Explain this.
Explain this
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Orange man bad lol
fuck you, that's why
Just to make people mad lol
Wishful thinking and projection do not equal reality.
>Approval ratings don't correlate with today's "journalism"
This is problematic
Americans are retarded
After Bay of Pigs JFK approval actually went up
My theory is that Americans love getting fucked by their president. Whenever something shit happens they love the president even more
Jews fundamentally and genetically cannot comprehend that people actually like Trump and the press' behavior makes people like him more
who the fuck are they actually asking?
his estimations have no relation to reality whatsoever. Classic leftard fakenewster
People look for hope in strong leaders during disastrous times. Most Americans are stubborn and think Trump was right to downplay this virus as it hooked into us.
>he’s worse everyone just doesn’t know
He has actually been worse then now
The very same approval statistics are there to back that up
>The absolute state of American media
They are literally trying to do anything to win the election but they don't stand a chance because there isn't a single competent democrat candidate.
>inb4 there are better republican candidates
Trump didn't give a fuck what party he was associated with, he just knew how to win. Two sides of the same coin, etc, etc.
This, unironically.
You mean threat to our democracy.
1. Because senile and creepy Joe Biden is the alternative.
2. Because populations often rally behind a leader in a crisis if it is perceived that he is doing something and is projecting calm.
The DON is the "PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN", with his magic flute lures all the RATS to drown in the River
>Trump is very bad: Here's why.
Gas them all.
Trump's brand is "fuck progressives"
of course the branding differs substantially from the reality
but "fuck progressives" is where everyone with a soul will end up eventually, if they are forced to deal with progressives and their endless retarded faggotry
People understand the chink virus and subsequent economic happenings are largely beyond his control, and aren't convinced by opportunistic partisan attempts to hang blame for the catastrophe around his neck
Trump virus propaganda
Stop eating bats.
It is impossible to understand from inside your bubble.
>South Park Republicans
>"I hate conservatives but I really fucking hate liberals"
it just so happens that all media is obnoxiously liberal so it's blackpilling them to love trump's hatred of them
Damon Linker doesn't like trump
Damon Linker doesn't represent anyone other than Damon Linker
>hype up the pandemic like we will get a million dead in the street within a week
>instead everyone gets a few weeks off of work
No shit his approval has gone up...though now it seems like they will use Cuomo to siphon off some of his approval...not sure if it will work
Unironically WE'RE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING. The daily briefs have been a good thing for Trump, which is why the media is screeching about stopping airing them. They've basically given Trump a vehicle to speak directly to millions of people and they realize they fucked the hell up.
0 self awareness still I see
>I need answersas to how everyone else can be so wrong while I am so right all the time.
The absolute state of "journalists".
This would be a particularly awful time to be a DemoCrat.
Well. The Jew media way overplayed their hand. Like usual. Their timing sucks, they get ahead of themselves, and well they just suck at lying. Same as every single attack on Trump.
The only people watching mainstream media are journalists. As a journalists if you write something positive you basically end your career. I bet the got a page someplace with everyone who's black listed. Maybe one day the HR system will leak from CNN>
what is going on? oh my goodness. I am shocked at this development.
there's your explanation. now fuck off
The CFR control media is really the enemy of the people!
I hate them so fucking much!
We love to hate him
Why don't you, shill, you fuck wits always seem to have the answers :^)
Burgers are retarded, there is no need to explain shit
>slide thread
Remember, sage and hide.
This faggot is wrong
because this is a hoax
will become a hoax
and he calls it a hoax
Fuck democracy. People back a strongman, and enjoy some tyranny every few generations.
because Trump supporters are more stupid than Trump. They just cant accept the fact that their idol is incompetent.
>Muh 4d chess
The corona press conferences have given people a chance to see him *unfiltered*, and they like what they see.
He is on top of things, he responds in details to questions, and he can be funny.
Because he's actually doing a very good job. Libtards are just seething and making up any excuse to make him look worse. Trump could personally walk to every infected person and cure them with a magic touch and libshits would still have something to bitch about.
when everyone else is an asshole you are the asshole
This was never more appropriate.
I remember seeing this *before* coronavirus broke. so you you can add that to the list along with racism, sexism, etc, of things that failed to shut Trump down.
Because he genuinely wants America to be the greatest country in the entire world or at least he is very good at pretending it. Even other presidents (and PM) are copying him...
that list is lacking. no russia, no impeachment, and more
That meme was made in 2016 or early 2017 I think.
July 2017 was the first time it was posted on Yas Forums.
>I say he's terrible, and I'm a journalist, aka an EXPERT, why are these plebs having THE WRONG OPINION???!!!
you don't know trump beyond out of context quotes
Based. Can’t wait for salt when he’s re-elected.
opinion piece, discard at will
>muh estimation
>why doesn't everyone else agree with me?
Maybe it's you.
It’s apparently never occurred to this fag that his estimation is irrelevant and demonstrably incorrect.
Jewish propaganda failing! Oy vey! Shut it down!
Pic related
>everyone else is the asshole
The simple explanation is that you're wrong. Cue an entire article and four more years of mental gymnastics.
>but my Twitter post about how evil DRUMPF is got ten thousand likes!!!
>People back a strongman
Trump is a weakman