Why the fuck does NOBODY have rainy day funds?

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Guess this thread is basically over.

this is what black people actually believe

I have 7200 dollars and 50k in my retirement account. It’s not a lot but I’m glad my dad instilled savings in me.

What part of it is not true? And who's black?

People literally don't get paid enough to keep any money. Everyone is swamped in debt. Every penny goes to the debt and yet the debt keeps rising anyway, because interest.
Short answer: Jews. Usury.

I have a rainy day fund. I will not get anything extra for being the ant to the retarded grasshoppers. I fucking hope the system really does collapse


I am the most frugal person alive and even I have almost no money. I manage to save $1000 and it gets BTFO by some random bill the government sends me for painting my porch the wrong color, or a vet bill or something.

currently sitting on 4 months of rainy day funds. shame I might have to bailout parents

One time I attached a small ramp from my window to the ground for my cats to go out of more easily, and the city came and billed me $200 because I "didn't have a building permit" to fucking attach a small piece of plywood to a window.

I’m a 21 year old zoomer with $10k in the bank and a 401k Thats doing very well
I make literally $14 an hour, 40 hours a week. I am debt free, and have never borrowed a penny.
I don’t understand how anyone lives paycheck to paycheck. You retards don’t know how to manage your money, at all.

Usury will bring about the collapse of society in the end. It's a massive global legalized Ponzi scheme.

If you’re swamped in debt that your own fault, there may be a few exceptions but not many

Anyway, I always keep 25k in savings, 10k in cash, and have a half million in retirement (so far). The first thing I do with each paycheck is divert some of it to savings and retirement. Then I pay my bills. The only loans I’ve ever had is a mortgage and a car loan. I never rarely use my credit card and if I do I pay it off ASAP.

Money management is not hard.

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the tax surplus in california is our "surplus" and yet i am getting none of it because its all a fucking scam.

Look at CEO pay rates compared to the workers
Look at how the top 1% of society has grown richer, faster in the past 40 years

You should have reviewed the county codes before painting, and it sounds like you can’t afford a pet so maybe you shouldn’t have one

Zoomers complain that "nobody taught them money management in high school" as if understanding that you shouldn't spend more than you make is rocket surgery.

I'm doing well on my 200 acres with a pair of artesian water wells and natural gas well.
That said, it's one thing for a rainy day fund. Its a-whole-nother thing having a biblical flood fund.

You can't do this if you have to pay off the lease for a Lexus and keep up to date with the newest iPhones.

Because its then taxed to shit if it isnt dived out in an intelligent fashion.
You are incentivized to not have any money left over.

>it’s a “brag about how rich you are to strangers” thread

This, purchasing power of the dollar has been deliberately shifted over decades to rob wealth out of the populace. Runaway inflation was never normal and can never be permanent.

$40k in bank, mostly because I’m ignorant about investing. Saved b/c I’m frugal. Most people have desperate need to have new stuff all the time.

>this is what black people actually believe

At least they realize that the landlords are just a cog in the machine unlike all the gay tranny communists.

Why save at 0% when you can borrow at 0%? As soon as shit hit the fan I applied for a bunch of loans. I took all that money and dropped it into a savings account. People with shit credit are peasants.


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If the government returned the surplus to you, then it wouldn't have a rainy day fund. Why are you blaming state tax policy for not having your own rainy day fund?

>it's one thing for a rainy day fund. Its a-whole-nother thing having a biblical flood fund.
well said

Find a piece of land in the country within an hour or so drive of the city - 5-20 acres $20-35K. Buy a single wide, used if need be its much cheaper and fix up $20k including fix up, live a nice life in the country and commute to city or start your own service business. Fuck the city, fuck apartments, fuck crowded neighborhoods where your neighbor is watching your every move and calls the cops if your grass gets an inch above spec. Enjoy quiet country living, save a fuckton of money.

t.werkd fer me

Literally not true, corporations are sitting on mountains of cash in tax havens

I’m not rich, I’m just bragging about how responsible I am. Because there are so many retards that don’t understand basic money management. You don’t have to be rich to use common sense in saving money. In fact that’s how you get to be rich.

cope, get a big boy job

>I have poor spending habits please take pity on me

I'm not rich, I make about £32k a year and support my wife and baby but still manage to pay for my car, our food and all bills every month while saving. I've got over 10k in savings now. It's complete absurd to me people can be so irresponsible with their money when they're single with 0 commitments and living rent/mortgage free.

this is victim blaming. Your broke cause you live in a predatory banking system! HAHA you're stupid.

And to all you stupid little faggots saving your money obviously do not know the dollar is going to fall and you will have nothing.

you don't even really have 50k saving, you have some bytes on a computer and trust in a bank to give you that cash.

This is the end of America, you will not ever reap the rewards for saving money.

Not for corporations. They have enough money to get accountants and send a their funds overseas where it won't get taxed to shit.
Regular people are the ones that have to deal with taxation.

Kid, I was born with more money than you’ll ever have, but I would never pass judgement on people who are struggling to get by. Everyone’s life is different. A little humility would do you a lot of good.

Have you tried shooting up the mayor's office?

>Whose ideea was this?!?
(((The Bank's)))

Exactly. I drive a Volkswagen Squareback from the ‘70s that I bought for $1000 (it was worth $4000 when I bought it but the owner really wanted to get rid of it so he can buy different cars)
I’ve used my own knowledge to restore it.
Also I haven’t “upgraded” my iPhone in years, I’m still rocking the 7, and I’ll continue to do so until it breaks.
Imagine buying a new car only to pay it off for 4 years, then realize it’s only worth 25% of what you originally bought it for.
When my squareback is done it’ll be worth a little over $10000 and I barely put any money into it.

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Hi I'm Nobody, pleased to meetcha.

i was like you a few years older with a few more 10ks in the bank, just wait until you marry/committ to a joint life. no matter how much you have it's going to evaporate

Kill yourself bootlicker. No one should have to go request a copy of their county laws and read through them all to find out what they'll let you paint your own property.

It's almost as if rent was too high...

Here, for your next ylyl thread. Make sure you use the Canadian Pasta when you use it.

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This is patently false.
We need to stop all this corporate socialism, let them fail, if they don't prepare they deserve to fail just like an average person does.

is the coronavirus not a rainy day to you? what the fuck is a "rainy day"? care to explain?

the reality is that for every 100 people, there are only 5-10 'big boy jobs', as you call it.

what can happen to a society that guarantees 90% of people are damned to permanent lack?

How do you have 10 k in the bank, do you live rent free, did mommy and daddy pay for things, there’s no way you’re paying bills at $14/hr and saving

>401K that is doing very well

in what fucking world is your 401K not completely ass raped over the course of the last month

10K isnt shit. one medical emergency and you are fucked.

Because everyone is trying to fill the void in their lives with stuff to buy because we've forgotten how to actually live as humans.

I plan to buy myself a slightly used Lexus after the collapse. I imagine they will be cheap.

1 year ahead on everything.
Not Mormon, just raised by country folk.

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Has everyone lost the ability to read or something?
I am replying to a tweet about corperations

>personal tax haven
not the same as
>in the company as usable working capital

You also do realize if someone took their untaxed money and put it back in their business the IRS would slaughter them, so again it is incentivized for a "CORPORATION" to not have any money left over in its coffers at year's end.

It's because of inflation. Nobody saves cash on hand because it loses money over time. Lots of people have other means of savings however.


>swamped in debt
You mean credit cards they didn't have to use? Don't fucking pretend most debt isn't discretionary.

It applies to businesses as well honestly. It's ridiculous how many companies are being utterly ruined after just few weeks of people not consuming as much as they used to.

>he hasn’t been paying attention for the past ten years when literally everyone was screaming that more than 50% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck

1 in 4 Americans making 150k are spending all their money on frivolous garbage. you are retarded if you’re just noticing this now

At the company level (and this also goes for most landlords) there is no incentive to retain a liquid rainy day fund because you're always judging your performance based on the return on capital invested compared to the market as a whole.

So if other people keep all their capital deployed in operations or investments that are generating a return, and you *don't*, then your return on investment will look lower than theirs.

Landlords in particular are almost always operating in a highly leveraged state, particularly when interest rates are as low as they have been for the last...oh, 30 years now.

A secondary reason is due to legal judgment risk. If you are operating a company, every dollar you leave in that company is exposed to potential legal judgments if the company is ever sued for any reason. If you take the profit out of the company and distribute it to the owners, that money is then shielded from any liability the company may face in the future. It's simply safer to have the company shell be capitalized at a level that is good enough for operations but not any higher than that.

I severely doubt it’s going to be worth 10k

>Why the fuck does NOBODY have rainy day funds?
government nickle and dimes everyone and incrementally raises taxes every chance it gets on everything it can. Some republicans are an exception but many will cut taxes and increase spending and inflation which debases currency and is a tax itself.

In UK rent is high, utilities are high, taxes are high

Unless you earn at least £20k pa you will never save much (unless you live with your mum); wages have not risen with inflation but rent and house prices went up

We got shafted

The county, indeed no governmental body or homeowners association, should have any say in what you paint your house

imagine having unlimited wealth and using your free time to shit post on a perverted anime porn board for faggots and trannies


KeK, this.

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It's pretty easy to save a significant amount if you're only making $14/hr. It's called not buying stupid shit

Where else would you get the news?

I do, but that's primarily due to having no kind of life for the last 15 years.

And this is why I'm staying single forever. I'm sitting on roughly 4 years of gross income in cash so I can hold out as long as it takes. If I were married, I would probably be bankrupt and asking the government for a bailout.

>posting nigger babble from twitter with the pic removed hoping we won't notice

Here's a shocker, you literally don't ever have to take out a loan for anything.

>apartments owned by paycheck to paycheck landlords

no. kill all landlord parasites

>Zoomers think having a retirement account is being rich
Zoomers are going to exclusively attack middle class workers when they get to finally “eat the rich”. Such fucking idiots.

> $20k in savings
> $2k/month in passive income from an Amazon affiliate site
> Affiliate site income steady and even grew a bit this month

Who else here /comfy/?

I can ride this out for the next two years. Staying at home, my expenses have throttled down to just $1k/month, including rent ($600/month)

>Where else would you get the news?

Damn right. Yas Forums users know about shit weeks before anyone else.

>rent which includes utilities, car insurance, gas, food

would leave at the very least $500 a month if you are living in the south/midwest. pretty easy tbqh

>be 24
>live with gf
>pay $475 morage on the house im going to own here pretty soon.
>have $27k in the bank
>Still get to work due to being considered esseintial in the middle of buttfuck nowhere where no cases have been spotted
>still get my trumpbux too
You all litterally are fucking retarded and you dont know how to save and invest. I do not pitty you, matter of fact i hope every single one of you city living normal fags starve to death then get eatten by feral niggers.

Should have implied it was a temporary structure and taking it down. Then put it back up as soon as they left.

You know damn well all of those people complaining think they have the right to live in downtown NYC or in view of the Hollywood sign in LA.

You get what you pay for.

What the fuck, how is your mortgage just $475?

I pay $600 as rent. If I wanted to buy this house, my mortgage would be $2000/month even with 25% down. And that's in shithole New Delhi

Am I getting jewed?

Yes you are living in the city you fucking retard.

basically me, except w/o the gf

Why are you entitled to the land that they own?

Where do you live user?