>They treat him like shit
>Forgetting to feed another human being
>Not getting food and even balding because of it
Muhh where is the SJW's are complaining about human rights abuses ? Fuck they complain in Sweden when their prisons are literally hotels. Well he is not a muslim, we should get someone to cry publicly about human right abuses against Tarrent!
Feed him and give him sunlight!
Free tarrant
He’s short, ugly, and stupid.
This is the master race?
Youre just a sad shill
>chad warrior skull
inb4 tarrant is mossad and the video is cgi
Yes goy, nothing is real. No one is on your side. Everyone who fights for you is a secret Jew just like hitler.
Lel he knows how bad it's gonna get and smile later on.
Stop calling us the master race , I know we are better than you people but we don’t even call ourselves that
>He took the Yas Forumspill
LMAO what a retard.
Nah he took the realitypill
>hasnt complained about treatment
>oh no how dare they treat a man like shit who killed 52 people in a premeditated attack because of their faith
Also he was balding before all thiws
I literally cant believe that they are so many shills that says that its not real, so I guess yeah the video is LQ but fuck it how the fuck its not real?
I guess the media is lying but its only lies based on actual evens into their own bias...
I cant stand this retarded shills that claim the x Jew did what while being the Jew themselves
What’s really fucked is that they’re not even giving him his letters or emails. He needs all the moral support he can get but is totally isolated and having his food fucked with. I just want to give him a hug and cook something nice for him.
Imagine judging other men’s looks when women don’t even care about looks unless you literally look like a mutant.
Says the kike posting behind a VPN OK
They treat better Muslims why should they treat him differently ?
second it was 51 people who died
its hard to find sympathy to a trashy race who gonna replace you at this point I dont know if I would say it for the gooks invading our lands since atleast they can be hard working fellas and talented unlike some in our societies and some evil people who come to power to replace for the most random reason ever
Why call me shill? Work on your reading comprehension
The only thing this cunt deserves is a bullet.
What made you think I am a 'Kike' its not like you yourself not working for some shitty lefty center or the JIDF Circle jerking centeree
>100% white
But seriously mutts, take your meds so you don't fantasyse about playing soldier meanwhile not changing shit and wasting your life in jail being raped by nigs.
>The fifty and more lives Cuck Tarrant took already reincarnated
He didn't change shit.
How is the first reply a shill did you even fucking read what he said? He's mocking those who say he is mossad, not the other way around
Maybe he is, but dont you think that he has a point ?
He honestly seems like a nice guy by the way he speaks. I see him as a patriot
Teach me your ways OP, how did you vpn your way into the forbidden land?
>muh manlet
Post physique
>muh ugly subhuman
Beauty is subjective
>muh mossad
Sloppy job shill
>muh dick
Post benis
(Disclaimer: I do not support violence. Democracy is the way.)
I really wonder who is behind this posts who are calling everyone a shill AND IF YOU GONNA CALL ME A SHILL THEN FUCK OFF I CALLED OUT FOR YOUR FUCKING SHILLS SO YOU CANT FUCKING SAY IT
I bet you some fat faggot who is trying to make infighting here, check your local walfatmart faggot
he deserves worse than what he is getting. for what he has done to society here, they should have him on the edge of death for the rest of his life
His treatment is illegal.
Just like the EU euthanising over 65’s right now is illegal.
It’s nearly time to round up plutocrats pet piggies.
You’re honestly just a coward if you can’t believe that someone genuinely did what tarrant did.
Our ancestors fough endless wars against their ethnic enemies yet here you are literally denying that a person would actually be determined enough to do so in the current age.
Im to advocating for violence and I’m not calling you a shill either. You’re just a damn coward who’d rather denounce one of their own than accept that someone isn’t just posting memes on the internet.
Grow a spine you absolute faggot
To be fair even having a North Korean VPN is impressive considering it would require to be buddies with one of the higher-ups for a server located there.
I see only the unbreakable will in his eyes
heil our Saint
Since when has murdering unarmed people been seen as brave? lol
This. Shills need a claw hammer to the skull
Violence bad no kill Muslims, evil! What you say master shlomo? Tarrant evil? Must kill tarrant!
Why is his head a completely different shape?
And who loses muscle mass that fast? I haven't worked out in 10 years and still have muscle
Guess how I know you're gay.
That faggot deserves to die in prison.
Ouch, that is a sharp barb into the cowards heart. I want to see him play it off, lurking for response.
Great post.
Say that to his face nigger Maori tranny
We’ll send you in for a conjewgal visit so you can suck off your hero.
He gave terrorist invaders a taste of their own medicine and Muslim terrorist attacks have been down since they're afraid of people hitting them back now. Dude is a hero
True bravery is hoping you only get ethnically replaced by legal immigrants instead of illegal
Alright you know if they were were treating everyone equally I wouldnt have opening this thread but you got to understand that.
But making some stupid rules in the UN or whatever and then treating only the muslims like kings is just unfair that someone they theirs they treat him like shit what makes you hate him so badly.
If you were so strict about it for everyone and btw people who raped in NZ not being fucked into the dungeon.
I honestly just cant believe that someone who feel bad for a girl who got raped by a rapefugee being hated more then the rapist or their moms being killed.
>Hating a hero who hate evil in the world who took the law to his own hands to prove a point
how do you know hes has not complained? you trust the govt to give him a public platform? you expect them to allow a video out if he blurt it out in court? they didn't even allow a raw video that I know of yet, I think the media has some of the raw because they narrate over clips if him talking,
Skin him alive I'll do it for free
To be fair you dont deserve anything after killing 50 people even if they were dirty muslims. He should have went for the nuke after 25 kills
Do you allow your Generals to play Starcraft over Battlenet, but only as the Zerg?
he probably has to say that after viewing this thread considering his flag
Didn't he kill 50 people because memers?
>edge of death
Once again I want to clearly point it here that FUCK YOU, and second read his manifesto because he is a good person
Muslim detected, back to North Africa and the middle east. Just to point a point here Rhodesia is good as Israel and its first days (I heard its now a mess runned by Muslims who claim to be Jews)
Fuck your Palestine its never being a country, stupid arab.
Bro sorry for the unrelated question, but what do the North Koreans thing of Adolf Hitler? Juche is pretty similar to NS and I've wanted an "informed" take for a while now.
I know Muslims are barbaric but skinning people alive is South America tier. Stick to stoning people, Samir.
Make him give me 8ch back first
>Killing a bunch of unarmed civilians in a church instead of going for high priority targets with security that's actually arm and can put up a fight
wow so brave, a true chad.
I wonder if those children and elderly people who were cowering in corners as he gunned them down had anything to eat today lol
They dont want to give him attention, funny how they dont want to give him attention because he is a Christian terrorist, only makes me wonder what would have happen if he was muslim.
focal length and angel of view, and hes being starved and held in solitary, with all the stress and lack of nourishment its taken a toll on his body, it was just a funny angle that made him look odd, maybe intentional.
I Imagine the NK leadership is pretty woke on the jq considering they get attacked by the kike media daily.
>you will never have a bro like Brenton to go shootan with
It's about sending a message. And he effectively sent one loud and clear
Makes sense
tarrant will forever hold a special place in my heart
Lmao doesn't look so smug now
Imagine throwing your life away to impress incels on an anime forum
yeah he sent a message, he sent a message that he's a bitch that goes for easy targets and folds on his beliefs after a year in prison lmao
About as much as all the countless victims of Muslim terror and crime had.
The people that did this have names and addresses
Yup, I've been reading up on Kim Il Sung and he isn't the devil they told me. But I guess an insider's take is more valuable than any book, at least in this regard kek
Lol. Butthurt for shit skins? Wtf?
Alright moshe, booting your windows 98. Beeping like a motherfucker and now load your shitty BBC folder out of your old ass hard drive from 20+ years ago
I dont know feels like a shill because he posted a pepe holding pee, really makes me who is behind this posts. Clearly its the ADL or some other shitty niggerlover things maybe the LeafyFBI's
Sounds like your average Paco, Paco.
>Sending a message by shooting at kids
I think you can tor then use chamelion? Never tried it though.
A non-existent psy-op character isn't being treated like anything. The shooting was literally fake.
For shitskin Isis fucks? Lol