>being this retarded
No hope for you ching chong

do you know more? who are the other claimants to the imperial throne?

>t. Chang

This is what I've been thinking too, and many others on here.
Normies however? Need gassing as always

Government POV:
Virus is bad
Control of populace is good
Reducing proportion of white population is good


Harsh lockdown to increase suicides, which whites are most susceptible to.
Implement emergency measures to arrest problematic whites, have them contract covid in jail, die.
Promote globohomo by crediting “cure” to poc/oppressed group.
Blame white nationalists for spreading disease intentionally.

Weakened America
Strengthened communist countries
Fewer white people
More white guilt

that's some shit
Just don't know what it will mean for us

Fuck off gook, you'll all die before we do.

This is how revolutions start, with "some shit".




Skimmed through it and this is the most retarded shit ever. Literally take your meds schizo.

sure, except the virus doesn't choose its victims and doesn't slow down for anything, much less their faggy plans

Your respect for trump and your insistence that this is because of "leftists" is pretty retarded. The right wing are just as guilty.

hahahahaha China lost financial war with america?! hahahahahaha
all mutts buy or consume is basically chinese hahahahahha what a fucking retard u are vpn mutt

Hi Ling.

hi tyrone

Normies are waking up to the fact that China is coming out of this buying everything

they're getting hysterical, have you noticed?
shit must be getting real bad in chyna
so bad even the shills are scared

i guess this is true, with some exceptions like rand paul

I'm an Anglo, darling, so I did my homework like a good white person should, and that included dutifully watching all the disaster videos filmed in China and posted by the good strong-stomached lads here. As such, I came to the natural conclusion that Chinese are as at least as incompetent and stupid as your average African and that your handful of glittering cities are nothing but glue, crumbly mortar and cardboard. I'll preverve my sensible chuckle until your inevitable collapse occurs, at which point I'll break out the bottle of eighteen-year-old single malt Scotch I've been saving for just such an occasion.

RUSSIA. search for "lab explosion russia" and who bought gold last 4 years.

Kraut, you may be right. I work in healthcare. Everyone is losing their shit but not much has come to fruition, as far as i can tell.

No one cares. It's an American made virus, not chinese.

Looks like a concerted effort going on in the party ranks to oust Xi, at least they called a meeting to discuss his performance during the crisis according to a document published by Hong Kong media tycoon Chin Peng.
>The meeting discussed whether Xi Jinping's merit evaluation since he took office is suitable for continuing to serve as the chairman of the country, general secretary of the Communist Party, and chairman of the military commission. Given that Xi Jinping himself was the party involved in the meeting, he should not hold any position in the meeting

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>imagine being so delusional that anything that defies your poorly developed understanding of the world is a shill.

phew, lad...

Its the uniparty on the hill vs everyone else. These people are statists, progressives, and liberal. All the same thing. On the hill, R or D does not matter, to a point.

>globohomo stands for free trade and open borders in good times
No, people behind globohomo want power, nothing more nothing less. You think the wealthy are ones getting fucked by this? No its you, the ordinary citizen.

Any European flag defending the United mutts of America is a VPNnigger or a CIAglowie.

t. Hispanic

I had to literally look up what country your flag represents. You are THAT irrelevant to the world.

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based and checked

this is good news if it stays that way.

yeah, because im insignificant and not because u are an uneducated piece of shit hahaha
cry a river, tyrone

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well, I work in intensive care and I'd surely see it. A bunch of people coming into the ER wanting to be tested. But it still takes 4-10 days to get results. Management stated that we can expect up to 200 patients over the next two weeks, possibly requiring a ventilator. We shall see.

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You put peepee in my coke?

What are you suggesting? It's all hearsay. It's a bunch of fearmongering. So what?

Fuck your thread if you can't explain what you think is important and why, faggot OP.

What ever you say literal, who country.

let me guess, u also dont speak other language because u only need english right? hahahaha

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how heavily infected is your area? how many cases would you expect for your area compared to the actual numbers?

Actually I wish I spoke another language. But I dont. You had to learn another language, to stay relevant.

i mean compared to how many should be in right now.

How much maths do you know? Know any programming languages?

China spent an entire month trying to hide the epidemic instead of banning flights. China arrested whistleblowers and banned articles and internet searches for "Wuhan virus". Through the WHO (which is also controlled by China since Margaret Chan's tenure), they branded any attempt at flight restrictions as "racist".

They KNOWINGLY allowed the disease to spread worldwide.

FUCK the blood-drenched communist regime of Beijing. All communists must die. Impaled on lampposts and spit upon as the Italians did with Mussolini.

The world will not know peace until every last commie piece of shit is dead.

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The End is even closer than it was before.
They need a one world government/bureaucracy for he Antichrist.

ABC's of Salvation:
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus. (Matthew 4:17; Romans 2:4, 3:10, 6:23; Acts 3:19)
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, and that He will come again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work on the cross. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9)
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, 10:13, 14:10-11; Philippians 2:10)

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From what I heard yesterday 3 patients tested positive, in the ICU. Patients are actually on the younger side too.

we have like 36 icu beds (CVICU, SICU, MICIU, Neuro ICU). I'd say normally we will have 10-20 people on a vent.

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