What should be done about the trending coronachallenge?
What should be done about the trending coronachallenge?
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This looks like a city problem.
Beyond broad public discouragement, not much. These people will die all on their own.
Nothing, maybe even encourage it. About fucking time natural selection kills the mentally inferior.
You should be allowed to execute these people on the spot
Why thin the zoomer her, though? There isn't that many of them.
do nothing. let nature take care of the trash.
They can kill you too.
He looks like he got the aids anyways
Another faggot dies from coronahchan.
Nothing of value was lost
people still doing this? the answer is simple though
with all the hysteria now i don't know if it would be possible to find a jury that would be rough on you for doing that
either way, this kid is going to be getting arrested
I 100% promise you this fag poured 99,9% alcohol all over that before taking these dumb pictures.
Let them die?
Force feed the tide pods.
Nothing, let them win Darwin awards
> Un 'influencer', hospitalizado después de lamer un váter público en el 'coronavirus challenge'
> El joven, de 21 años, ya participó en un programa de televisión donde reconoció haber hecho otros retos peligrosos.
Maybe you have a point.
The governments should start welding these people inside their own homes. Doors welded shut with metal and windows covered with metal. Only allow a small hole for food. Let them live like the Vampire Countess Bathory used to live at the end of her life.
i have every reason to believe that these morons sanitize the surfaces they plan to lick before their friend starts recording their gay little video.
it's not a problem, just teenagers seeking attention
>What should be done about the trending coronachallenge?
terminate, with extreme prejudice
shoot the fucker in the head.
>it's not a problem,
this is only the case if their are spreading germs on something that they own.. otherwise, helter skelter
At least one "influencer" didn't get the memo
Most young men need to get their ass beat to humble them, and to stop them from doing stupid shit. Roasties do too now, apparently.
Nothing, they shloud be let do what they want to do with themselves
shoot them
These pathetic people are so needy for attention. When the lights go out (and they will) they're going to have to kill themselves because their life is social media and the energy / attention they draw from it. 10 days of darkness.
Fuckwad licking a kid's toy? NPCs.
They should be treated like terrorists. Willingly infecting yourself with a deadly virus should be punished by death.
Problem? lol... no. This is awesome :)
let them die
>lick shit for internet points
>die of the virus
sounds like a self-solving problem to me
They should be tried for attempted murder and quarantine breach.
This is what happens when the family unit is destroyed. Debased, debauched, beasts.
I said what I said.
She probably has a very typical, albeit boring upper middle class family. Constantly competing with other thots in an upper middle class neighborhood for the attention of the chads’ because daddy works all the time and left a void that can only be filled with toilet seats, shock value and BBC.
You can tell that twink is in its yard... reflection in window
Darwin is ya bwoiii
>get other people to die because you are younger and medics tried to save you instead of them
if only it was so simple...
Throw them in prison for terrorism
if only...
#funny #comedy
It is neither. It's just stupid.
I sincerely hope every last one of them gets it and dies a painful, slow death.
Weed out the morons.
Have our military declare marshall law, just to take down these faggots, god normal fags are annoying as fuck for attention.
>marshall law,
What have we become?
Grow a brian you moran! GeeLPee called-they need their village tard back.
Speaking of which that mind control psyop is in full operation. Just like this place-check the catalog in the morning-check again at night-same exact pics, same threads same everything.
young folks should get this shit as soon as possible
one month of jail for every one of these attentionwhoring retards
At least our homeless people are smart enough to spit on the crosswalk buttons instead of licking them.
if you can dox them and they are burger report them to the fbi.
they classify this as terrorism
We should make it so that we push #arabsareimmune or #allahsavesu and that blacks are immune too so thex all do it lol.
There should be a tiktok trend where they find these sorts of people and report them to the police.
Incentivize it, of course.
Specially among subhumans.
Charged with attempted manslaughter
Nothing. They deserve everything they get
Rub thier face in it like a dog's nose in shit.
are they sjw's?
He looks like full blown AIDs. Those legs are hideous.
Nope, just nobodys that the world won't miss
Any scrawny teen who wants to lick my door handle will be getting punched right in the base of the skull.
>that skeletal knee
Does he have HIV?
these kids just have a weird fetish and using the "corona chellenge" to get off.
>drunk drivers will die on their own.
If it happens, it happens.
They will get sick and take up medical resources like douchebags. They need to be left outside to die.
This is darwinism at work
It is what it is
Nothing. I like how they trigger panicfags.
It's just the flu, bro.
let stupid people die
I mean no treatment if they get sick.
they are shown the video by the attending physician and promptly told to fuck off and go die at home
find out where he lives are report him to the police. anyone doing this is being charged with terrorism and getting a felony lmao
Someone should shoop a nigger dick where that handlebar is
I would bet money this dude is gay. Probably one of 'those people'.
checked and kekd