I want peace with Israel


Jews and Arabs of Yas Forums, lets meme world peace into reality

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Lets meme the destruction of Israel...roll

Kek wipe them both out, take my energy

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And checked

It’s not proper to check or /thread or fpbp yourself

fuck, rolling to counter your roll


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Rolling for total annihilation of Israel

I'm with you Lebafren

Shut the fuck up

Lets meme death of Amerimuttica

alrigh uhhh rolling for annihilation of both? maybe?
hello, kek?

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No such a thing as Israel. Remove all kikes.

rolling for the end of the world

Generational Muslim Arabs in Canada, from my experience, are totally based. Only once have I had the pleasure of meeting a real McCoy Canadian Jew. He not only played guitar like Ziggy, he MADE his own electric guitar. Not only did he drink beer, he BREWED beer in his parents' basement. He was making his own climate modeling software in his early twenties. Stellar guy. Even drove a motorcycle. Based Jews and Muslims will save us from ourselves.

It makes it invalid, New fag


> peace
> doesn't know about greater israel projects

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They don't want peace with you Lebanese bro

Jews will be peiceful only dead. Read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion".

yii 3a ayre I am very friendly with jews outside of israel but the people who live with no problem of the jidf murdering the palastinian people and taking over lebanon/near by areas I cant consider anything other than a foe. Like it or not the facts speak and you cant argue it.

the last time you sided with them it ended badly for you.....

Also note: taking religion into consideration, islam preaches being freindly with those who dont fight you, and the last time I checked the biggest enemy of islam and the arab penensula is the israelis. They are not real jews theyre a bunch of zionist who arent satisfied with anything other than a nwo.


You have no power here

they can sort it out with each other i don't care, palestinians had many chances at peace, with generous offers of land and money, but they always refuse and choose war, AND LOSE.

Why the fuck would you think i would support some dirty sand nigger lol

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>generous offers
Kill yourself kike and stop shilling with Lebanese flag. They invaded you yet you still suck their cock what a low life I hope someone will shoot you in face or some kike will kill you in next war.

Brother, show me a peace offer where the ''peace deal'' was fair for both sides. Selling your land to a bunch of filthy zionists isnt a thing someone with a dignity will take.

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>They are not real jews
they are, not in an ethic sense because most of Israelians are mutts and mongrels with little to no relation to ancient Hebrews the real sons of Israel
but they are still following Judaism and it's satanic Talmudic death cult, anyone who follows this religion based on Jewish supermacy deserves a bullet to the head

If not for oil we would never have had to deal with the Saudi cancer on the world stage. Hope the oil runs out soon and the royal family gets what they deserve from Corona (in Minecraft)

Mashallah based saudibro we all know this, at one point they will try to invade lebanon and syria just like they did before.

they invaded because of palestinian militias.
also i'm not saying they didn't do anything wrong, but so did the palis.

Your country is great satan. Built by masons and spread degeneracy and destruction world wide. Hopefully corona will bring your end in world stage.

what are these militias you speak of? The hamas group which has killed a couple of hundred jews compared to the jidf who murders hundreds by the day?

Ther will be zero world peace infact Lebanon is close enough to israel I wonder if your country will be a part of greater israel in 20 years

Don't bother with him. He shills for jews non stop in POL.

This thought is in most of the lebanese people's heads thats why hezbollah is still a power in lebanon because the people fear a 2nd israeli invasion backed by the americans. I personally dont like hezbollah for his religious believes but he is the most based and red pilled person in lebanon.

>If not for oil we would never have had to deal with the Saudi cancer
not without your kike overlords giving you the green light you mutt
you can't do anything on your own will you Americuck goyim now go back to consuming more (((Hollywood))) products to support Israel

We have more to lose than gain from peace. No one wants a bunch of filthy sandniggers to be able to roam the streets here like they do in Europe. With peace, people here would be more accepting of shitskins, which would be a disaster. The more the sandniggers fight us, the better our society is with respect to foreigners. Peace would be a complete disaster.

He also does it on r/lebanon kek its a big issue in the sub reddit.

>No one wants a bunch of filthy sandniggers to be able to roam the streets
you have millions of Mizrahi/Sephardic sandnigger rats roaming in your streets you fucktard

i havent been on reddit in years retard


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Can you even speak arabic internet language mr.jidf?

They are bad. But the Arabic sandniggers are complete subhumans. I've seen enough of them during my army service. Dirty, smelly, greasy violent fucks who can't run a civil society. I've been in Europe a lot and saw how much they polluted the major cities over there.

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Jews are just closet arabs.

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>I've seen enough of them during my army service
are the diapers they make IDFaggots wears comfortable? share your experience with us Mr.Khazarian Mutt
>Dirty, smelly, greasy violent fucks who can't run a civil society
you just described jews through all history

>My army service
Going to palestinian neighborhoods where your likes destroy and murder isnt where arabs should be characterized as.

Until "Israel" is returned to Palestinians there shouldn't be any peace. These faggots came from all over the world and kicked the native Palestinians out and took their homes. How can there be peace?

Lebobro Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians are all one people.

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Thank you based canadabro clearly op is a misguided shill who is submissive to the israeli micro penis.

Hada ya 5ayen ya yahoodi

Lebanon is supposed to be the pinnacle of Arab society and it's still a massive crime-infested shithole with corrupt shitskins who fight each other all the time. Even you can't run a society without Europeans running it for you.

Not talking about the fat disgusting shitskins in the gulf. They live on oil money, and even with that, they turned into fat lazy fucks who can't fend off a bunch of Yemenis with slippers and ak 47.

Delicious seethe.

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damn i wish that was me

miye bel miye white washed mf mfakar eno l sahayne biti2ona.

come fight them then. cucks out to the west and calls me a traitor

Your time is almost up, hope you got dual citizenship like the 80% of Israelis that do cuz you're gonna be going back to where u came from faggot

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>They live on oil money
and you live on American military aid + kike diaspora donations from all over the world so what's your point Shlomo?
>can't fend off a bunch of Yemenis with slippers and ak 47.
says the rat who couldn't defeat few numbers of Hizboallah militants

pack it up threads over

implying spheradic people arent sandniggers, keep kidding yourself mohammad


>Your time is almost up
Do you ever get tired of saying that? I mean I know bearing a grudge is endemic to Arab culture, which is why they keep killing each other - but it really gets kind of sad after a while. Kind of embarrassing to be honest.

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keep rollin rollin rollin