I don't get it. Why don't other countries just do what China did to stop the spread of epidemic?
I don't get it. Why don't other countries just do what China did to stop the spread of epidemic?
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They have, China is lying about it's numbers.
stop reporting numbers?
Because they're not a communist county? Why can't China just stop eating everything that moves?
>according to Yas Forums over 200 billion chinese died due to corona
or maybe they did something different?
"Or maybe"?
Name literally one thing.
Why cant Americans just stop eating everything that doesn't?
mass quarantine and stuff like that?
Wearing a fucking mask
You are a stupid nigger.
At this point, anyone with half a brain cell should know that China's lied about their numbers, 10+ million people are dead from starvation, suicide, or wuflu. We know this because of the cell plan data.
Stop being a stupid nigger.
>cell plan data
i don't know about that, what are you talking about?
You mean lie and stop counting the infected so they dont have to report it? Or should we just weld anyone suspected of having it in their homes?
They haven't stopped it, they just aren't reporting anymore.
he is trying to explain that, you are a tard for eating chinesse propaganda
they have no new cases because they don't count cases anymore.
i know you want your50cent for the 50cent party
i still have no clue what you fags are talking about
There is data suggesting 25 million mobile users from China disappeared or some shit like that
Fuck off chink
Listen to episode 191 of Sam Harris podcast samharris.org
Basically the western world is not an authoritan regime, so locking people up in their homes is not feasible.
I wish it was possible to force people to wear masks and not allow them outside of their homes for non essential stuff though and not just forbid meetings >2 people.
>Why don't other countries just do what China did to stop the spread of epidemic
Like stop testing? Seems to stop the exponential growth.
thank you for that one, unexpected force behnid that landwhale
this. I'm too fucking lazy to find the infographic but it's floating around the cvg.
nearing epic meme number of deaths. will we get it lads?
Unfortunately western governments and media keep insisting they shouldn't, even going as far as to blame mask wearing citizens for the shortage they are experiencing as if hospitals buy their masks from ebay
China is like 20 countries, and one province was hit. They used all the overhead from the entire nation to control the outbreak in Hubei.
People were completely confined to their apartments. Special police like investigators interviewed all infected to track infection chains and locate clusters. There were special holding facilities for quarantines. Inhabitants were supplied by the military.
Still it's unbelievable that infections didn't pop up everywhere.
But when you can trace the movement of everybody and can just imprison anyone you want for quarantine, that's already a powerful tool to supress the infection.
No they didn't. Spain and Italy locked down when they were tens of thousands of cases in. China locked down a whole province at ten thousand. The USA still hasn't.
Because wearing a mask is racist
Infections did pop up everywhere. There were cases confirmed moving to places like Beijing. It was just that they were caught at the border.
>meme flag
>PRC shilling
Get fucked Chang.
China caused the Wuhan Cough Bomb by not banning wet markets when international NGOs have been explaining the risk for decades. Then they hid the outbreak to save face, when we could have banned flights already in December to prevent a worldwide pandemic. When everything failed they resorted to welding people shut inside their homes and leaving them to die. And we still don't know if their current numbers are real.
Neck yourself.
>hy don't other countries just do what China did to stop the spread of epidemic?
There are these rumors floating around user...
P.S. But I don't know if they will actually make you more calm.
>killing pets
>welding people indoors
>cremating infected alive
>mobile execution chambers
>working under plastic sheets
>death camp 'temporary hospitals'
>imprisoning reporters and doctors
>armed civilians blockading major roads
>having no idea what the real numbers are
>spraying entire cities with some kind of vapour
Which part do you want first?
In this retard country doctors and nurses probably ARE expected to buy their own masks from ebay so that the hospital doesn't dip into its profits.
Cause noone except chinks is able to block literally whole city. We are all subhumans accept chink overlords
They incinerated the living
No they haven't retard. Not even close.
1 bugman is like 1/10th a person, so they only count one in every 10 deaths.
I mean lying is a wonderful and easy way to save face. Not sure why we didn't think of it. This truly is the century of China.
no they havent
>punishing china for this incident is wrong
>it's America's fault
Because they can't. They don't have the same authoritarian system with strong state and disciplined population which China has. Plus, capitalist economy can't survive 2 month shutdown or at least has immense problems doing so. China has mixed economy and it can force even private companies to do what it commands. Remember Trump trying to order Ford to produce at least something for dealing with pandemic couple hours ago and how hysterically many people reacted to this? In China nobody would object.
A working healthcare system?
China lied about the virus last year, imprisoned whistleblowers and now shows very suspect numbers.
>No they're totally not lying this time
Didn't know Yas Forums were this dense.
Why do people still believe CCP numbers...
Why not? WHO does and most of Sinologists do too.
>ever beliving what chinks have to say
China locked down a city the size of new york over 500 cases
the fuck is going on in Italy? Almost 10k dead.
Because Chinese diaspora stole all our masks so now, instead of actually being honest about the problem, our "authorities" and "experts" are trying to tell everyone we didn't need the masks anyway because they actually cause the virus to spread more.
>Country with reeducation camps, secret prisons mass surveillance drag nets, mass censorship and propaganda suddenly sees a logarithmic drop off over the course of a number of days in a country with superstitious populace with miserable sanitation standards.
Anyone who believes the Chinese numbers is so utterly retarded, that I hope Corona chan sterilizes them for all our sakes.
China stopped the spread of information. The virus, as you can see in that chart, wasn't stopped at all.
The sources nigger
China build hospital!
its anudah shoah!
literally all we have to do is increase mask sales and make mask wearing outside the home mandatory. nobody would get sick.
how fucking hard can this be, the economy depends on it
Neva forhget HoloCorona!
>stop the spread
it never stopped achmed.
Wherever Chinks are found throughout the world, they will welded into those homes all over the world. Yeah baby.
>livestreams of Hong Kong protests
>livestreams from Wuhan during Corona's peak
>livestreams now from Hubei chimpout
But they hid 20 million dead and 200 million infected.
You retards are flat earth tier.
>why don't other countries stop testing, lock thousands of people in their apartments and let them starve?
because this happens
I think the explanation of phone farms that use thousands of phones to post propaganda or some chink bullshit like videogames being shut down is more realistic than 25 million people dying of the wuflu.
Yea, and 10 million jews died 75 years ago.
You know Either Chinese numbers are a complete lie or China shoot on sight everyone with a cough in all their territory. Guess why the west hasn't try that.
Eu nigger and chink lover
i don't think american citizens would enjoy being locked in their houses to die as much as chinks. millions died in china from this, even ones that never got the disease.