@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump on Hannity 3/26/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/26/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>SoS Pompeo on HughHewittShow 3/26/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 3/26/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FoxNews 3/26/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on (((FakeNews))) 3/26/20
>NECDir Kudlow on EWTN 3/26/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on FoxNews 3/26/20
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 3/26/20
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on Tucker 3/26/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci Corona-chan Q&A w/Stephen Curry 3/26/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on HowieCarrLive 3/26/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on F&F 3/26/20
>Lara Trump/Trump2020PressSec McEnany @Women for Trump Rally 3/26/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on Spicer&Co 3/26/20
>FEDChair Powell on TODAY 3/26/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Welcome all newcomers.

/ptg/ here. I've been saying the entire time this is a major happening. Just watch, in no more than two weeks we will start seeing bodies stacking in the streets. The American death count will be in the tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions. Screenshot this, and don't say I didn't tell you so!

Sincerely, /ptg


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>hundreds of millions
it's gonna have to hurry: i hear 10 million people die to gun violence in the US every day

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>pickling your food like a poornigger

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big if true

Tfw the Chink sinks you

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I always knew I could count on you son! You'll see. Just two more weeks and you'll all see!

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How much Awoo does $1,200 buy?

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Bee nice

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This will last for months at least

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m8 don't you go talking shit about pickled eggs.

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Jesus Christ the focus on testing has to be the most midwit obsession ever. Stay the fuck home if you're sick, NYC is so bad because retards were traveling all over the city looking for tests.

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it will be live

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They don't even have a single proof.

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>tfw got bored over 12 days of my normal delivery food so decided to start ordering from restaurants/types I don't normally order from...
>just are an amazing garlic naan/ctm combo.
Wtf, I love corona now???


Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-28 00-39-53.png (540x586, 293.9K)

Pickles are great and MAGA

Based and white pickleanons

Attached: skirtbutt.png (593x562, 330.53K)

should have
>money i earned last month
on the frisbee
>money i didn't work for
on the government dick

We just need more tests

that's a weird corndog

Attached: TenshiEatingACorndog.png (500x500, 405.81K)

Unemployment is expected to raise by 6 million by next week's assignment.
Bringing it to 9 million unemployed.

LOL it's the "guesstimate" bitch, she's still shilling her ass off

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just eat a cucumber bro

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Based. I just tried some kabob today and it was delicious.

>not cooking for yourself and relying on others to keep fed
good goy

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Looks like a dying witch


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>two more weeks say the incredibly nervous man for the 12th time this year

I wish it were more socially acceptable to eat out at "real" restaurants by yourself. I always feel awkward getting a table for myself even if it's for lunch. I've been enjoying ordering out lately.

lol they dont know what they're in for, if they go ahead with this angle
Trump doesnt fuck around, solemaini and ISIS are examples.

I can see this being true. A comparison of people who have "died" versus people who have "died from corona" during the last month or so would be interesting.


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>that's a weird corndog
It's not route 66 that's why.


The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

>Not using delivery as long as possible until you need to rely on your own supply.
Kys kike.

Fermented foods are good for people, it's a mark of civilization and Europe did it a lot

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>newest painting

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>america isn't a shithole countr-


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do you have your own supply?

4th reich Mike at it again.

>me, a neet

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>Fermented foods are good for people
well, only one particular kind i'd agree on

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how is this real? Making jokes of their own people dying?

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Hildawgs rise up

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And yet we have far fewer deaths than China. Why?

Daily reminder that South Africa is the only nation to give up nuclear weapons voluntarily.
Fuck your country.

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The tests from China have an 80% failure rate.
COVID-19 80.33% False Positive Test outcomes
>March 5, 2020

Feb 13, CDC Coronavirustest kits produce 50-70% false positives

Spain had issues as well, and Italy

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redpilling a lot of normies on plebbit right now unironically.
thank her faggots.
while Trump is working day and night, she posts this.
ahahahaha while biden has brain leaking out of his ears.

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>how do you do fellow /ptg/ anons

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Yea, the leftist city's numbers aren't matching up with the real numbers. Spain having a "10.5% death rate" should set off a lot of red flags.

Your trips speak volumes

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These flags were hanging at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Building.

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>Wisconsin is part of america

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Eat the egg, picklecel

Is this the same Chinese minister who met with Kissinger last year? How the world is small. There's always a jew everywhere you look at.

Probably because they were the last to learn about the seriousness of the virus. Have you ever seen how niggers behave in the really bad ghettos? It’s not pretty. They are probably the lowest information population in the US.

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wake up, Maggie

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What is she going to do with that pistol?

you have to be able to find the egg before you can eat it

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Now do per capita

>"we" as in Yas Forums


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Wasn't the guy born in 1983? What do you mean 1617?

Dude I have a series of screen shots saying that this whole event is a referendum on minorities.
Like we are a couple weeks away from the media saying social distancing is racist.

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It's in the beet jar, dummy

There is zero chance they would send valuable supplies to another country in the time of a crisis.

It's because they treat the virus like any STD they don't care.

Top tier greta, m8

Wise words


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Field strip it

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>people might think the way im mischaracterizing the ad is true

fucking shameless bitch

>tfw the tests they sent were liced with the Chink Flu

um bros... I think Trump is fucked big time

the only proper place to store an egg is in a carton in your fridge
don't @ me

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They charged for the dud tests too.

>tfw ratings explode so much they don't even give a fuck about muh property anymore coz advertisers are fighting each other to throw money at them either way

Awoo everybody

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Anyone else think the crappy tests might be why Italy and Spain death numbers are so high? Did they both buy those Chinese tests?

>france surpasses italy in critical cases
soon, vengeance against the followers of the heretic joan d'arc. france was always english clay

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someone show that guy the black crime statistics

Only democrats like the news

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>he thinks you refrigerate fresh eggs

Keep your hands off my AR, you friggin mick

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Do you really want to find out?

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US death rate pretty stable (for now) at 1.55%

There will be less than 10,000 US deaths. Cap that.

Henry IV 2 when?

Or what if those tests have the virus?

>that vegan guy
>I’m a registered rep
Lol fucking Christ at least try to larp better

I don't think they understand the 'discovery' phase.

Reminder, he has a town hall tonight on CNN. Likely a spectacular disaster.

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She clearly said まずは サプレッサーを タトす

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beer is a fermented food dummy

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lmfao at the nigger talk

>when he be not transcending the proper levels then that be a pertinent predicament

She really doesn't care about Americans does she

My little fascist gf can't be this cute!

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And that's why people think chinkenflu is real, fake tests. No one has died from it, because it isn't real and I'll say that again, Corona Virus isn't real.


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Let's all take a moment to thank the glowies who have to read every post 24/7. Their work is hard and they deserve recognition

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That AnCap tranny faggot reported the fake Abby videos before I could download them ffffuuuuccckkkk

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>Calling others dummy
Wow did obonga's common core hit you m8

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You would need a sub 55 IQ (which some niggers have) to believe that. Even the far left checkmarks on twitter know this thing came from China and is ducking up every nation in the world.

>promise 40,000 ventilators
>what do you mean 30,000 ventilators?
>i can only spare 20,000 ventilators
>fine, I can get you 6,000 ventilators, but you'll have to pay double

This is what I like from the nothing burger fags, predictions.

Attached: file.png (1023x142, 20.52K)

Gasparro's just that good. He actually did release that painting recently. He's in his 30s right now.
The pic in your tweet screengrab wasn't by Gasparro.
Gasparro did paint .

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Expensive dud kits

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this blue checkmark is alright

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Why aren't they doing this in New York City?


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lel i thought that was heavily implied in your answer
the dumgay truly must be contagious

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Hi Greg. Your show is shit

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Could be. But we know that leftists have no qualms with hiding supplies in the jungle or flat out making up fake numbers.

>that tweet
gee how could she have possibly lost lol

he's just very dumb, probably is eating bad eggs

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her tits are already needing a belt. she'll be a 300 pound goblin with a mustache in 10 years.

Trumpbux passed?

Does anyone have a Louisiana Awoo?

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China literally can not be trust at all. There is nothing you can trust them with, and you can’t even trade with them. Even a simple negotiation turns into a nightmare. I see no need to ever trade with China again unless we are selling.

They're just dumb people.

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>that vegan guy
>"maybe I'll run against him"
You can't make this shit up

See The media shills are kvetching at the Gasparro rendition of the murder. That particular shill went full retard and posted the Alberti rendition.

>something made in China doesn't work
oh my god imagine my shock


Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-27 um 20.25.23.png (1382x304, 83.03K)

Why is AnCap still here after Trump expelled the lolbertarians from the GOP?

i bought flight simulator 2000 when it came out played it twice and never again till year ago. and that shit is so relaxing.

>Drinks are food

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>for now)
_____ more ______

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top kek
>March 25, 80% of coronavirus test kits 'gifted' to Czechs by China faulty
>A Czech news site on Monday (March 23) revealed that 80 percent of the much-touted traunch of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) rapid test kits "donated" from China are faulty, forcing healthcare workers to rely on conventional laboratory tests.
>March 27, Spanish government is reported to have ordered 340,000 of the kits, which the Shenzhen-based manufacturer said had an 80 per cent strike rate

>Jews reject the Christ
>blood libel is a myth

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truly General Merchant

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the Blimpfbux did indeed pass...Blimpf signs off on it in 35 fries or so

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Hillary: "If that fucker gets into office we all hang!"

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For those who missed: so far the flu is indeed more widespread and more deadly than Coronavirus. Here is the data [1], between 15k and 20k weekly confirmed cases. Also, if you open [2] you'll see that, in 2020 alone, 42945 people died of Pneumonia or Influenza (with the CDC groups as "flu" in that spreadsheet)

So, in 2020, it's Coronachan 1000 x 43000 FluChan, seems like a landslide to me.


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Google gives me this. Is it dated for the event and not when it was made?

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How do we use this to our advantage? How do we tie the Coronavirus to Hillary Clinton in such a way we would make her benefit from exterminating it?

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Even if you take only the flu without counting pneumonia in 2020 alone it killed over 5376 people and those are just the ones the CDC has as confirmed by lab tests.

Coronachan will have to do a whole lot better to match these numbers

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I tell ya. Trump is scared to shit of Cuomo getting in the race

>perfectly healthy.
yeah, nah.

>tfw you politicize the concept of "hate"
>And since you've declared yourself "anti-hate", you've become completely blind to how literally, overtly HATEFUL you've become (because your hatefulness isn't the type you've politicized)
This hypocritical sanctimony is why people hate YOU.

the thing is there probably wasn't even any ill will here, the Chinese who made them expected the Czech workers to just pretend to do the tests like Chinese workers would.

>How do we use this to our advantage?
I think this tweet alone made a lot of damage to the Dems. It's perfect ammunition for Trump.

>police fighting
well it's civil war time

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No, he's dating a 1677 painting by Giuseppe Alberti that a retarded journalist mistook for , which is a modern day painting by Giovanni Gasparro.


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I see the mistake, the media posted the wrong art.

yes. ........he's .............really,

sorry for confusion
The event depicted in the painting has some historical basis. A two-year-old child in the city of Trento named Simon went missing in March 1475. Historical accounts are divided on where exactly the body was found, but a prevailing rumor at the time was that it was found in the cellar of a Jewish man named Samuel.


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