Slav/pol/ - Panslavic Union

Hello my brothers, it is time that we discuss how we can create a panslavic confederation to once and for all exterminate all eurocucks and turkroaches.

The union will be a superstate confederation with its capital in Bratislava and will consist of: Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro.

We will also retake historic slavic lands in Bosnia, Italy, Albania and Kosovo.

Russian Federation, Ukraine, Bosnia, Bulgaria and Macedonia are banned because they are mutts.

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next collapse of russia when?

After Corona obliterates their healthcare system, Putin dies and Chechnya declares independence again.

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Capital should be new city created in geographical heart of this federation (not confederation, confederation means union of independent countries, not superstate).
Such superstate shouldn't start off with enclaves all ever the place, it should focus at first at Poland, Slovakia, Czechia and Belarus; south Slavs should be tied by economical and political aliance with this formation atleast few decades before integration.

lmao, the capital of the country that huge and close to the border with Austria? Stop tripping man even if we agreed to this it would be ridiculous
Warsaw or Kraków

Considering south Slavs, Slovakia can be considered a geographical center. The reason I chose Bratislava is because there are a lot of conflicts between slavs and Slovakia is the most neutral country. We should also have a United Slavic Army and retake h*ngarian and a*strian lands to connect us with our southern brothers.

Fuck this we are annexing the east... Kurwa is coming

Pretty fucking based dude count me in

Countries who accept Jesus as a King will be allowed to enter Holy Empire (except Germs who are always evil behind sweet talk).

Based Belarus bro, Austrians and Hungarians are just Germanized and Magyarized Slavs anyway

But your lebensraum is in Scandinavia, Hans. You have no rights for Central and Eastern Europe.

What you’re referring to as slavs, are in fact, ruthenians/eastern germanic descendants of kievan rus, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, east nordids.

Slavs are not a race unto itself, but rather another component of the ethnogenesis of the scandinavian norse germanic people from the migration of the peoples and onward, made historically relevant by the kievan rus settlements in Gardariki by the norsemen who traveled down the Volga and founded both Russia and Ukraine before being christianized by the byzantine empire.

Many eastern germanics speak the artifical glagolithic church language invented by the greek monk Cyrill, which is where the term cyrillics stems from. Before that, they spoke old norse and revered pagan germanic gods.

All the so-called "slavs" are really descendants of eastern germanics. There is objectively no argument to be made against this historical fact.

Thanks for reading, and please refer to them as "eastern germanics" next time you make a "slav" thread.

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Does anybody know how long Czech Republic will be closed?

When we reclaim Hungary or if they are willing to join our capital should be Budapest since it sits right in the middle of West and South Slavs

You rapebabies sure talk big.

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The geopolitcal center is Kraków, countries are not equal Poland Czech republic and Slovakia have bigger populations and economies. Countries are not equal.
>the most neutral
if you think we wouldn't dominate this federation then goodbye we have nothing to talk about

Lets slavisize the hungarians and romanians into Slovaks, Croatians, Serbs und Bulgars after that we could easily improve the demographics in our claimed land and in the sorbian lands in germany up to the Olba / Elbe to take whats ours. But first of all we need also all learn "Medzyslovjanski Jezik"

Yes bratan. Poland is indeed in the center

geographic -- maybe, political -- pffft lol

>Considering south Slavs, Slovakia can be considered a geographical center.
perhaps, but it would need to be some city in eastern Slovakia, Bratislava is literally 30 minutes from Vienna, it's basically a suburb of Vienna.

i am sorry but croats dont belong here because we are of iranic origin

Is this some stupid pasta?
>eastern germanics
no such thing. Goths came from Scandinavia in III century and slavic cultures like Lusatian Culture existed prior that. Tollense Battle place is filled with slavic DNA

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>artifical glagolithic church language
Deutsche is artificial. Slavic languages are older than sanskrit and much older than latin.

t. diaspora nigger that lost his job because of corona

All belarusians who don’t identify as russians are cucks who submit to the polonization of their language and accept this new identity despite being russians.

wtf, WE are of Iranian origin

this is further proof that Croatia is just South Poland

Sarmatians have nothing to do with iranians. If they do provide source. No traces of iranian languages in central Europe, where Sarmatians inhabited during their fights with Romans.

Good job taking our lands when we got better army than u all put together subhumans

Lmao. Nobody said anything bad about Russians. There is no problem with white ethnic Russians but this commercial entity known as the "Russian Federation" is a mutt empire.

>All the so-called "slavs" are really descendants of eastern germanics

right, except that Balto-Slavic and proto-Germanic languages diverged thousands of years ago - Proto-Slavic is estimated to have diverged from Balto-Slavic circa 1500 BCE.

Germanic peoples and Slavs are related, but so are all Indo-Europeans.

By the Gods, I love being Slavic

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Calls for pan-slavic union...excludes slavic nations. OP is a retard.

Bosnians are mutts but Serbs and Croats aren’t?

Not soon enough.

I'm going to fuck off and run the Independent Siberian republic.

Freedom only exists on the frontier.

All mudslimes are mutts.

It’s true that Some aryan tribes like the scythians assimilated to eastern slavs. Also iranian is not a great word. Modern iranians are all brown(pajeet tier). Speaking from experience.

slavics are worthless subhuman, they don't breed

nie potnij sie o te krawedzie

Go fuck yourself you second rate Russian

Why the fuck would a mudslime even want to be in a Slavic Union? You are literally baby roaches.

aaaaaand this is why it wouldn't work in real life.

Not all slavic nations are meant to be slavic in their existence. Bosnia is artificial, Ukraine and Macedonia too.


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Imagine not incorporating the strongest Slavic Power in your federation, Russia. It's like a Germanic Federation not having Germany lol.

Or you can just call it Austro-Hungarian Empire. Somebody has to stand up to neo-Ottomans aggression.
And Ukraine can annex Russia - I'm sure US and Europe don't mind...

ukraine is still full of slavic people, definitely more slavic than russia

too bad then. If YOU want to lure Poland into this. Merge your undeveloped markets with our developed market give us your debts and share our superior army which we've been building for years. You need to give us something in return that is the leadership. If you want to be treated equally move to Poland

>Russian Federation, Ukraine, Bosnia, Bulgaria and Macedonia are banned because they are mutts

I was going to be trolling, but that convinced me not to.

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I love Baltic threads. The infights and banter are fucking hilarious.

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Fuck Slavic union btw

We're going for you Sasha, once and for all

Have adidas pants
Drive vw golf
Love vodka
Live in a commie cement box

Ok so just polonize them

Useless D and C shilling. What form of government is the best for the Slavs? How is education to be fulfilled? What values are to embraced? Religious freedoms? I’d focus my efforts here when discussing pan-Slavic unions.

It is the Slavic fate to constantly fight amongst ourselves.

baltics arent slavs gobshite

Well for myself i can proudly say that I'm a Rodnoweirny / Rodnovyerny that practices the ORIGINAL slavic faith with no fucking abrahamic influences. So well up to religion we should bash all abrahamic insitutions and (re)build our real slavic faith.

Well their grammar and vocabulary is very similar because once the slavs and balts were one people group.

>Uses proposed Commonwealth of Three Nations coat of arms with Archangel Michael

Ukraine no allow.
Do they not teach history in Lukashenkoland?

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Nah fuck that

I meant Slavic.

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Well Ukraine is so fucked up that they hail to Stepan Bandera a "HERO" that killed his fellow slavs to make jewkraine big and proud

Russia is going to own all your asses. You know it, I know it. This is not how you cope with that.

A month best case scenario, so atleast 3

>Austrians and Hungarians are just Germanized and Magyarized Slavs anyway
You’re retarded

Form of government: national monarchy (нapoднaя мoнapхия)

Education: religious family homeschooling

Values: ultranationalism, traditionalism

Religion: Slavic National Church based on old style Orthodoxy and traditional Catholicism

they're too weak, the corrupt elite can barely consolidate power over their own people, let alone project it outward

>When we reclaim Hungary
RECLAIM? Hungary was never yours. Hell, the territory and modern borders of your country today are not even your historical borders! Fuck off gypsy

Probably would be possible if another balkan league would come into the works, to fight the common enemy, as of now the south slavs are neutered and disorganized, at least geo-politically. However, the idea of united slavdom to fight against globalist forces and the usurpation of European nations sounds almost necessary but a pipe dream at best.

>Ukraine is mutt
I would like to remind, that only 34% of Belarusians actually know Belarusian language and only 6% use it regularly