Why is the death toll in Germany so low?

Why is the death toll in Germany so low?

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it's just the start of it all. wait and see

9000 in Italy and 5000 dead in Spain.
Why aren’t you guys in the 1000s yet?

At 321 deaths, it’s rising fast, desu. We’ll be Italy tier soon.

Because we test 10 times as many people. Corona has spread to a significsnt number of people, likely millions in Italy and Spain, but only hundreds of thousands in Germany. As we test more, our confirmed cases are higher than if we tested just as much as Spain or Italy... who only test severe cases.

Germans are a clean and productive people. Italians and Spaniards are notoriously dirty and lazy.
Furthermore, Germans are white.

Germans are strong as fuck, that's the truth.
Like, everybody has 100 HP, Germans have 200 HP.

And still our women prefer to date black or very dark brown men

We just arrested a bunch of German tourists here who were positive and going about their merry fucking retarded way, knowing they had it.

They'll probably enjoy the aids they'll get from getting raped in SA jails, assholes.

Universal healthcare. But youll search for a million excuses why that's not it because you have a confirmation bias because Jewish boots are apparently just too tasty.

Free healthcare for all.

We actually test the dead and find out the cause of death instead of declaring everyone a "Corona Victim" who is dying of any cause whatsoever .

Countries like Italy and Spain have free healthcare so why is the death toll there so high?

They’re prolly fudging/downplaying the numbers like most countries are. We’re talking about the same country that was hiding the amount of migrant attacks on their own people while still letting more in.

As a Bong, healthcare hasn't done much to stop it here and our system is without a doubt better than Germany's

Your country’s death toll is actually fairly low.

Masterrace DNA

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I don’t know Germany is admitting they have 50k confirmed cases so I don’t think they would lie about their death toll.

Give it another week, we still haven't caught up with all the retards who deliberately ignored quarantine day 1

they probably just write in other causes for deaths.

This only reduces the death rate. OP asked about the "death toll" and that would actually be increased with increased testing since dead German boomers would be less likely to be recorded as dying from something else. Germany has better healthcare than Italy and isn't as crowded, but I think it's because Italy is peaking and Germany is only getting started.

Do you have sources for that?

kek. sauce?

Getting started.
I mean they are in the top 5 number of confirmed cases.

So I wouldn’t say they are just getting started.

They have more hospital beds + they manipulate numbers.

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Why did they lose WW2

>and that would actually be increased with increased testing since dead German boomers would be less likely to be recorded as dying from something else.

Dude, we are 10 days behind Italy and Spain in the curve. Plus, we put stringent measures in place way ahead in the curve before them.

Think of Germany like Italy or Spain 15 days ago when they just had a couple hundred deaths and below 10k officially infected (tested positive). This is where we are right now.

>just two more weeks bro

Because they're taking the China route and saying the others are dying from pneumonia

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Because it’s pretty simple:





We do but that's how corona deaths should be counted. Cancer patients die from harmless colds all the time but it's not the cold that killed them, it's the cancer.

That sounds like hiding numbers to me.

Probably has something to do with how many people are tested. You have to figure, the death rate is probably somewhere around .0001, but millions of people have it and don’t know it, and their bodies just heal on its own. So the more people that get tested, the lower the death rate is. The death rate is somewhere around 1/10th of the flu. But again, the coronavirus is much weaker than the flu, so everyone would need to get tested for the death rates to be lower.

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Germans don't have as many ACE2 receptors in the lungs when compared to other countries which is required for the virus to penetrate into the cells.

The fatality rate is like 4 percent the death rate for the flu is like 0.4

I dunno then. Maybe it's all the smoking in Italy, or the generally shitty healthcare. In the US most of the fatalities have been from it getting into nursing homes or assisted living facilities where everyone is infirm at 80+ years old. Maybe Germany has done a better job of sealing up it's boomers like it did Lenin in the traincar back to Russia.

so you think the death rate is abysmal, way lower than 1%?

Germany has done 500.000 tests every week. We probably have the most accurate numbers in the world.

Nope, the death rate for the coronavirus is way lower than the flu. Most people don’t get sick from the coronavirus, so they don’t get tested. Also, flu cases are at historic lows, because in past years, people with coronavirus, just thought they had the flu. The death rate for coronavirus is closer to .004 than to 4.0

ah, deceiving everyone by refusing to tell anyone about the immunosuppressive effects (hiv-like). lowered white blood cell count...

Germanic savages are too autistic to spread the virus through socialization.

Exactly. I was actually saying in this thread that the coronavirus death rate is closer to .004

200 HP vs 100 HP and 100 HP and 100 HP

Who cares it's low everywhere back in days of romans plagues would kill 1 in 3 it's a nothing burger

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SeeBasically the evidence is starting to show that kung flu is much more infectious that previously thought, which is actually a GOOD thing because it means WAY more people got it but don't get any real symptoms. This increases the spread of the disease greatly and makes it basically impossible to control, but it means perhaps half of those infected never realize it. This means the death rate is actually flu-tier or perhaps lower, but some people have severe reactions to it if they have pre-existing lung conditions.
>tl;dr: We destroyed the global economy because the chinks lied and panicked.

You should leave neukölln once in a while.

Who is superior - a rat or cat? Yet when the cat is facing 1000 rats attacking it, who will win?

Except Greece literally has taken care of it better than most. And we're also in southern Europe. While Muttland...

Many ICUs
Lies about the cause of death,if there was any other issue its not counted as a corona death.

I got 2 different strands of coronavirus the past 3 years. I just take a lot of vitamins and crank up the heat in my room to what would be unbearable to most people. I do the same thing for flu. I didn’t even feel real sick this time. I only knew I even had it because I get tested for my job. I’m staying quarantined from the public, but honestly, I would assume TONS of people are walking around with the coronavirus and don’t know it. Again, basing it from my job, I highly believe the death rate is around .004

so basically a swine flu but for boomers so they shut down the world, it could be, it appears to turn serious a lot more often. i might trust germ numbers as says but i don't like it that they just simply dropped reporting serious cases altogether early on

Feels good to be white

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We all Reinhardt's with 5000HP and 20k shield.

And also, we have 966 cases with 25k samples tested. Our state epidemiologist said we have up to 3k cases in total. We have 28 dead right now.

Yeah no

Germany always hides the bodies in these situations.

>mutts law
a bet youre an american behind that flag

also, what kind of masochist porn are you whacking it to?

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it'll be high because we aren't doing

Yeah right. Women here get dripping wet for a man who is neither a shitskin nor a söyboy. Even the "tolerant" hipster ones who shill for more rapefugees. Especially those actually.

t. Neuköllner

Stop spreading that msm lie..
Only weeks ago 35k nationwide meant 1/3 of the nationwide laboratory capacity and now we can do more than 10 times that.
All while refusing many people the test because they have not come from a critical nation or been in direct proven contact with a positive person.
Also we do the throat probe kind of teste that have high false negative.

Oh yeah, liying to everyone about the freely made up shit that hasnt been claimed by a single doctor or proven by a single case.
Leave those Q facebook groups and go outside Boomer, weather is beautiful

Average soldier k/D was apparently 8 or so, Jagdgeschwader 51 or 52 has proven 20 to 1,which actually is higher,but after 10k shootdowns they stopped counting.

German scientists are planning to draw a large sample from the population (100k) and test for antibodies. If they find out many people have antibodies because they already had the virus they will get a pretty good idea how long lockdowns actually make sense.
You know, like systematically collecting data, so you know what is going on in your country. Unlike fucking pastaniggas who apparently can't even count their deaths

>Corona has spread to a significsnt number of people, likely millions in Italy and Spain,
absolutely false, proven by extremely overwhelming numbers of negatives among low risk population
>Why is the death toll in Germany so low?
germany is pulling the classic
> it's not the virus or COVID, it's something else
it's like saying HIV and AIDS is not a problem, because it's the other things that kill you, AIDS only allows it to happen.

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it's even lower in japan

A lot of young people brought this shit from Italy and now recovering.

Work-Autism and kebab garlics and are good for your immune system and our health system is not as shitty as Cheatly, >1:5 or Fatburgistan

I can show you Harvard doctors literally pointing to it in the genome faggot

the last time germany reported a high death toll the world ganged up on them

Germans have so many germs that Corona-chan can't fuck with them.

germans are literally scum of the earth.

we should have exterminated them when we had the chance.