End of times are near

End of times are near

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I’m pretty sure I’ve read books with much more apocalyptic vision

lol this faggot who kisses nigger feet expects god to listen to him
lol, what a joke

>Pope is still alive
Corona, you failed us.

The world is over as we knew it. This will completely change society going forward.


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Fuck Babylon

The day of our Lord approaches

>not the faggot anti-christ
The current Pope is one of the least Christian people in existence. We're more likely being punished for having him as Pope than him praying for the disease to stop.

>Asking Moloch to stop the pandemic Moloch started.
Will it work?

The Pope is praying to God, Whoa!

Kinda based and powerful in a way that emphasizes powerlessness.

Let's hope the world becomes a bit better.

In what way?

Pandemics is actually good, because it will crash degenerate capitalism. It will finally make media, porn, Hollywood go bankrupt.

There's that one early 20th Century short story coming into my had about an old man talking to children about planes and light bulbs before a great pandemic and the kids laughing it off like he was crazy.

Can't remember the name.

No, it really won't.

>media, porn, Hollywood go bankrupt.
that's totally going to happen with the majority of the population stuck at home consuming that shit

all hope should be eradicated, and it will

God says:
Nah, it will stop but lets remove a lot more evil first.

Literally straight up fascism is the only way to stop people from consuming porn. We'll see if this crisis leads back to national socialism. We've already got a good start on it by closing the borders.

The virus is here because of men like the pope.

>"You know what, Pope-chan? I had this big omniscient plan and everything and ignored the wailing masses so far, but I guess you asked nicely."

His cries will fall user deaf ears. My God knows there’s No Rest for the wicked. Now let the bodies hit the FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

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the pope smokes dope

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"the words are disappearing into the picture" what the fuck does that even mean?

He is praying to his father Lucifer that the Antichrist will take his throne to wage war on the Earth and on God.


Kino AF

hopefully it will kill globalization and all sorts of leftism

Built for BBC

read another book you insufferable retard. LOTR brainlets make harry potter trannys look normal

Good. He should be out there day and night praying for forgiveness for himself and for the people he's lead astray.

It means he's pleading to no one because he's a catholic.

fuck the peepee touchers

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> porn will go bankrupt
Not if I have anything to say about it.

What's the point of asking God to stop doing the thing he planned to do in the first place?

>oh, YOU don't want me to do this? sorry, I'll find something else to do then. No no no, it's okay, YOUR will be done

lol, like things changed after the black plague or spanish flu?


There's a distinct lack of nigger feet in his mouth.

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i don't think God can even hear Francis

>coming from a Jew
Still.. you have a point jew boy

>be humanity
>fuck kids
>tranny epidemy
>drag queen story hour
>abortion legal and surging
>not killing kikes on sight



>Knows he's gonna die from corona
>Asks his god for forgiveness for diddling too many kids.

black plauge taught us to hate rats and love cats.
Spanish flu taught us that not evrything is just a flu
Things will change but we just dont know how yet

JRr tolkein
J k Rowling

the antichrist approaches


Oh... my... god...
I totally saw this in a movie! In fact, i think they even had a Simpson's episode on this! There might have even been a Rick and Morty episode too! Im gonna go rewatch them right now!

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this. fuck this blasphemer crypto jew nigger lover

The Papacy IS the antichrist

idolatry is not Christian!

What a pompous cock gobbler. Can we put together a better ambassador to the Lord than a pedo faggot?? Obviously God doesn't give a shit what the pope wants.

>bible says the end times will be like no other with wars, rumors of war, famine, sickness, etc, etc, etc that all must pass before the return of Jesus Christ
>Pope Francis, the supposed "Vicar of Christ," prays to God to not do it
Big HMMM for me.

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Can I get a photoshop of this with crowds of dead people in front of him? Tbqh that’s more of what I expect a “pope in the apocalypse” pic to look like.

If a dying child, an innocent being, a pure soul can't make God save his life, what makes you think the cries of a decrepit, old, tainted, sinful man can help?
Jesus has never had a gold crown on his head, the walls surrounding him were never made of precious metal, he didn't have temples, his followers weren't wealthy, he wasn't even wealthy when it came to conversations. If the man, the Son of God, wasn't actively seeking God, what makes you think this show will make a difference?
What makes it powerful? For he who has taken the name of the Lord in the desert, that man has already lost his purpose. To bring hope to the people? People shall find hope inside their minds, inside their homes. You don't need a church to find God, you only need yourself. You don't even need a scripture to find God, because you can understand God by default. You don't need to be wired to Vatican, to the mosque, to the synagogue. You need faith in yourself and faith in God, in whatever form he is.
You don't even have to believe. Because as long as you have a little bit of good in you, there's hope.
This a show, prayer is sacrosanct and this is a perversion of what Jesus has taught, in these times of need more than ever.

Someone pls draw God saying “no” like pic related

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You have never read the bible.

God: "No".

He is pleading to the Babylonian Ishtar.

Oh but I have, I've went to church so much, even the sound of the choir is instilled in my mind.
But this is not what a priest should do and this is not what Jesus envisioned for people. This is the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector.
A person praying silently in its house > the pope.

Nah. It really won't.

Conducting mass...funerals.

>God, please stop it, I want to kiss nigger feet again!

And they will look upon me, pleading me to save them... And in the end, I'll say:

Pedophile faggots, vatican 2 is a joke.
The church is dead.
They killed it with their vices.

spanish flu taught us it is not racist to name a plague after a country

In the worst way possible. Prepare your lungs and your head for the most dysthopian landscape possible.

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