Give it to me straight, is it a nuffinburger that has a 0.1% death rate and only kills old people... or is it the real deal with potentially millions of dead?
Truly redpill me on corona
Other urls found in this thread:
Balance well doggo
The virus was obviously manufactured. Shit falls in line with all the predictive programming they have been doing for years and the Georgia Guidestones.
So millions of dead?
probably beat the shit out of that dog until they trained it to balance for donations
By itself the virus isn't an existential threat, the threat comes from how the powers that be are using it as a power-grab.
Most likely it was manufactured to achieve political goals of increased control.
Balance well doggo
Too late...the chinks ate him.
>Sage grows in all fields
It's the former but most of pol wishes it was the latter
Balance well doggo
Possibly. But as the other user said, this is being used as a distraction and a power grab. They will use this to further their goals of a One World Order.
>potentially millions of dead
Balance well doggo
balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
its not a big deal really
You're fine as long as you're not Italy, Spain or America.
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Its not a nothing burger and quit killing your professors
>Truly redpill me on corona
been trying, no one is engaging
From the thumbnail I thought that was coke foam erupting from a shaken bottle
16% will end in the ICU.
Only 2% recover from the ICU.
Recovery from ICU numbers and actual mortality don't match official numbers because this is worse than previous thought.
Oh, I'm the lab guy.
It’s a nothingburger staged by millions of chinks
I don't think it's an intentional virus. It might be created sure.
They'll definitely take more freedom because of the outbreak and I do think you can safely do the death count times five.
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
"Balance well doggo"
Balance well doggerino pupperino
I personally am very grateful for based coronachan and as long as I don't succumb to the plague I think it's a good thing. If I'm immune as I suspect I may be, I'm very satisfied. 8/10
>dog not being boiled alive
>dog not in extreme agony
>dog not going to be eaten
I'm Chinese and don't understand this photo, OP
good boi
Balance well doggo
Suck my dick
Balance well doggo
Kill yourself you sliding faggot fuck.
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Military and National Guard are already stocked up on Chloroquine.
>Chloroquine shows 100% sucess rate in curing Coronavirus. Trump knew the DS was going to release Coronavirus. [CQ] = Chloroquine
>Trump's 'right to try laws' going in to effect, red tape has been cut, allowing use to treat Coronavirus with Chloquin even though that is not what it is made for.
>Testing kits cause false positives which would lead to panic and overcrowded hospitals.
>Hillary Clinton is trying to push Trump into releasing testing kits.
>Chloroquine, effective treatment of Coronavirus
>Chloroquine Available Immediately
>3 Chloroquine Studies Prove Effective
Trump noticed when the media started trying to get people to panic that it would do no good to call it a hoax. So he instead decided to take it very serious and allow them to cause panic... Now he can calmly solve all the problems and look like a hero while the media and fear mongers get exposed.
the death rate matters very little. what matter is how badly shit will break down when treatment facilities are overwhelmed. and thats already happening in much of the world. China is a black box where no one knows what really went down but it looks like they are burning millions of bodies. you should be concerned and prepared for the worst.
Selection bias: How does it work?
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
>Trump’s Embrace of Unproven Drugs to Treat Coronavirus Defies Science
>With Minimal Evidence, Trump Asks F.D.A. to Study Malaria Drugs for Coronavirus
Balance well doggo
its fake
Fuck your cancerous shit tier "reply to this post" meme, I'll do you one better since you're a fucking redshit piece of garbage normie
If you don't reply to this post with "OP is a normie faggot" your mother will die of the virus tonight
Balance well doggo!
>>Chloroquine shows 100% sucess rate in curing Coronavirus. Trump knew the DS was going to release Coronavirus. [CQ] = Chloroquine
Shut up, faggot. That shit doesn't work
>>Results: One patient in HCQ group developed to severe during the treatment. On day 7, COVID-19 nucleic acid of throat swabs was negative in 13 (86.7%) cases in the HCQ group and 14 (93.3%) cases in the control group (P>0.05). The median duration from hospitalization to virus nucleic acid negative conservation was 4 (1-9) days in HCQ group, which is comparable to that in the control group[2 (1-4) days, (U=83.5, P>0.05)]. The median time for body temperature normalization in HCQ group was 1 (0-2) after hospitalization, which was also comparable to that in the control group 1 (0-3). Radiological progression was shown on CT images in 5 cases (33.3%) of the HCQ group and 7 cases (46.7%) of the control group, and all patients showed improvement in follow-up examination. Four cases (26.7%) of the HCQ group and 3 cases (20%) of the control group had transient diarrhea and abnormal liver function (P>0.05).
well post more of this thing
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Many many people is suffucating at home, in italy
Its a real virus that is being used by the elites to accomplish their aims.
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
>or is it the real deal with potentially millions of dead?
Digital ID
it's gonna be like 911 2
> who fucking taught him eh?
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
oh and there is no redpill on Corona, it's just a potent strain of the flu, quite literally since "corona-viruses" have been well known and identified already. 80% of people will have none to negligible symptoms. As for the politics surrounding the virus, that's where the real juicy stuff is going to happen if you ask me.
Balace well doggo
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
It's more like it was precisely manufactured to overwhelm the healthcare system rather than just kill
>long incubation time, can infect with no symptoms
>spreads easily like a flu (but incubation time is multiple times longer than with flu, so more exposure for the healthy)
>sick people often require hospitalization in the ICU
>low death rate forces the hospital to care for the person for weeks
>high infection rate for the medical personnel
it's like a doomsday scenario for the hospital, given enough time the system can literally collapse as hospitals won't be able to take help anyone but the limited amount of the infected
Balance well doggo
balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
name one thing not invented by gopniks
I hate dogs
Balance well, Doggo
It was planned in advance and is nothing more than misdirection so people ignore the communist world takeover and Beast system being put in place.
>Event 201 Pandemic Exercise, October 18, 2019 Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
>get the vaccine and quantum tattoo (mark of the beast) goy.
>It's more like it was precisely manufactured to overwhelm the healthcare system rather than just kill
Kind of like how the 5.56 round was chosen by the US military because incapacitating an enemy combatant is actually more valuable than outright killing him: an injured combatant takes three enemies out of the fight, whereas a dead one only takes 1 out.
lol, nice a Chinese study. When the SK, Japan, French and US studies are all showing it works. Hmmm, its not like China wants the rest of the world to suffer as much as they did right? Its not like they intentionally lied and spread the disease worldwide or anything.
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
Without the lock downs, yes, potentially.
>mortality don't match official numbers because this is worse than previous thought.
Balance well doggo
Also millions will die, but a vaccine will be made sooner than 18 months.
the doggo from next door has visited and customarily pissed on the post. good day.
Balance well doggo
work ethic