Female Autists

Are there more female autists compared to male? Especially with how they “mask” things bu copying or conforming to social norms? Has this led to the explosion of feminism?


>pic related, a sperg

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There are dramatically fewer because autism is essentially extreme masculinity of cognition

99% of female autists are fake attention seeking whores and you're a fag for providing them with attention.

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It's hard to tell with women, so many are already socially retarded that it masks the autism nicely.

She has beautiful eyes

>There are dramatically fewer

There is tons of them, just show how low are the standards for women and they need to be shitting themselves to be considered crazy


No fewer. All genetic disorders are far less common in women because of how chromosomes work. XX have copies of the same genes so if one mutates the other can take over. With XY they do not match so if one gene is fucky, the whole thing is fucked. Just being pregnant with a boy causes a 12%-24% higher chance of miscarriage because they're more likely to have fatal birth defects.

Well I mean autism studies have been mostly aimed at the male brain. Female autism studies are few and far between.

>t. Neuroscientist

why is everyone on this site obsessed with autism? have you looked at most of the boards on this website? almost everyone here has autism.

Half the population of Finland is female autists.
>Be Finn
>Become world class figure skater
>Develop anxiety because people watch you World Class Figure Skate

You can't make this up.

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women are strange i have currently been studying the behavior of one for about 17 years, she is very intelligent but lacks what i would call common sense. Typically they are motivated by emotion rather than reason. also when frustrated they tend to cry. always wants me to fix the problem takes very little responsibility. prefers not to be the one making a decision. there seems behavior seems to lack any reason most of the time.

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>women are strange i have currently been studying the behavior of one for about 17 years

ah yes she is the autist

Yeah depending on your mother for tendies until she dies when youre 50 is masculine.

>Female autism studies are few and far between.

Because of my point.

she didnt only retire but also moved to USA so that she wouldn't have to deal with all the Finns already knowing who she is

dude how do you guys afford the internet?

Based. Fuck normalfags.

That's not autism that's just being a Finn.
Other western countries have the opposite problem

>develop anxiety because you have no talent whatsoever but feel that you deserve to be famous

Yeah, I followed her here. I can see Arthur on the couch reading his touch pad.


>female autists

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It is if the alternative is aiding ZOG.

>Are there more female autists compared to male?
no there's about 4 times as many male

I also have that high hairline, is there a correlation between that and autism/assburger?

I've recently learned my wife is autistic. It explains so much. The masking that women can do is insanely effective, part of their evolutionary difference from men. She has odd drop outs in the false front personas as she switches between social and private behavior but I had no idea what I was looking at for years. Now I know it was all masking, she papered over a lot of the cracks in her personality with anger and projection. I was clueless which is ultimately my fault. There is a thing where because autists are so limited, the more socially adept partner has to lower their standards and capacities to the lower level of their autistic partner. It's like dealing with a child at times really.

It's not great, she is not capable of understanding any social dynamics in a native way, I explain things to her and she has gotten a lot better at understanding but it's a lot of work when really everyone should be expected to know this stuff. She was neglected as well which makes it all far worse.. She drifts off into her internal la la land at the drop of a hat. I love her and still find her really attractive but I would never recommend anyone marry someone with autism, in fact run the other way.

My daughter has autism.

fuck your "social adepteness" and your "social dynamics in a native way" normalfag. Bet the only thing that limits her is being stuck with you.

Maybe his daughter or sister

is she single by chance?

wow nice video
show and tell

I don't know, I hate other women. Not talking to them if possible.

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You never know, I've known several thicc girls on the spectrum, being on it myself. They were cute so yeah, had a good time

Yes, she was diagnosed back when she was 4, school being closed and not being allowed outside is driving her insane.

Since she likes to visit her grandma all the time.

My wife is on the spectrum. There are many costs and benefits. For example, her mind is not corrupted by commercialism or thot-ism and engages in many hobbies and DIY activities to satisfy her mind. Con, she sucks at otherwise normal tasks and has difficulty prioritizing.

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built for bbc


Itd explain why some basic bitches absolutely lose their minds if you dont show appreciation for [current hot trend]

now that is a hell of a brapper

Here irises are sublime

Yes, they are the only types I’ve banged.

Based and brappilled

The percent of women who are INTP/J is like what? 1.5-3%? As an INTP female I seem to always attract/find other INTP females and males, but probably has something to do with my innate ability to identify other INTPs due to my chill autism powers and place them in my favorite people schema and just throw everyone else in the trash

I can confirm the crying thing. I feel like this isn't talked about much. They all break down and cry when things get even a little hard or confusing.

Are we supposed to know who this is? Your video doesn't work.

Lmao cry more sperg. It's a normie world, and you must conform.

All females are autistic.

"I'm not like the other girls"

>daddy issues detected

>autist detected

Again, a black cock joke, you gawdamn fag.

Spice addicted mentat detected

This just sounds like laura towler

No you idiot, I am autistic. And this is the topic.

>female autist
>men: "Damn, she cute!"

>male autist:
>women: "Eww, what a weirdo."

Being in the first five years of your career does not make you a neuroscientist. I bet you called yourself a doctor during your internships, as well.


Are you single, or show tits. The pollack mating call

Male autists are called creeps and betas by normies, female autists are called autists.


Males are easy, be nice, fuck him and cook him some food.

Woman on the other hand want the mark of the beast

Or what? ill smash your skull on the ground.

As long as you don't burn coal we'll be fine

LOL no. Same to you.

The only people that copy are semi-conscious normie, why else would they act so retarded when knowing this things?
At this point i am not even sure who to fuck really. Normies or assburgers.

make sure to get a recording of that so I can have something to delight myself with later on.

>enjoys socializing
>voluntarily socializes
>socializes with enough individuals that she has to categorize them
>clearly cares about social validation
You arent an INTP, retard. The reason you and so many other losers fall into that category is because you have absolutely no personality. If you had anything in your life at all that made you stand out you would have placed into a more social-friendly category.

Why would any faggots on here talk about women? Women are hated. What's the point of talking about them?

Women can have autism. Tons of women that are socially incompetent. It’s just it never gets seen because we live in a matriarchy and all women are put on a pedestal no matter how terrible they are. Compared to a man. A man even just slightly not socially competent and has trouble talking about normie stuff is auto assumed autistic. Women get a pass because they are women and not held to the same standards

No, is far more common in males, especially if the mother has rh- blood type

This is exactly what I like to do. Being with my man cooking, having a good time.
Other women do not.
I do not understand them and do not like them because they try to change me.
They can whore themselves out 24/7, I do not care and do not join.
Men are easy and fun to be with.
We go innerwoods daily, normal woman hate this.
I am happy like it is.

Women don't need an interesting personality. They don't even need to be polite. It doesn't matter how they behave, they'll always have beta slaves at their service.

A female autist would recognize the decline of the white race and have a lot of children.

I know exact one female Asperger, and she get her fifth child.

guess gayness needs to start somewhere

And I dont talk about Marie Cachet.

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What pollack doesn't want an autistic qt3.14? As long as she is white and doesn't burn coal.

Sounds great, do you have a sister?

Nono square having fag Finns.

Finland sounds like my autistic option b, if I can't start a family here in dixie

Tits or gtfo

You may want to ask yourself the same question first

Females by nature are soiboys with boobs and a pussy. It's not autism.