Why would China lie about their Covid numbers?
Why would China lie about their Covid numbers?
Because they lie about everything. Their entire culture is based on lies, and deception.
because they skin and fry animals alive. why wouldn't they lie about silly numbers
They lose face as a world leader for being the epicenter of a global pandemic
because they fucking released in the first place
why would North Korea?
Because they have something to hide. Why is their internet so restricted compared to the rest of the world ?
This. Did no one see pic related Awkwafina movie? Chinese literally have a culture lying about death.
China releases virus on own population...while ready to contain it. Knowing it will get out and speed to rest of the world. Lie about numbers and spam nothing burger over and over and when the world fails to react on time and dies China wins trade war. Meanwhile they can claim innocence and say they "beat" it. It's simple pottery
To make themselves look better. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out
Because they tried to desperately become world leader, only to now slowly realize that their local governments were lying to Bejing's face. Places in China are already re-closing down
Same reason they deny Tiananmen square
stop responding to the memeflag commietard. This is not leddit.
stfu economy toothpaste
Because it's pointless to tell the truth, people will still need to go to work to put food on the table. Not to mention that China recovering faster is a way to one up the USA, which is getting spit roasted by corona since dealing with pandemics is democracy's weakest point.
They're not.
So they don't look bad, their government strives to be N.1 no matter what it takes
>be op
>buy "5AH" 18650 off Ali baba
>surprised when it isn't actually 5AH
All commies are full of shit
Nope, that would be the jewnited states.
because they engineered and accidently leaked corona virus from a bioweapons labratory in wuhan
So do Americans.
America created Corona Virus though.
China has a rule that if leaders fail on a grand scale then that justifies a revolution. China HAS to conquer this problem or they have failed and need to be replaced. Thats why they lied about sars.
Wrong. It was created by the CIA.
>Ancap flag
Lol you can't even upload Hitler speeches on Youtube. All of the internet is restricted.
why not? if there's a chance they'll get away with it...
You're glowing.
You are telling me you are unsure why a country with secret police that spy on their own people and tell them to remove posts on the internet punishable by death might want to hide numbers that show they cannot control something?
to stave off the inevitable civil unrest from them fucking up every aspect of containment that you're about to witness anyway.
China doesn't deny Tiananmen Square. They've admitted that 200 people were killed.
>Jews buy virus from China (because we all need Communism and those evil white men will shoah us again)
>Chinese realize Jews are treacherous assholes who should never be trusted ever
>Chinese need America or China will die
>Chinese fuck over Jews, release propaganda instead of virus
>Jews proceed to go along with their plan and start pumping out virus propaganda
>Jews hold world hostage
... Just one problem. There never was a virus and they just implicated themselves in biological warfare against the U.S.
Thank Chairman Xi for us... he seems to have outjewed the jews
The Mandate of Heaven. Chinese believe natural disasters, including disease, are a sign from the gods that they no longer accept the current rulers of China. CCP admitting this is a natural disaster is a sign that the CCP should be removed from power because they've lost the Mandate of Heaven from the gods. So, they lie and pretend it's not an actual disaster or emergency so people do not think the CCP has lost the Mandate of Heaven and should be replaced.
Basically, it's the CCP avoiding a superstition through lies that would cause them to lose their rule.
They also view this as an opportunity to restart their economy at a time when their main rivals are crippled. The USA still has the highest GDP with China as number 2. If the USA is crippled and in lockdown, and China can say everything is fine and get their economy going, they think they'll have a huge advantage and possibly be able to take over as the top GDP in the world.
Basically, they are lying and going to kill a lot more people because of superstition and money.
say.. what happened to the protest?
Already happening.
Because they lied about it's existence in the first place. They saw it as a blemish on their outward appearance. They are so obsessed with and used to being able to control what their people hear and think that they always seek to do the same thing to the outside world despite their attempts always being laughably transparent. Once they couldn't control it or hide it anymore they begrudgingly made the rest of the world aware of it but after a certain time they decided it would be better for their image to make it seem like they had it under control way more than they actually do because "CHINA STRONK." That's all they care about, they desperately want to the rest of the world to view them as a tightly run well oiled machine rather than the festering poverty ridden shithole that it actually is.
I thought he was being figurative until I read "Not Deconstructed, but destroyed". He should be charged for hate crime. Euro Jews trying to pretend they're "Not White but Jews" is funny as hell. A real Jew is Arabic and dark skin. only the white Russian Former Communist Euro Jews are doing this.
no leaf... it really is more simple than some amorphous pile of shit you learned in leaf college
Nigger I talked to a normie chink in Australia. With working a mid-tier cubicle job, every month after paying rent he was bringing home $2.5k. Tell me, after rent, how much does a normie leaf bring home in earnings? $50?
>mud deadly cor0na cold!!!1!
CNN/Fox news talking points should be a bannable offense
>thinking anyone should be charged with a "hate crime"
Speech is not a crime... yeah he's a degenerate commie kike but he's free to talk shit if he wants to.
Once you start limiting what is "allowable speech" corrupt fuckers will just make anything they don't like illegal. Just ask the bongs or the krauts
They are going broke
They told all people listening to see their assets, now they are making out China is the only safe place so those people should come to China.
Don't be so salty you lost the Mandate of Heaven, CCP shill. Why you mad Chang?
You must be new here... only Jews use meme flags. Most people use scripts to hide those posts.
Some of us can detect them just by the way they use words... so unless you are one, I'd drop the memflag and lurk more
I work a non-red seal trade commercial maintainence job and I bring in 2K after rent every month. Up to 2.5K if I have a particularly busy on-call shift.
You need to study history.
Communism is the most murderous ideology in the history of man. Their goal is to destroy the West at any costs. The Soviets weaponized Marburg virus, the dealiest pathogen known to man, to destroy the West. They tested it on live Human subjects.
And the Chinese are no different. Defense Minister of China Chi Haotian made a speech, a decade ago, explaining their goal of depopulating the West through a bioweapon. Google "War is coming and it is the midwife of the Chinese Century" for the speech.
Now, it's likely this virus escaped for the BSC-4 lab in Wuhan. It's an incomplete bioweapon. China fucked up big time.
I thought it was common knowledge that the virus was developed in a lab in Winnipeg Manitoba?
>use scripts
no kek
>Why would China lie
I can't imagine...
>Their entire culture is based on lies, and deception.
THIS. Chinks are genetically disposed to lies and deception.
>I talked to a normie chink in Australia. With working a mid-tier cubicle job, every month after paying rent he was bringing home $2.5k
Phew lucky they are not in China Hospital is almost $200 a night and the test to prove you can leave is $80 (USD that is), also if your phone shows you have been within a certain range of a quarantine zone when your QR code is scanned off to a Quarantine hotel of the authorities choosing for 14 days.
I wonder who could be behind this flag
You tell us. It's so fricking obvious, why even try to hide the deaths???
mutts are self-deluded about their own importance
what happened to everyone else?
Wrong the CCP rules using fear and intimidation.
They allow certain crimes to happen as an example of what could happen to other citizens.
>I mustu saveu faceu
>Why would China lie about their Covid numbers?
The CCP would murder millions to stay in power.
this. and us has a cure and a vaccine, available in a few weeks not to raise too much suspicion
Normally I would use them like most oldfags but this place turned into such cancer that I left for a long while. However, when shit starts getting crazy, this is the only place to find truth... also gas yourself.
There is no military on earth that could stop 1.3B panicking dogeaters.
How could they NOT lie?
They fucked up and need to save face. It’s like asking “why did Soviet Russia lie about Chernobyl?”.
>another meme flag
HMM chinks actually think they can outsmart anyone other than their own insects.
Only retards use the script. I use the meme flag to dodge the retards who think all memeflags are jews.
I appreciate the honesty. Chinkland is a NatSoc ethnostate of honorary Aryans, so naturally they're not as poor as (((they))) want you to think
At least your life of lies isn't genetic. Pic related.
Why are you so naive? It not affects their massive tourism industry of agencies that facilitate travel abroad, but more importantly as you can see in any country that stops people from going to work there are massive economic consequences. Are you really this stupid?
>Why would a communist dictatorship lie about apocalyptic casualties
It just doesn't make sense I tell you.
>zero arguments
thanks for input, reddit
kek, I'll spare you on the day of the rope Sven.
All you have to do is to compare initial data, reports, and videos to the numbers released as it progressed to know that someone's lying. Either in the initial material, or in the reported numbers.
kys mutt
they dont need a reason to lie
they lie by default, like all governments. its policy.
what reason do they have to tell the truth
>jewnited states
take your meds you schizo fuck you obviously clueless on what causes your flag to be from certain country and how you could evade that
next level communist logic:
>stop testing people to lower numbers
>just let people die and put cause of death as "idiopathic pneumonia"
>no new corona virus cases today, gweilo!
not only that and yes I'm samefagging but the CCP's primary fear is social unrest. Even with their militant faggotry in the Asia Pacific, claiming other nations' territory and enforcing that claim by building islands and military installations they STILL dwarf that spending with domestic policing. Educate yourself you insufferable cuck
>still blaming Chinese and not Jews
bongs are fucking hopeless
what actually happened?
The Jews don't even know they've been fucked over yet. Like morons they keep digging themselves deeper because they have no ability to adjust to conditions on the fly... good planners... horrible under fire
The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status
>did Soviet Russia lie about Chernobyl?
source: i watched the tv series because reddit gave it upvotes
so pretty much like canadians, except less gay
This is such a simplistic and childish view. It's true all governments seek power and manipulate their citizens to an extent but please graduate beyond middle school relativism. You are literally ignoring history and for that matter current events if you are for an instant arguing that the CCP is as dishonest to its people as the undeniably corrupt and flawed American system is.You're obviously a Chinese . There are thousands of your own country men dead now because your government lied to you.
pretty much nothing you've said is true, great work glownigger
Not bad for a normie take... but you are missing one level of abstraction that is painfully obvious to anyone who has dealt with information warfare or propaganda
>Who's spreading this propaganda?
>Who runs the DNC?
>Who are the only non-chinese members of the PRC inner party?
... but that's not the end of the story
>aren't you even suspicious about why the Chinese propaganda of people dying in the streets doesn't match the propaganda in the States?
Well the Chinese are terrible actors, for one thing... and for another, the entire thing is a psy-op designed to hold the world hostage.
The Chinese knew that they'd be blamed so what did they do? THEY FAKED THE WHOLE THING
... seriously user, you seem bright... start piecing the facts together, you know it's true
>Now the Jews are fucked and China will be able to re-negotiate with Trump for helping take down the traitors that tried to destroy America
they think long term bro... longer than even Jews