How will women and minorities compete now?

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Well during a crisis you have to make sure you have competent people working, and that any money spent will go towards spending it on the best talent you can get. This woman does know that affirmative action is based on an overabundance of money and a relaxing on requirements of skills, right?

Non-whites being rewarded by merit instead of skin color is a serious disaster for them all.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah JUST hahhahahahahahahahahahahahha

How will nigs an bitches ever recover; protip they wont.


>Well during a crisis you have to make sure you have competent people working, and that any money spent will go towards spending it on the best talent you can get.

Big if true

Based on merit.

Affirmative Action is over. Niggerz can't.

Crazy Eddy’s

As the awakening progresses anons.

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Good fuck minorities and women.

> Jews and Niggers seething

Conflating opportunity with unfair sexist/racist advantage against mostly white men. Fuck jews and fuck affirmative action.

Hilarious that when there's a real crisis on hand, women, niggers, and all other non-whites have to step aside. I wonder why that is?

Reminder that affirmative action was sold to the public as a TEMPORARY measure that was only going to last for a few years until women and minorities caught up.



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Do they still not have that opportunity?
It's just not a guaranteed opportunity...

Based leaf understands and teaches lurkers

I have been crippled for the past 13 years of adult life. Not once have I played that card for my benefit. These people are born victims of their own self pity.

Even if they enforced that action correctly we will be better off
Merit first, all other in consideration second. If the same merit, then chose for diversity. Even that rule became fucked up

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But then it would look like new business startups where everyone is a white or asian male. There would be riots if it was a pure meritocracy because literally anything important would be done by a white and asian male and the shrieking leftists will say “LOOK SEEE DEY WATCIST.” 85 iq and 13% of the population means that in a meritocracy the majority of niggers would literally die.

The last sentence in the tweet reads like it was written by either a retard, or a toddler. How do these people get elected?

>Merit first
Nah, I'd rather close the loopholes with cream of the crop immigrants and put race first.

Good. The problem will solve itself.

So what
We are not arguing when majority of athletes are not white in certain well paid sports. Also to riot, you have to be unemployed, there is plenty of work in every company, we just need key positions based on merit. Btw, there are very capable minorities, there are just not proportionally represented with race/ethnicity. Go to every math, physics, chem department at university. You ll see mostly white, asian but still some black and hispanic. We dont need this to turn into shit by choosing by race and gender first.

>but still some black and hispanic
They got free school, preferential admission and preferential hiring. Even still, they're dead weight.

affirmative action, = white women
It's time for this charade to end

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This virus is so fucking based

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I am a mathematician. I have seen affirmative action hires that were mostly American blacks and I have seen true geniuses from some of the most remote parts of Africa.

I learned math under a black mathematician named Koffi Fadimba (you can google him). And quite honestly he would run circles around most white mathematicians I know, me included.

The dude is like a father to me. Now stop with your racist BS. There are black geniuses.

You just played the card bro...

Affirmative action is a terrible idea. People should be accepted into schools or given a job purely based on merit. That is the only efficient system. The state should not reward the lazy and punish the industrious.


Whites are minorities you dipshit

Do not worry. You will still get your movies about how women and blacks saved the world from Coronavirus.

>There are black geniuses.
Yep...just no where near as many as white or Asian ones... being a mathematician u should know how averages work. And why you can't apply them to a merit system.

Minorities need our help to succeed! they can't do it on their that waycist?
>cited 79 times (by his students)
>all his papers are on fluids
A glorified affirmative action engineer. He should stay in Africa and help his fellow mud people rather than taking up white persons spot and wasting everyone's time with his atrocious Bantu mumbling.

He didnt argue that
He argued that there are very capable minorities
I agree. My point is we dont need proportional representation. We need merit first, then if equal candidates go with diversity. Its how it was originally, lately changed to quotas, which is completely wrong

Well if they haven’t, they really should. White people in general but MEN SPECIFICALLY will be discriminated against. I mean, how fucking unfair would it be to be thankful you landed a good job many years ago that you’ve clung to for life, you get laid off because of corona, and now all anybody wants to hire is younger black women.

Too bad a huge chunk of companies aren't hiring because they're shuttering their doors until this blows over

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I wasn’t saying I was against it. I was merely telling you what would happen. “Racism” to a leftist is just physical reality. In any merit based system involving intelligence as the main vector for success will have white and asian males disproportionately represented because they are just more intelligent and logical by nature. I’m just saying that if somehow the entire west became a meritocracy tomorrow 90% of blacks would be homeless.

Weird. You think in order to save money the government would hire them because they're just as qualified as white men and get paid 25% less. Seems strange that the govt would pass on that.

Good. Then maybe more white men will learn to grow, fix, and build things. Homesteading is the answer. Women absolutely love men who do this.

Affirmative action has already succeeded. Do they think white Blackpool NEET’s will suddenly blossom into motivated phds? No.

How can you be a mathematician and have your argument be so compelled by emotion and anecdotal evidence? Why do you believe people would change their minds because you know one smart black man as if the people here could find outliers inconceivable

We need more affirmation action in the climate sciences.

maybe the virus is jesus

Affirmative action is shit.
Equality of outcome is shit.
If you cannot succeed without these you must accept that you are shit.
Giving someone a contract on the basis of attributes not related to the needs of the contract is just fucking idiocy.

They should've removed affirmative action a long time ago. That way if you see a black or hispanic guy in the workforce you wouldn't suspect that he was hired to meet some quota.

Women outnumber men in population demographics, college degrees and workforce. Live longer than men. Still demand affirmative action.

Affirmative action is 90s boomer bullshit that doesn’t have any place in today’s woke society. Doesn’t help matters when you someone refrains from disclosing their nationality, it defaults to Caucasian in most cases stacking the deck in favor of muh gibs.

“Get out of the plantation”, we aren’t there anymore.

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This is actually the reason why I always list myself as white despite being hispanic.

The funny thing is that leftists will deny that it is happening because there is no straight up legislation saying that you will be thrown in prison for not having the correct amount of browns and women. I’ve actually have had leftists say that affirmative action isn’t a thing in the west. In reality in any corporation it is “heavily incentivized” to have diversity or you will end up with lawsuits left right and center so they decreased efficacy of the 90 iq baboon being carried by the rest of the team is actually worth it in terms of risk aversion. At dell women and browns CANNOT be in the bottom 20% of income no matter how badly they perform. The Asians and whites would always be doing 2-3x the numbers with usually the top 20% of the team doing 80% of the work but HR will tell you that they literally cannot be in the bottom 20% of income for any given position relative to experience. These affirmative action hires also get free rides though college just for graduating with a C and are fast tracked into either kushy government jobs where you cannot be fired and the state sets up a pension for life for you. Honestly if you are a white male from a lower class family you are just fucked, even if you are intelligent. Hell, even middle class and your parents can’t pay for your education in cash. This kind of shit is only possible in a time with massive abundance because it’s essentially a larp to make everyone look equal. Just like the canadian poster said above, he’s completely right. It sickens me the shit that I’ve seen in my day. Literal 90 iq people who have 0 reason to be anywhere near these positions and are just immune because HR coaches them on how to complain about any little thing.

And yet the leftists, not being able to actually comprehend statistics and just repeating buzzfeed headlines, will say shit like how white women are the main beneficiaries of AA because there are just MORE of them TOTAL. In reality a black female just has to stay out of prison and will be railroaded into a 6 figure position. My wife’s friend is an actual 80 iq negress who admitted to cheating in college, they couldn’t fail her. She now works for the DA as an assistant pulling in 6 figures. Dumbest bitch you’ll ever meet. And they wonder why our government organizations like the CDC are so shit compared to japan or SK where only merit matters. It’s literally unbelievable.

No, women put a man's status ahead of all that. Homesteading= no status in the system. Only female autists will be into it. Not to mention that just retreating into the wilderness is a completely ineffective cope for societal issues.

You arent leaving society by homesteading. Its the exact opposite of that.

Ive lived in nyc for my whole life. Grew up in a great little community on the outskirts. That life in vastly superior to what its become. Of course, diversity killed that community and its now a chink shithole.

Also. Women are attracted to Men! Money gets their attention, but these people are miserable.

I fucking love corona chan, she is our girl

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What a based timeline.

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Ok wow I'm officially off the Trump train.

Fake news

>not enough qualified niggers
>got to let some whities starve until we find some


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Bioleninism collapses at the first sign of actual trouble.

>not learning math from a chinese
get on my level