A 17-year-old was turned away by an urgent care facility because of now insurance. He then took an ambulance to a hospital and died on the way.
17 year old Corona patient dies on the street
Other urls found in this thread:
*no insurance
Roach's Law
Reminder the US is a joke country. Chink virus is going to rip through the uninsured population, which amounts to millions.
so no where did they test him and get a positive that it actually was coronavirus.
where's the autopsy?
probably D.O.
It's over, ladies and gents
He died two days ago
>"I'm invincible because of my age"
>Insurance for my age is cheap, but I'll just skip it
>17 year old Corona patient dies
That's a good thing
lmao, also digits
None of the Obamacare shit is cheap. MAYBE for a 17-year-old, but I really doubt it
He didn't die because of corona, but he did die with it. This is Jewish tale-weaving at its finest
White Trump supporters can afford insurance, nigger
OHHHHHH ok, so you're telling me that without corona, he still would have died?
Or are you saying when someone is turned away from treatment because no insurance and dies, that death is ok (unless they actually died from coronavirus definitively)?
Lay out in more detail your "argument," if you have one.
Letting a 17 y/o die because he has no insurance. God abandoned America.
lmao, you idiot, yes the blue collar workers who are now fired due to coronavirus can certainly pay for Cobra or 1,000/month for Obamacare. LMAO. Not that they had it before as their employers kept them under the 30-hour threshold, of course, so they had to work multiple jobs.
God hates America because jews have poisoned it
Damn. I thought things were different over there. I thought they'd still save your life if your condition was severe enough and just kept you in debt slavery but wow.
That's pretty fucking metal Yanks.
He didn't go to a hospital you mouth-breathing simpletons. You're all falling for Jewish tricks of words. He went to a business that renders medical aid called "urgent care". Businesses can't make money giving away treatment to every retard with sniffles. Hospitals legally can't turn you away if you're seriously ill.
What the actual fuck. Is that a poo?
Link me to the post where I said he was turned away from a hospital
>“En route to AV Hospital, he went into cardiac arrest,” the mayor said. “They were able to revive him and keep him alive for about six hours. But by the time he got there, it was too late.”
You don't die of a heart attack from the Coronavirus. I'm guessing in a few days we'll see news that he didn't have corona, just like that 39 year old woman who supposedly dropped dead in her kitchen of corona, then it turns out she tested negative
>Letting a 17 y/o die because he has no insurance. God abandoned America.
Fake news, he died in the hospital while receiving treatment; nobody let him die because he had no insurance.
Ah okay, thanks. I guess that's not really a distinction we have here. No gunna lie I don't know the story just reading these posts.
>nobody let him die because he had no insurance.
Cardiac arrest means his chances of survival would be exponentially higher had he been diagnosed and treated immediately instead of sent to a hospital due to no insurance
It's a distinction without a difference. Many people, especially in communities where hospitals have closed (many communities across America) rely on private urgent care facilities for emergencies. Since so many people without insurance will now be getting sick and and need emergency care, many will die due to lack of hospital access
I accidentally included you, child. My apologies. I can tell by your distorted view of reality (or unintentional strawmanning) e.g. "$1,000/mo insurance", "muh blue collar workers". Unemployment insurnace is even boosted $600/month for 4 months now so those same people are probably making more than they were than when they were working. No excuses. Clean your room.
A 17yo should be insured under their parents. Also, an urgent care is a private practice that's not likely to have adequate facilities for viral outbreaks.
This thread is retarded.
Which is a good thing. Because, yes, people that don't have insurance have taken that risk. Insurance isn't that expensive.
the gleat amelican pulge begins
The great thing about coronavirus is it will rip through you boomers like a Blitzkrieg (you'll know that reference because it's your favorite war, the one where America beat the eeebil Nazis). Insurance or not (and you almost certainly have it, since you're a disconnected, out of touch boomer), you're toast. Hope you choke to death slowly and they run low on morphine.
>OP repeatedly bumping his own shill thread
I'm 26 and cultivate cannabis for a living lol
Nice personal attack post though.
Lick my ass and get COVID, faggot
>cultivate cannabis for a living lol
You deserve a firing squad.
You need to go back.
>this retarded cunt believes urgent care doctors have ANY ability to treat anything more than strep throat or sniffles
wow that sucks, he should have died waiting in line for socialist healthcare instead
I swear I saw this same thread earlier today
Seems to be the goal
He should have gone to the hospital in the first place then. Urgent cares are for non-life threatening emergencies, if you have a life threatening emergency you should go to a hospital emergency room.
Also he was being treated in the ambulance when he had the heart attack. And it wasn't Coronavirus. everything about this story is bullshit
What's the Brad Parscale talking point on the uninsured spreading/dying from this? Obviously, Trump doesn't recognize this affects his own base. But I think we know at this point what Trump thinks about his base.
Stop responding to the dumb cunt who made this thread. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows this, unfortunately half the population is lacking, op included
Stop nitpicking it makes you look retarded generalizing the entire health system on one questionable incident.
Also he was probably black.
A lot of towns have no convenient hospitals anymore, and people are dependent on these shitty little strip mall urgent care places.
Right I gotcha. It's an access thing too. Pay premiums for immediate or chance an ambulance ride across town to cheap beds.
"Able to revive him and keep him alive for about six hours. But by the time he got there, it was too late.”
Six hours of next to nothing. Wow.
>Trump's base is illegal immigrants
Yeah and poor rural whites. Are you dense?
That's not why this 17 year old died. He was transported to his local hospital in an ambulance where he died in the hospital 6 hours later
Not really a nitpick when there are millions of uninsured. This thing is going to blow through them like your nigger boyfriend's cock through your asshole.
Cardiac patient means had they immediately diagnosed and treated him, he would have had a much higher chance of survival.
Man are you an angsty one, also no niggers here, never seen one. You seem oddly obsessed with nigger cocks tho.
Nice try kike but it legit says in the article the hospital turned him away. Lol someone dox this shill.
>huurr durrr it's all a hoax. It's just the flu guys
God damn you boomers are fucking dumb as a bag shit aren't you. You sound like my dumb fuck dad that thinks it's all done Democrat conspiracy. Fucking retards.
1. California hospitals don't turn away the illegals that crowd any emergency room.
2. A minor would qualify for MediCal.
Are you really that stupid?
Mutt's Law.
The reality of the medical insurance situation is what it is. Not a matter of "angst."
>haha I proved you wrong! Forget about the 90% you talked about, the 10% is what matters
I never met a leftist who didn't have exactly this style of belief/argumentation
>I didn't read this thread or the article
Damn your dad sounds pretty cool. Too bad his child ended up an hormonal therapy
>not just going to the ER and giving them the name Miguel Sanchez, undocumented migrant with no papers
Do they not teach anything in school these days?
Trump barely won 2016. If he loses even a tiny percentage of his base, he's done. Remember whites are already getting out-reproduced by shitskins in a big way. So even from the MIGAtard perspective you should be concerned about the uninsured.
(Also, from a self-interested perspective, you should care about the uninsured failing to get tested and spreading it you.)
> be spic
> get sick
> die
wrong. Urgent cares don't treat cardiac patients. Cardiac patients need to go to a hospital emergency room.
Here is a list of things you should NOT go to an urgent care facility for
>Compound fracture, which involves a bone protruding through the skin
>Convulsions, seizures, or loss of consciousness
>Deep knife wounds or gunshot wounds
>Fever in a newborn less than 3 months old
>Heavy, uncontrollable bleeding
>Moderate to severe burns
>Pregnancy-related problems
>Serious head, neck, or back injury
>Severe abdominal pain
>Severe chest pain or difficulty breathing
>Heart attack symptoms, such as chest pain that lasts longer than two minutes
>Stroke symptoms, such as vision loss, sudden numbness, weakness, slurred speech, or confusion
>Suicidal or homicidal feelings
If you show up at an urgent care facility with any of these problems they are going to put you in an ambulance to the hospital, which is what happened with this 17 year old kid.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what an urgent care is. You should learn the difference between a hospital and an urgent care facility so you don't make the same mistake this 17 year old's parents did.
thanks for the archive, op, but you still suck because it's fake news bait.
Why would he go to urgent care and not the hospital if he was uninsured?
Urgent cares aren't some esoteric thing nobody knows about. They do not work for free. Hospitals are required to.
17 year olds cant enter into an insurance contract lol this is fake news
But anyway
If you have no insurance you need to go to the hospital not urgent care, urgent care is a paid service.
Might as well go to the dentist and ask for care.
Maybe he should have had a job so he would have had insurance.
this story was debunked as fast as it hit the news
its all fake, Schumer reveals it in this tweet
Urgent care is not a hospital they don’t treat this kind of shit
So was the kid white? This is all that matters.
If God abandoned us then what did he do to you?
you a fucking idiot.
Urgent care is NOT a hospital.
Jesus Christ, but remember Obama care, he should have been covered, right.. ohh thats right it was a scam to start with.
God I hope you get this virus and die, one less nigger.
It took 6 hours to drive to the hospital?
Thank you Slav bro
This kid went to a private clinic instead of a hospital. It’s like going to your family doctor demanding a liver transplant
Except they won't, you ugly gook bitch
>>Insurance for my age is cheap, but I'll just skip it
It's expensive as fuck no matter who you are.
that is going to be happening constantly soon, good luck america
When I had a kidney stone I was turned away at the Instacare, they told me to go the hospital and called ahead. Of course because I'm not a faggot I have insurance. :^)
>Italy is controlled by a cabal of jews through America
>America is modern Sodom
>Spain is controlled by jews trying to re-establish al Andalus through mass immigration
>they are hit harder than China and the rest of Europe
>California hospitals don't turn away the illegals that crowd any emergency room.
It's the same everywhere in the USA. Thanks Ronald Reagan!