If you were a patriotic mutt which one would you rather join - CIA or FBI?
If you were a patriotic mutt which one would you rather join - CIA or FBI?
After Easter when relative normalcy returns Q is cancelled. No major arrests/deaths, and no deep-state takedown after China and Bill Gates/Soros tried to take down the global economy, then that's it for Q. No anons are allowed to break this rule.
The naval intelligence bureau
FBI has a better than 50% chance of being cleansed.
nope on a rope
Oh shit NO - them Navy boys be trafficking and fucking kids for way too long!
Double agent, infiltrate CIA for MILINT
CIA is a nation unto itself. You can't be CIA and a true American patriot.
US Marshals
This. Why hasn't the CIA removed all of the corrupt politicians that have sold the country to China?
Ill allah akbar myself before i become a spook.
Agreed with the hue-nigger.
I’ve worked for the NSA before. AMA
based. NSA, DSS, or National Clandestine Service
CIA so I can Banepost
neither. you can either join the FBI and be a faggot who serves ZOG interests, or you can join the CIA and be an even bigger faggot as part of what is essentially the private army for ZOG/wallst/banker interests. The real patriots will seek out one another while exposing these agendas.
Because the CIA and China are their handlers.
Neither, what a stupid question.
CIA would probably be more interested in me.
does ANYBODY actually trust the CIA?
I mean really, those guys are beyond greasy
just fuckin run em over
CIA. Everyone knows the FBI is gay as fuck. That's why they tried so hard to make them look cool in the X-Files.
The charter of the fbi is doubious since its mission was not an enumerated power in the constitution. The cia is a bit more plausible constitutionally if it is a branch of the military and does not work on american soil. So cia at least is probably somewhat legitimate the other not so much.
Fbi bc they arent forced to wear lgbtq+ attire everyday.
I've been told FBI is for top tier Yale types. CIA fun loving misfits who make the impossible possible.
I wouldn't join either I'd spread my asshole and let niggers and little minority children crawl in
Why do you like staring at dicks so much?
Fbi, that’s not even a choice
Who gives a crap about international facebook attention whores
they have radically different missions so idk why you are even comparing them
CIA would be more fun and you're mostly murdering innocent foreigners rather than innocent Americans
Female Body Inspector checking in
CIA, cooler logo.
Glowie here. Fuck the FBI.
CIA. Free coke and hookers, don't have to wear a suit.
did you have to take a lunch break to suck dicks or did they just let you gobble them up at your desk while running everyone else's scripts?
t.i want to work for for government contractors (minus licking weiner)
CIA definitely. If the deep state come for me I will be trained to vanish and survive.
FBI: Too rigid. Would probably get offed by my own side for rule bending as much as a felon pulling a trigger at me. I like some FBI stuff but..
The CIA wins.
CIA because you might get killed as fbi
Well if enough good minded people joined either of these corrupt unconstitutional entities they could dismantle them
Faggotry squared right there
Notice the NSA gets no love here. Sometimes it’s good to be the quiet guy that just listens in on everyone else’s conversations.
CIA seems like they get up to more shit.
definitely not fbi. they all belong in prison. dunno anything about the cia.
CIA because I thought Jack Ryan was a pretty cool guy in the Tom Clancy books.
are you more a smart frat boy type or a real detailed analysis upper crust book reading intellectual type?
Fbi is bunch of boomers
just how much access do you have to ordinary people's private information like their text conversations and browsing activity?
neither. for me, it’s the Northern Virginia Militia
Thank you for your service. It's patriots like you that keep the Republic safe.
I'd rather be a janny than work for either one of those chucklefucks
Internal Affairs
What’s the square root of 144?
A patriotic American could not join either.
Neither. Disband.
dat wetworks tho
>just how much access do you have to ordinary people's private information like their text conversations and browsing activity?
if it's digital we have it
How about we cancel Israel and ZOG first.
I work for NSA but have been read onto CIA's operations relating to my work. I'll just say that it's much more interesting and exciting over there, although I do like my job for being pretty chill and straightforward.
I'd rather kill myself.