Teachers deserve more money

None of us would be successful without them.

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successful in what?

No, they just should not be forced to get a master's degree just so they can teach nigger and spic children that 2+2 = 4

school is gay and teaches trivial bullshit

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masturbating, appreciating fine memes, staying in our house for years, hating people more successful than us, comparing our whiteness, hating on other races, 99.9% hating on jews, holocaust denying, degenerate culture, gore, praising Japan, hating communists, shitposting and trying to summon Kek.

Teachers don't deserve anything. Fuck em

>TeaCHErs dEsErvE MoRE mOney.
Fuck off, Chang.

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The teaching profession is populated by retards who can't hack it in academia or industry.

If they're men, sure. Women are failure at teaching as they incapable of instilling discipline or being respected.

being shuffled along by the nanny state until you are 18 years old then coerced into university or just dumped into the world with little to no preparation for real issues

Look around at almost anyone under 30 and tell me that our education system is working.

So many news stories of these attractive white ladies hooking up with students.

What's funny is that they usually hook up with African American students, much more often than white students.

Makes you think, eh?

You should look up the average teacher salary and then factor in how much time they get off. It will surprise you, i promise.

I had to unlearn 70% of what they "taught" me to actually become smart. School is 70% propaganda except for math and such. Even science/biology classes are propaganda.

Lol that's funny. All of my teacher did absolutly nothing to assist me on where I am today. I guess I can thank my earliest teachers that taught me to read and write. But thats it.

Send home all the worthless nigs who show up just for free food and I might be down with teachers getting a raise. Until then they're just babysitters.

We rework teaching into a pyramid scheme where you get a salary based on the wages of your students.

>Built for BBC.
Stop talking about yourself faggot

Does she need some money? I've got a couple jobs she can do.

Probably a high school diploma for an assistant teacher and a little college for teachers.
Both should pay less than 60k.

The credentialing process makes you want to rip your hair out as well.

A leftist is just a drone who believes anything schools teach them without question. Because "everybody knows it's true".

successful in indoctrinating children to be mindless commies.

Teachers are the biggest pieces of shit in America. Over paid, under worked, over appreciated. They are nothing more than baby sitters for niggers, and have been nothing more since the end of segregation. Since the advent of internet, they have been completely and totally obsolete as education facilitators. Public school only exists to bus in the niggers so they can have a few hours away from their parents who perpetually abuse them. At the school and away from the sheboon that spawned the niglet, the niglet can be fed and even bathed.
American schools are not helping white kids. All they are doing is feeding and caring for niggers.
Teachers work less than a full day. They work 8 months a year with more holidays than most people with a real job get in two years.
If a teacher complains that she has to spend a lot of time grading or lesson planning, she's a fucking retard. Grading can be automated. No woman should be making a lesson plan. All lesson plans should come from men.
In summary, all teachers are pieces of shit, and should be strung up from trees- in minecraft.

Beyond the age of 10-11 all teachers for boys should be Men so they can learn how to be men and have proper examples. Men don’t know how to think like men because they’ve been taught by retarded women all their lives. Then we wonder why men are such bitches.


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God damn you faggots are obsessed with interracial shit arent you? Fuck off and die please. I hope africa get hits hard with corona lol. Maybe their mud hut shamans will cure some of the nigs with elephant shit and shoving rhino tusks up their assholes.

Can confirm. I went to a school that was 50% niggers and they did nothing but cause endless trouble and distractions. Teachers spent half their time as nigger wranglers.

Go work for private schools then. Where they're not mandated to spread propaganda. Or actually nah, most "teachers" should stay away from private schools.

ITT Yas Forumstards don’t seeing any point in education

Indians on youtube are better at teaching than most actual teachers.

>Teachers deserve more money.
wrong, they need less money


This. This is why teachers deserve nothing. They do NOTHING for us and fuck the students they think are hot, give all the good-looking kids the most resources and attention and then screw over the rest.

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I was just making an observation. Sorry if it makes you mad. They always hook up with football/basketball athletes

There was 1 teacher who just gave up and said "hey if you want a good grade just bring me cash. you'll get +1 point on your final grade for every dollar". I thought he was joking... Until the grades were posted on the wall.

Every Tyrone in the class had a grade of...wait for it...200 to 300+.

she deserves my rock hard erect 5 inch white penis in her anus

>imagine knowing every prime age thot coming up in your neighboorhood
Pimping is hella easy

Bullfuckingshit.jpg all of my “teachers” were fucking retards except for one.

Why they work from home now. I think an algorithm could soon replace the entire profession. Perhaps we should negotiate a lower price point for their labor to keep having a human in the loop an attractive option.

Most people are unsuccessful with them, so no.

Everything a kid needs to learn can be taught by a parent.
This is why we need mothers at home.
Teachers are a waste of money and school is a waste of time.

They deserve the rope

No, they don't.
They're the ones who failed to get into other studies and they end up indoctrinating kids with bullshit. The grades for getting into teacher studies has plummeted like a fucking rock over the decades.

Wrong, they need more money

Supply & demand. Everyone gets paid what they deserve. If you can't negotiate more money it either means you're easily replaceable or you don't know how to negotiate (not your employer's fault).

My kids are stuck at home and me and the wife have been doing they're schoolwork. There is no need for teachers at all, even uni can be done via videos.

nice fantasy chink

Imagine hating women opposed to getting them knocked up so they raise your children. Sometimes i wonder about you Brits

replace them with robots

As someone who actually worked in the school system (not a teacher), most of them come in early, stay late or bring their work home during the school year. During the Winter and Summer breaks they have to plan lessons and often this is when new equipment/tools are implemented as well. Since I was a year round employee we literally had to turn away teachers that showed up during the summer to work on their rooms and lessons.

Never have any desire to work in education again. The board and administrative members are too many and the red tape is thick but once you get down to actual labor like teachers, support and office staff - everyone was doing the jobs of 2 people, working free overtime and getting shit on for doing it.

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wrong again, the need less money

The should not even be classified as full time workers since they get so much time off

and AIDS.

Is that a crummy iPhone 8 she's using? Wow, these really are rough times for teachers.

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Do they?

Attached: womenteachers.webm (576x1024, 2.91M)

When you finally get to uni and start learning something of value, the teachers are just narrating a powerpoint that's an exact copy of your book.
Teachers are fucking useless left leaning snakes that somehow think they're entitled to anything other than the gallows.

Teachers in America make plenty of money for the work they do. The problem is the work environment, AKA niggers.

Making 60k for working 180 days a year teaching a room full of well behaved white children is a perfectly fine arrangement.

Making 60k to be an ersatz prison guard for a cage full of niglets would be an hero time.

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lol i am a teacher i guess. I "teach" PE and coach 7th grade football. I get 4 months off a year and make 62k. I guess im fairly paid. Teaching is life on chill mode.

>When you're on the exact same maturity and intellectual level of your students.

This has always been my biggest complaint about teachers. They're basically just bimbos who never mentally left highschool in the first place. They're still trying to fit into the cool kid clique and fuck quarterback Chad.