UK POLICE Swamped with Calls Snitching on Walkers

>A police force has had a surge in calls from people reporting their neighbours for "going out for a second run".

Spent most of the day looking out the window with a notepad reporting any one who I spot going for second walks. Anyone else doing this?

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Build for bbc

Every one of those callers is a 60-90 year old women whose kids never visit

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Imagine living in such a police state that you'll get arrested for going out for a walk. Even under lockdown orders in the USA, we're still allowed to leave our homes.

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Oi m8 got a license for that jogging?

Can you really shit talk overs lockdown measures when the USA now has the most corona cases despite having it around for the least amount of time

I'd rather die free than live as a prisoner

of course they need to go out for a "second run" the bunch of fatasses

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Yes we can because we don't give a fuck about people dying

idk man, we're also allowed to go out, but only with the people that are with us in the house

Most people just tell the british police to fuck off because they won't do shit unless you are making a racist remark on Facebook then fook me m8

Kek. This crooked toothed nigger actually believes Chinas numbers. Get fucked chicken-tikka-masala nigger.

I remember a time when no matter who you were, no matter what you saw, no matter what happened; talking to the cops was seen as snitching.
It earned you a cold shoulder and stink eyes from the community abroad. You could not be trusted.
Who the fuck are you to tell the teacher on people walking around. Leave people the fuck alone. Let the police do their job, they don’t need your help and they likely don’t want your help.

/hits with truncheon

kek, meanwhile in CIN and DAL, you can do almost anything and not get charged.

US-UK relations summarized

If you believe the ccp numbers, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

All out of the swamp land in Florida?

Thats the same rule we have, but you can't expect burgers to know things

You are like class sneaks. No one likes a grasser. If you lived near me I'd put dog shit through your letter box, grassers.

Snitches get stitches.

people should look at the derbyshite police twitter account.

This is happening in New Zealand too. It's actually scary how quickly the people change their behavior in response to the government. Can't even go fishing alone, because that's seen as fun, and fun is banned.

We're gonna get bowled over when the NWO takes over, people will roll over for them and smuggle out the 1% of non-conformists.

I hope you're reporting "asian" people only.

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>Yas Forums is against this
wtf I thought you fags were all for authoritarian hell holes like nazi germany

Hey, Disney World was built on that swamp land. Walt and Roy were geniuses.

What is going on? Nobody here actually has Corona. None of my friends. Nobody in my town.

Are people inflating the numbers?

When I see a thot out running I pull down her yoga trousers and give her a proper spanking on the spot.

Coronavirus: Temporary mortuary for up to 12,000 bodies being built at Birmingham Airport
The site will initially be able to accommodate 1,500 deaths before expanding to hold up to 12,000 bodies in a worst-case scenario.
let the bodies hit the floor!

Boomers, especially boomers women, need to die

I read in France...if you want to take a have to download a form from the internet, fill it out and carry it with you... that’s pretty fucked up.

Dumb nigger this has been everywhere for months just because now it’s being tested for doesn’t mean it magically appeared fuck you people are stupid

Watch as they always have plenty of jack boots to kick in the heads of white gentiles but they keep telling everyone that they will get sick and die if they go outside. There is something very fishy going on here.

>There is something very fishy going on here.
be more honest wiht yourself and tell it exactly how it is.
no more theorising, rumours and hunches

Nope, it's legit every age now and commonly people in their 50's

Yeah I remember when I was fourteen too

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Why? Its not like the coppers are going to enforce anything on non-Whites.

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I saw some bloke playing football with his 2 kids in the carpark. Sorry but 3 people is a gathering. I reported that shit and they got a good bollocking.

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my neighbours are outside right now (just talking not exercising) should i call 999?

this is why we need to become 51st state but with even more Extreme Free Speech™ rules

annex us President Trump and make the closet socialist scum seethe

You and your friends probably had it and barely noticed, it's like a weak flu but it does spread a lot more.

Good. Do that over and over until Tommy shows up and kicks your ass.

Whatever happened to "snitches get stitches"? If a people don't even have loyalty to each other how can they possibly survive? This is depressing. Why even hide at this point? The lizards could rape and eat kids in the street at this point and as long as its "legal" I doubt anyone would revolt.

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Im almost positive that i had it back in early February. I couldn't taste or smell anything for a week but wasn't very sick. It was odd. I know what sickness feels like. Ive had influenza b and the mysterious Canadian Forces "shack hack" that lurks in old army barracks all over the country.

>I remember a time when no matter who you were, no matter what you saw, no matter what happened; talking to the cops was seen as snitching.
>It earned you a cold shoulder and stink eyes from the community abroad. You could not be trusted.
Isn't that basically the mindset of blacks, gypsies, sicilians, and other cultures where criminality is rife? Obviously reporting someone for going on two walks a day is ridiculous, but if you can't report any crime, you can't really have a law-abiding modern society.

I'll snitch your teen ass out without hesitation.

Still less deaths than most of Europe. How’s that socialized healthcare working for you?

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Yeah I saw some chinese guy licking all the shopping trolley handles but I ain't telling anyone because fuck da poleez

Fucking tout faggots

It’s generally considered a nigger mentality, yes.

No, we're against authoritarian hell-holes like communist Russia, communist China, and communist everywhere else.

Anybody trying to spam UK police faggot tip lines?

I think they call it "having a prance"

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>Who the fuck are you to tell the teacher on people walking around.
I'm the person that won't have access to the Emergency Room when it's filled up with a bunch of fat coofing 20 year olds you mog piece of shit.

Hopefully the virus will take care of it.


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You are retarded

There will be an antibody test out before the end of the year, you will be able to do it, and I'd say you had it.

Got bitched at by my neighbour for walking to the shop for milk, said if she saw me again she'd call the police. Told her to fuck off. Really it was just an excuse to get out of the house, it's so fucking boring just now.

Yup, its up there with anarchy and communism, in the category of "fucking stupid ideas thought up by sociopaths, and romanticized by teenage morins'

Read the Merchant of Venice you fucking slave. The law has to be reasonable - that is Christian jurisprudence. We reform laws and contest them. We aren't kikes demanding a Pound of Flesh because the letter of the law states so. This law is fucking bullshit and virologist Dr Stephan Lanka has shown virus theory is a total fraud created by the French to attack the British run spice trade, because we were making so much money, the French plotted to say our spice trade through the Med was really Brits bringing in viruses as bioweapons. If you are British and buying this fucking hoax, you are twice as fucking retarded.
I'm driving 200 miles tomorrow to my in-laws, fuck the law.

>B-but why did you have to call the cops when I coofed on that old lady?

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Reported an old bitch who kicked out a family accross the road - works for the council - so she could move in herself this coming week.

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Welcome. Welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by Our Benefactors. I have been proud to call City 17 my home.

Too bad there is nothing we can do to pump the call volume up regarding these criminal 2x walkers...

We need to step up and stop these crimes!

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* Louis Pasteur, French cunt and creator of the virus hoax.