Nobody fucking needs one of these

It's a weapon of war and it will NOT save a single life during the pandemic.
AR15 is fucking KILL and NOBODY needs one for ANY reason unless you are enlisted in the Armed Forces!

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Your treason has been noted.

Meme weapon. Not even a threat.

>No drum barrel.
More like a prostate pleaser.

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Nice bum stick u have here, i think ur neighbour jamal have one just in case if he is short on supplies weed or pussy

Reminder: The Second Amendment DOES NOT EXIST.
>A well regulated Militia
Complete nonsense. None of you are in a well regulated militia. "B-b-but the Supreme court in a 5-4 ruling decided militia means everyone!" Thank God 1 man decides the meaning of English.
>being necessary
"B-b-bump stocks are necessary!"
>to the security of a free State
NSA, FBI, local police, foreign intelligence agencies, thousands of corporations all caught spying on American citizens hundreds of times with no repercussion is not a free State. You failed to uphold the constitution for decades.
> the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The 2nd Amendment is a religious text. It has 0 factual merit.

USA is a joke country. Itsm populace is completely trained to use doublespeak at all times.


I'll trade my AR rights for .50 cal snipers if you're keen. Seems fair to me

You are correct but you aren't right.

People need real guns not 5.56 toys.


Come on. You can do better than that.

So thats why all the libs flooded the guns stores and asked me stupid fucking questions for the last month now that they're worries about their safety.

Your right. This weapon is too small. Give me an M249 or an M60 and then we can talk about if you need a gun or not.

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Seethe harder irrelevant fag

why is the burrito being a better burger than the burger? You're alright Paco, you can stay.

>it's a weapon of war
So is a Mosin Nagant, you fucking tard.
I know this is a bait thread, I dunno why I even respond.

surely nobody is this retarded

you have no second amendment, and your leader is a girl

Have you ever shot one? They're a fun little plinker. Not the scary boom stick I had expected. It's a gun for little girls.

if only we could buy these weapons to protect ourselves our country wouldnt be such a shithole, dont give up the fight on 2A

until the next pollack finds him
mercy from the omega isnt safety from the pack

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Weak bait is weak
sage in options

I agree, the A2 sight is outdated and for fags.

Wrong, I live in Texas and am required by law, and the Bible, to own one

You have no argument because there is none. The language of the 2nd Amendment is 100% meaningless. IT MEANS NOTHING.

Almost every amendment in the constitution has been completely subverted by doublespeak. No principles of it still exist in modern America. Even free speech warrants monitoring by the government.

I’m getting one with my trump Bux too. Congrats!

No they need 4, like I have . One for every floor of the house, including the bunker.

Nobody needs a lot of shit, but it's not the bill of needs.

>Nobody fucking needs one of these
> unless you are enlisted in the Armed Forces!

Which one is it? Nobody needs it. or just citizens aren't allowed to have one. What is so magical about wearing camo fatigues that grant one the ability to wield this weapon? Are you Merlin ? Guns are like swords in stones now and only divine right (enlistment) consecrates one as chosen?

Yes, but we can legally own machine guns, rocket launchers, tanks even, unlike you guys. While we can't just hop into the nearest gun store to buy whatever gun, we can acquire whatever gun if we have a reason to own one. Gun sports are a reason to own powerful sniper rifles and machine guns, tanks, haven't looked much into them, but I'm sure some business reason would suffice.

It's not about needing, it's about freedom.

Shall not.
Shall not.

Why are you gay?

AR-15 is the civilian model, so not a weapon of war by definition.

I really like TO randomly capitalize WORDS for no REASON

fuck you, the moment putin flies over your house with an ultrasonic missile you'll be wondering where you can get your hands on chemical weapons and an antidote

Why are you running?

>The 2nd Amendment is for hunting
Fucking retard.

You need one of those to commit a suicide. Please get it done before Monday.

>Shall not be infringed
Means thousands of thousands of laws that infringe on it.


Saving lives? Who said anything about saving lives? The whole point is to be able to kill people if necessary. That's a good thing.

that firearm and those like it are to murder tyrannical government and traitors like you.

the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed from the roots with your blood.

Even the armed forces don't need it anymore, you got drones strikes and gunships that can kill anything from miles away

>NOBODY needs one for ANY reason

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No one needs a lambo a 3 cylinder car can do the job.

>AR15 is fucking KILL
What is your first language?

you don't NEED to live either.
you want to.
yet here we are giving you what you want, rather than what you need.

Shut up you faggot.

>3 cylinder car
Surely ye yest. A fine mare will do just fine my dear chap.

Why are you such a god damned faggot?


No one needs a lambo. They want a lambo. It is a toy. Just like American's guns. Toys they use for fun. Not to defend the constitution as intended. The constitution is dead.

name an Army around the world that uses the AR-15.. i'll wait. Also saged for weak bait.

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Amazing. Now go 3D print some legal fun parts and buy some bolts to make the rest of the fun parts, maybe some piano wire too, for some fun parts.

>if only we could buy these weapons
You've heard of Texas, right?

>unless you are enlisted in the Armed Forces!

Die for Israel?

>legally own machine guns, rocket launchers, tanks even, unlike you guys
Yeah we can too, and we don't need a reason.

Based and freedompilled

there isn't a military in the world that uses that weapon in op pic. ergo not a weapon of war

America hasnt declared war for 70 years or something. There is no war.

Reminder America uses nothing but double speak.

>It's a weapon of war
Well now, at the time that document you call a constitution that protects the rights to own a weapon was written, a non-rifled barrel you had to manually fill with black powder, pad with felt and put in a round bullet was considered a "weapon of war".
A fucking bayonet is considered a "weapon of war".
If I want to thin down on boars, which is an unwanted species in my country, I'd want a fucking semi automatic with me. Not in 5.56 though, I'd use 7.62 for those fuckers to make sure they stay put after one shot.

Take your semantics and fuck off. There are plenty of reasons for owning guns. Just because you don't see any reasons for owning one doesn't mean they don't exist. I do hope you get raided by some fucking gangbangers looking for a soft target though.

I find it sad that more of you don't, if you can.

You sounds scared zio boi

Ar-15 was made for civilians you retard. the M16 is the ‘weapon of war’ version and available only to the military, with the m4 being the carbine version of the m16. You probably think AR stands for ‘assault rifle’, don’t you?

you can buy these from the shit skin cartels who own your mother's neighborhood fagget pussy poorfag taco boy

What saves lives is knowing that many people have these.

This is a rare issue where Karl Mark and George Orwell are in agreement.


Fuck off back into your asshole, Seacuck.


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>It's a weapon of war
Yeah, why do you think I have one?

Thank goodness it isn't the bill of needs.


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I hope you die nigger

>short barrel gas system on a long barreled rifle
I mean, you can have whatever you want, but...

I don't even understand the point of your post. Are you trying to say that the 2A doesn't matter? Or are you trying to say it's outdated and we don't need it?

Those of us that do aren't going to publicize it.

>Doesn't understand the concept of 5.56.

This. You need an AK during a pandemis

We need 3 million of these to head to Washington fully loaded to clean up.

We have a nigger / spic problem not a gun problem.

Damn boating accidents robbing y'all's guns.

It used to matter. In 2020 it is an outdated joke.

Americans genuinely view it as a religious document. It can no be changed no matter what. But it can not be followed because it is outdated.
It is religious text.

The purpose of the Amendment was for Americans to defend the constitution. Now it is for toy collecting and defending against other Americans. The constitution has been violated non stop and no gun was ever raised. 2A does not matter. It does not exist.

Retard found.

I think you need to add to the gun death statistics by suck starting a shotgun. Sacrifice for your cause, or you're just pussy ass faggot.

This AR build is meme tier.

you are on the left, OP

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Yes, I need three, not one. Thank you for the advice

do you live somewhere without niggers? if so where?

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And women shouldn't have the right to vote, but here we are.

I need one because I am compelled by patriotic duty to own at least one of everything authoritarians tell me I shouldn't have.

Militia must rise to restore constitutional order ! (Through voting and political means)

Much like you don't need a fire extinguisher unless your a member of your local fire company, a first aid kit unless you're a trained medical profession, food unless you are a trained working chef or beer/liquor unless you are a professional bartender.

What's meme about it though? The optics? The 1-point sling, the bipot, and it's mounted to the bayo lug.

>leader is a girl


Op btfo

You don't have to own any kind of weapon.

Now you're catching on

Swastika ban soon.


Sage this horseshit !

I agree, some velvet table cloth is not really necessary to present a weapon.

Shut the fuck up, dumbfuck. People here in Baltimore still have canons in their back yard. We ALL NEED AR-15s, or something way stronger.

A ffl gets me a m16, and any other weapon I want.

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>It's a weapon of war and it will NOT save a single life during the pandemic.
>AR15 is fucking KILL and NOBODY needs one for ANY reason unless you are enlisted in the Armed Forces!

ok rabbi



It's too bad I lost all my gunsmith's tools during an ice fishing accident, else I'd probably start manufacturing guns for people who lost them in boating accidents, legally of course.




What is this SBR bullshit I keep seeing?

No thanks.

Sounds about right for Texas. Do legal immigrants get a free gun on arrival?

,22s can easily kill people

>The language of the 2nd Amendment is 100% meaningless. IT MEANS NOTHING.
Right now it means I have 5 firearms in my home, you noguz faggot.
The language of the 13th Amendment means nothing because slavery is still technically legal "as punishment for a crime". The 14th Amendment means nothing because it was passed to make freed negro slaves eligible to vote and ended up flooding us with spic anchor babies.
The 17th Amendment is total bullshit too and lets Senators be elected by popular vote instead of chosen by state legislatures.
The 19th Amendment is totally insane because everyone knows women should not be participating in the political process.
Right now you just need to deal with the fact I have guns just like how I have been forced to deal with popular vote Senators, negro citizenship, anchor babies, and women in politics.