An Italian painter whose work has been honored by the Catholic Church for its devoutly Christian themes and masterful baroque style unveiled his latest canvas this week — a grotesquely antisemitic depiction of hook-nosed Jews engaged in the “ritual murder” of a terrified Christian infant.
Giovanni Gasparro, an artist based in the Adriatic port city of Bari, uploaded images of the 7ft X 5ft painting that revives the antisemitic blood libel of medieval times onto his Facebook page on Tuesday.
That the painting is replete with the basest antisemitic tropes is instantly apparent. Titled “The Martyrdom of St. Simon of Trento in Accordance With Jewish Ritual Murder,” it shows an infant boy surrounded by a crowd of sinister Jewish men, variously wearing side-curls and religious items, who strangulate him, cut him open and drain his blood.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I Have No Foreskin and I Must Scream

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so what? catholicism is still more kiked than judaism

How is it libel if it is also an ongoing part of their religioin, even in 2020?

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Original thread with many memes and jews seething on the artists FB page

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Good article on it

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Its so funny. The black legend persists but this of course must be censored

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not bad
it belongs in some mansion somewhere

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Thanks for sharing Chaim

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st simon on p. 51

Adam Sandler?

Makes you wonder if all these cases are unique or just one of the rare confirmed out of many that weren't solved or known about huh?

yeah, these were all proven in court, so you you know there was more to it - judges being bought, etc.

Extremely compelling

My life is altered


I hope the renaissance style comes back. It's very atheistic and pleasing to the eye. This guy is a master.


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This is a really great painting.

t. christcuck

You worship a Jew and you are proud of it

based and catholic-pilled
the goyim is waking
the jews are seething

Indeed. I appreciate the artist’s bravery but the skill is top tier.

you're a jew and i don't worship you

How long until he gets banned from everywhere?

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it belongs everywhere

This is the best painting ever made. I am buying prints for everyone I know. Merry birthmas everybody!

These types of transgressions will no longer be permitted. We will silence those who continue. If further transgressions are attempted, we will move to reputation sabotage and even worse if we are pushed. This type of antisemitism ends, whether your compliance is voluntary or forced. We are watching you and we are warning you.

Hours. Watch.

Delet this now!!!!!

memefag weak/10 b8

No physical proof this ever happened.
Documents can be lies or forged, don't bother posting them

But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils

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Me in the top left.

"oh shit, youre not recording this, are you?"

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Ok Joomer.

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Incredible painting. Thank you.

Maybe all those accounts about the holocaust were forged then? Thanks for opening my eyes about how the holocaust was fake Mr Silverstein.

funny, except the holohoax never happened so it's not as sick of a burn as it could have been.


Great painting we need more stuff like this today. I really respect painters and sculptors trying to make something of value, telling a story.

Beautiful art. The Jews seethe cuz they can't replicate art this beautiful. All the can make is blasphemous things likee the crucifix in urine. As soon as someone makes art that hits them back they kvetch like nothing!

>Oy vey, the kid just slipped and fell on a bucket of scalpels in our basement. Happens all the time.


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Heres some merchant material to play around with

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why does it look like a circumcision


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Ironic how you're willing to accept the flimsiest evidence when it comes to
>Jew bad
But for the holocaust you demand someone take you back in a time machine, right inside the gas chamber, and witness firsthand the gassing; then told the exact names of the victims with ID cards for proof and this repeated for every claimed gas chamber. Then you'd like to physically be taken to see the jews in the mass graves being burned and covered up

The US has something like 800k children go missing every year, 100% chance that jews are involved in that.

Also, bump from a kike hating pagan.

The painting is 5' x 7'. Do the artist some justice and use a cleaner, higher-res image.

Proof that he was even there?

So what? You’re joking right? What if your kid was sacrificed in some demonic ritual would you be saying so what? This has nothing to do with other religions. This is murder plain and simple and you say so what?

Based pasta nigger


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also those reaction faces, it perfectly captures the ethnic free interpretation of emotion, above all reviling in all of it, regardless of if they are Jews or not, and this above all pisses off the top Jew