WTF is wrong with him he just never stops does he
How can anyone take him seriously?

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How is he wrong?


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Liberty is bullshit. We need liberty to the state

Ron Paul is one of the coolest Americans to ever live, Chang. Maybe you're mad because he is so based and 100% right?

More chang babble

You libertarians are fucking stupid. THIS IS A MAJOR HEALTH CRISIS. we need to just declare martial law already and FORCE citizens to stay in their homes. fucking ameritards and muh freedom. god i wish my parents didn't immigrate to this soulless corporate shithole.

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>god i wish my parents didn't immigrate to this soulless corporate shithole.
That makes two of us.

No you

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Feel free to leave at any time, dumb ass. Your're not stuck here, go fuck off to some other country if that's how you feel! Quit your whining, chang. Your last comment tells us all we need to know about you.

Ching chong chung ching

He's a statesman in an ocean of politicians. We don't deserve him.

What a stupid thing to say. Get the fuck out of here then, retard.

Thats called natural selection.

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Bump Ron Paul is right. ALL THE TIME.

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You get the fuck out if you hate it so much faggot.

He's saying he hates OP being in in the US aswell.

Fuck you btw.

>Liberty is bullshit. We need liberty to the state

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The states grants you rights and liberties. Other people (usually niggers and jews) take them away.
The problem arises once you have niggers and jews IN the government, then you get the Kali Yuga.

Happening man wants the worst devastation not surprising

>Ron Paul
Spare me the moralizing, it has no place in politics. Ron Paul might be "right", but he'll never be president.

It's not the state that grants right or liberties, it is your ability to protect them, whether from niggers or the state. No more, no less.

This gtfoh

oh, i see now, i was mistaken

Maybe in Mexico. But god gives Americans their rights not the government

i read that wrong, i take it back and now say nice post

>no one gets to be president without kissing the ring
>except trump because he’s magic

No, god isn't real. Guns, and your willingness to use them, gives you your rights.

It's not about kissing the ring, it's about understanding what history demands.

Following your logic, there are no rights or liberties before the creation of the state and these things cease to exist if the state isn't present.

You'd probably make a really great trap.

Without a governemnt to protect your rights, you'll fall prey of someone stronger than you. Especially in McAmerica where everybody has McGuns.
Needless to say that communities will arise naturally (especially after post-apocalyptic TV shows, lol) where strength will become a cumulative factor.
You're not John Wick or some other "cool badass" from a movie. You will be pillaged for all you're worth.
Embrace fascism, where the strenght is TAUGHT to the people.
Amen, I guess.

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If so then a lack of government should correlate with more liberty
Lolberts btfo

CCP shill or chap faghouse trannie, which one is this?

Fuck liberty hail fascism

how is he right?

Remember to save these threads. We'll see which side whines and complains in 2-3 months from now when all of this blows over.



Lysander Spooner. No Treason #6

That's exactly why you have the right to bare arms.

you need english to the language

Based Ron Paul, the hero we needed back in ‘08

Somalia is run by niggers. Is this your first day?


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Liberty is overrated, but allowing myself to become a prisoner because this virus MIGHT be really bad is asinine.

He’s right

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>there are no rights or liberties before the creation of the state and these things cease to exist if the state isn't present.
You're definetly talking of a primitive state of human society. Tribes used to be in the place of the state, an essentialised congregation of men and women that banded together.
Looking at Italy's history before the creation of the roman state, there were constant wars between the tribes.
>"Società patriarcali e guerriere"
(Patriarcal and warmongering communities) That's a quote from my middle-school (!!) teacher that I'll never forget.

that image is literally how ron paul looks in the op

It's the opposite. The proliferation of guns means both civvies and feds have skin in the game.

kill yourself communist tranny

>Without a governemnt to protect your rights, you'll fall prey of someone stronger than you.
Government as a defined body separate from the people is a predatory entity. Only through an armed, educated, formidable, and involved populace can rights be preserved and government be kept the domain of the peoples' will and interest.

Witch one of you are cenk ugars nephew?

>he just never stops does he?
Why should he? He's running at a nearly 100% accuracy rate on just about everything. Him and Larry P. McDonald are the only 2 US politicians that don't deserve horrible things. Something really horrible happened to Larry, though.
R.I.P. King you are sorely missed.

What you've identified is the necessity of monocultural states, not the necessity of a strong overpowering state.


To protect yourself from a tyrannical government.
You'd never be able to own firearms if it wasn't for the state itself (state=progress; state=civilisation which makes us european "superior" to others).
Tyrannical governments are against nature and need to be destroyed.
I've made a clear disctinction between "state" and "state with jews and niggers" (Kali Yuga).
State does not equal government, by the way.
>It's the opposite. The proliferation of guns means both civvies and feds have skin in the game.

i have way to much muscle mass and body hair for that but nice projection and wishful thinking, bud

Liberty isn't material. It isn't "given" transactionally. Liberty, very broadly, is what one can do without someone else shutting them down.
Individuals own firearms easily without government, and guns have always been predominantly produced by private business/artisans, not government. Even a bunch of anarchic Somalis can easily own guns.

By having an armed populace, you raise the stakes of an infringement on liberty. While America is becoming gradually cucked, to be fair, left-wing and right-wing movements alike in our history have accomplished goals through violent, counter-state action. It's easy for a governor to send a few cops to suppress an unarmed uprising, but when cops are getting shot at and things escalate, that forces the state to listen to the people.

He's right.

>Government as a defined body separate from the people is a predatory entity
>separate from the people
You've already made a distinction that R. Paul hasn't done. And, I agree.

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still doesn't have the balls to name female voters.