What caused men to become like this Yas Forums?

What is to blame here? Society? Estrogen in food? Feminism? I don't think people like Romans in the past were crying over a trailer for their plays.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Good times

>What is to blame here? Society? Estrogen in food? Feminism?
all these things and and evil, vile group of people overseeing it all.

In short; The Death Of Masculinity, The Rise Of Degeneracy - The Fall Of The West.


This is a terrible meme

Unironically vaccines, people like this wouldn’t live past age 3 in the old days.

All of it including parents or a lack thereof.

Its right though, struggle and failure are how you judge yourself and your character.

the culmination of 42 years of storytelling. You too would get worked up if something similar tickled your pickle.

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Redpill me on vaccines, I got every shot imaginable when I was a kid, how fucked am I?

I blame it on education and the boomers. If you think about it, the parents were the ones raising him up to love shit like this.


user, I.....

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I'll be watching this thread incase I see anything I haven't seen before.
I haven't felt excited or passionate about anything in a long time. It is all I envy people like him for


>I haven't felt excited or passionate about anything in a long time. It is all I envy people like him for
Are you clinically depressed?

Well you're French so I'd say pretty fucked.

Found the weak man

Can someone tell me what the fuck is that red spot on his face?

>boomer parents
Not true, even when raised by a super conservative family, people end up becoming a degenerate like pic. There must be something that is causing all of this and it's worrisome.

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Soi in the water

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nerve gas

Absent parents. Mommy issues. No struggles beyond not getting the new consumption item of the month.

sissy men is a 1st world product. living life on absolute easy mode. no hardships, no stress, no war, no knife fights.

Bad parenting and social pressure. Also jews.

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Why do niggers like Dragon Ball so much? Do they see Niggolo as a father figure or something?

Well shit


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he is a jew

Single mothers.

Because conservative parents are cucks as well. Most boomer christians are white-knight nigger loving cucks

Ooga booga muh WW2 ooga booga muh ebil nadsis abloobloobloo *incoherent rambling about D-Day and speaking german, and how it's all about religion and humanitarian culture*

Shitty office jobs? I mean working a job that has no plesure in it you have to find other ways to find plesure? Maybe this is why they are like this.
>Boring mormon parents ->Become what they hate
>Shitty boomer parents, shitty job -> find something that takes you out of reality 8star wars)

Dunno but spics love it as well for some reason. It’s surprising

>letting some literal who live in your head absolutely rent free because he got emotional over a trailer for some subpar space horse movie
how is this board still so obsessed over this fucking guy.

Isnt that the dude that løst her gf like a month after?

Anyone have the screen cap of said reddit user with a r/heartbreaks

Becuase he is a living consoomer meme incarnate

Virtue signaling.

t. Weak man

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Propaganda. Extremely advanced and targeted propaganda and brain washing by the enemy.

Whats this?

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literally pic related

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absolutely disgraceful

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The fuck is that thing on his cheek?

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Thanks. I was expecting more of a shitstorm of a video

You can't get 1 million like. Like is singular.


The mark of the beast


t. someone who’s never had hardship

God i want to punch that sissy in the face.

liberalism/feminism, parents not able to stay home and raise proper kids cause too busy and broke, dogshit ideas like every one gets a trophy and not keeping score in competitive events, coddling kids and telling them they are never wrong and all their ideas and feelings are valid, death of objective truth for subjective emotion based horseshit, trannies and sex change chemicals are okay and not a mental illness, jews dumbing down and weakening everyone so they can take over... on and on stupid shit like these cause snowflake faggot weak children to grow into manchildren

all the epic happenings on Yas Forums

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but none of the films, literally none, is that deep. If it was serious culture you might understand, but it's not its star wars schlap.


The liberal media.

Talking about your feelings and crying in front of people as a man turns you into a pussy.

It's absolutely true.


>envying that fat blubbering faggot
Kill yourself. There's literally no hope for you

unironically jews

These are our modern myths that need to be protected at all costs.

If you see this as propaganda, you're already getting fucked.

You realize these types of guys have always existed? Before the internet they were hanging out at arcades and comic book stores.

Fuck soi wars, it's an absolute plague on Yas Forums.

I think every man likes dragonball z.

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So shitty superficial Stories are storytelling now?

Lrn2non-white power dynamics. For fucks sakes, Mexico and latin america fucking love DB

I dont think Yas Forums likes disney s0i wars tho

Our standards have fallen, so yes.

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The males picture needs to have a gun next to it.

Literally the most punchable face on the planet.

I think you'd be surprised about the Romans bro

Dont disrespect Piccolo like this surrender Monkey

Estrogens in water
Chemcials (bpa (bps in blå free things), ptfe act as endocrine disruptor and can cross placenta and affect babies causing decrease test and increased estrogen. Low test guys and too high estrogen girls leading to worsened mental health in women.
Probably other chemicals and forms of radiation having affects we yet not realise (radio, WiFi, 5g) when exposed too lifelong

I did when I was a kid but watching it now half the show is just yelling to power up.
A shit ton of filler.

Ya but niggers especially, also with Naruto for some reason. I never see them being obsessed over Berserk, Initial D or Fist of the North Star which are better shows

This. I'd go further and say that lasting peace is a scourge on humanity. Let China invade the US, see what happens to these people.

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user I.....

>Goku Sanchez

That's kind of my point.

Blacks never mature so of course black men still like it.

Though this right here is gold:

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>show is just yelling to power up
Thats shonen in general

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modernity retards growth, this guy is still 12, a good depression and mass deaths will make him grow up real fast


what is her name!

You FAGGOTS fighting us in WW2 when all we wanted were some wheatfields in the East for our women to dance in

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You need a low-time preference
>Initial D
Puerto Ricans fixing Pontiacs cant into this shit.
>Fist of the North Star
not colorful enough

Damaged tissue due to bull's cumshot.

It would be a whole lot easier for china to invade france and I suspect they know it.

No guns fags btfo

i like to believe this guys dad took him to every star wars movie and passed away just before episode 7.

hes overcome with emotion that he gets to finish the story he started with his father.

he sees the story of himself and his own father before he died and hopes for a happy ending to the saga of anakin skywalker.

>inb4 george lucas kills the skywalker lineage and palpatines kid gets to survive in true cuck fashion.

That will never ever happen again, thank goodness.

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It's like the opposite of those tranny reveal with the parents pics lol.


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But our men defended your Fuhrer until the very last during the Battle of Berlin.

that's for 14 year olds though

I genuinely feel bad for this guy. He obviously is on some kind of spectrum, has a passion for something very nerdy and thought he could share it with the world.
The result? He became a meme for insecure men to fyioom about muh masculinity

Americans are just too retarded to enjoy real storytelling


At least they'll be George's wacky ideas, rather than Rian Johnson/Kathleen Kenney's shit ones.

BTW, is Bob Chapek jewish?

>Goku Sanchez

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what a sicko

Double kek

Whites allowed all of this shit to happen. It's like a parent who allows an 8 year old child to smoke heroin but says "heroin is bad for children." The only reason the child smokes crack is because you let it. The Jews, blacks, feminists, and anyone else are just like heroin. Sure, they are bad. Regardless, you need to act intentionally as a society to allow these things within your borders. If you don't allow them, you don't have any problems. If you do allow them in, then you're fucked because these things will destroy you.

>As much as Jewish corruption and black criminality will destroy civilization, White Altruism is the only real problem here.
>White Altruism is the AIDS that infects the White race and White Society. White Altruism is what allows the infestations of Blacks and Jews to thrive in your society.
>Without this AIDS, these infections would not have become so strong that they collapse society.
>The Altruism of the White Race, meaning "being kind to people, human rights, civil rights, sentimental value, idealism, and inexorable 'value of human life', are all things that do nothing but protect the criminals, degenerates, and hellspawn that exist as parasitic infections upon your country. These beliefs are AIDS for any civilization that has them.
>These things are AIDS because they protect criminals, degenerates, traitors, conspirators, and other groups of people that are detrimental to society. They may be degenerates or criminals, but they have rights, so you can't do anything about the infestation of your society.
>When pathogens are so protected by civil liberties and human rights, then this makes your society unable to protect itself from the harmful people because it's own immune system, such as social outrage and legal action, cannot work, due to civil rights and human rights preventing them from fighting the infection.
>When the immune system of your society can't work, then his allows all infections to thrive and multiply.

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Point that accusation over to Japan, and you may be correct!

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read the ingredients on the hungryman tv dinner

thats just an extreme example of the bullshit in all our food.

its chemicals and soi. but thats not all, theres a lot going on. media and school and hypergamy causing men to give up

France wasn't all Vichy. You guys sabotaged our trains before the invasion of the Normandy. Shame on you!

>What is to blame here?
Barney the dinosaur

As funny as that is it also makes me sad

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This is an extreme outlier

>Goku Sanchez
He has over 9000 kids

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As it turns out George was an oil driller the whole time.

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Never liked DBZ myself. I finally got around to reading Naruto during the past month. It's not bad. I like it enough to finish it, at least.
But nothing I've read or watched can compare to Berserk. Maaaaaaaybe Fullmetal Alchemist, but it's a completely different kind of enjoyment I get out of it.

That's what happens when you remove foundation myths and religion from society. Now people form their identity from Hollywood movies instead. We are denied a collective white identity so people attach onto pop culture to form their identity.

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Man no longer worships God but still has the innate need for belief so he worships false idols crafted in a pedowood studio

It's all about time investment. The more time invest in something the more you care about it. The people losing their shit over Star Wars are the same people who have watched all the movies dozens of times.

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Dubbed->subbed is the same as the gap between subbed->raw, and raw->manga
Anime in general is for retards and niggers. Patricians read manga. (In moon runes)

Eugene packing some heat


What about this? There are plenty of examples

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>What is to blame here


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Roman men used to fuck each other though

>he doesn't enjoy Hungry Man frozen teevee dinners
He was just trying to idolize his teen years.

We've become isolated from all natural selection proccesses in modern society due to safety nets and improved medical care.
Suddenly, all innately weak human beings that would've otherwise been culled by nature are elevated to our plane of existence.
As a result, flawed genetic material pollute the collective gene pool.
Furthermore, urbanization and swelling population numbers have skewed the human instinct to breed, and as a result, men have increased competiton to mate. This has, overall, lowered testosterone levels in a balancing act to accomodate a larger population, forcing more men into the role of women.
The human population in any given area should at most, be in the millions, not the hundreds of millions. We simply have too many people, and too much competiton. Now, this is great for business, but terrible for the collective wellbeing of humanity.
This is a sad truth nobody will admit to, because the only solution is to either breed out entire races of people, or to cull a large section of the global population. This will likely never happen, and human beings will pretend it doesnt matter, until more viruses, and man made disasters cause the single greatest mass die off of a species ever recorded.

Humans are not supposed to be so comfy esp Whites. Our ancestors had to think and prepare and work hard or die. I think a high level of comfy is a disgenic without lifting or heavy excerise and is fucking people up in ways we don't even understand.