>communism was ba—
Communism was ba—
Other urls found in this thread:
the best period of RUSSIAN history, sure
>get fucked over, starved, and murdered by autocrats for your entire history
>for a period of about 70 years, the same except with a cooler aesthetic
sounds about right
They have absolutely no time that was good to compare it to. Their baseline human experience has been set to suffering pretty much indefinitely. It's called being Russian.
The other 25% were too busy starving or in gulags to comment. The reason most older Russians liked the soviet era is because the government at least TRIED to look after them and gave them jobs to do.
It's better than capitalism that they transitioned to 30 years ago
>The other 25% were too busy starving or in gulags to comment
thanks for proving that their opinion is worthless since they were subhumans
>Listening to russian boomers
It was great because not only were they treated like shit by the government, but their government also treated a myriade of other nations like shit - in their name
those people have no concept of morals or quality of life, for them it is enough for others to suffer more then them
Good old reliable, non-biased, state funded Russian polls. The most reliable form of fact based data ever conceived.
how have white people continued to fail so much in the eastern hemisphere?
>Russians are generally pessimistic about the present and the future
Congrats on hearing about Russians for the first time
The reason they say this is because right after communism ended came a period of gangster cowboy capitalism where the entire remaining wealth of their coubtry was divided up by a cabal of oligarchs infront of their noses while the rest of them languished into poverty, crime ridden citiea and corrupt officials.
Ofcourse they view any time better than that.
state-controlled oligarchy is not capitalism
How come the western part of the USSR is much better off than Russia after the Soviet Union fell?
>getting genocided by a bunch of Jews is the best time in history
Fuck being Russian sucks that bad?
Survivorship bias.
Oh god I want to fill the one in the middle with babies holy fuck I don’t care if she is a subhuman slav
It doesn't matter. The US propaganda said it was bad, so it was.
>100% of them were children in the 80s
They just care about the vodka supply
Fuck off!
I'm Generation Y and I like the USSA!
Дa здpaвcтвyeт CCCP!
I think their own testimony, desperately leaving the soviet union as well as breaking down the Berlin wall was enough propaganda
Fuck off!
I'm Generation Y and I like the USSR!
Дa здpaвcтвyeт CCCP!
>approval ratings of a dead guy these fucking zoom zooms never knew
>"ahh wow babushka was right look how great all these state sponsored artworks are of how it was like back in the old days comrade"
this is what it has come to
communism ended 30 years ago, so half the people in that country werent even alive back then, most of the people who were werent even adults during communism
also, never trust statistics, also, the people who complained were shot in the fucking head, literally, just for complaining
theres no such thing as a white person you retarded indoctrinated hamburger eating mutt
You get your "education" on the USSR from Glenn Beck.
It is ONLY because now our country is FUCKED because of Putin and his crew. You leafs have NO idea how bad is to live in Russia. Climate is the same, thoughh you DON'T have anything to protect. I am not even talking about millions ofpoor russians. FUCK PUTIN. FUCK COMMIE SCUM. By the way, Putin is from KGB.
Of course the Estonians with a victim complex come to shit on communism
>Generation Y
Of course you do, faggot, you like having a big man with a gun telling what do.
Communism was not achieved.
Russia was pro-socialist until 1993.
So closer to 27 years.
Tы eбaнyтый? Кoмми-cкaм, иди в cвoй зaгoн y пapaши. Baши cpaныe кoмyняки в 1917 гoдy пpeвpaтили HAШУ CTPAHУ B PУИHЫ. ПOШEЛ HAХУЙ OTCЮДA.
I cannot possibly comprehend why whenever this topic is brought up, nobody points out the obvious. Seriously how retarded are you. Of course boomers are gonna prefer the period where they had better living standards and despise the moment where whoops we capitalist now, Guess the country is shitting itself now but hey at least we dont have a jewish ideology now ahahah.
I am the man with the gun.
Yes, it was bad.
This This.
Large part of russians are stupid slaves without morals. They will easily get into shackles and will be very angry at you if you don`t want fate of a slave. So no surprise that 75%(probably it`s about 60%) want to go back.
Gopnik trash.
So spoke the bear.
You'd be just a coal minner in Siberia.
Кoммyниcты пpeвpaтили Poccию в pyины. Пoчeмy ты любишь CCCP, oбьяcниcь, гaвнo.
Former Oktyabryonok here. I confirm. I hated it - but now I understand it was a Paradise.
I'm waiting for Latvians to start crying how it was their Golden Soviet Age. You know it's true - admit it - the world is ending anyway.
> 75% of people are nostalgic about the 70's and 80's
Nobody said these people were bright
Imagine how bankrupt political system democracy is that people prefer communism kek
yeah, that's why russian wymyn are fucking anything that it moves in the rest of the europe in a desperate attempt to leave russia.
They won so many territories, obviously the newfag gen is looking at it with admiration not knowing what their ancestors sacrificed.
But Russia always had a starving class, in all the systems. That's the beauty of Russian culture, tragedy always struck them but they managed to see the full part of the glass, despite them receiving only the empty part.
dont even know or care who that is
the point is, how is there an "approval rating" for a guy who has not had influence for several decades now?
how the fuck is anyone there supposed to have a real opinion on something they have NEVER experienced in their life?
its like asking a 10 year old today what it was like during Prohibition
>duhh yeah it was so nice back then nobody ever got drunk because it was illegal and they caught lots of bad guys haha
Communism was bad. Many Russians are reminiscent of the Soviet Union because that's when Russia was a global superpower. That doesn't mean the ideology of communism is a good thing.
As I wrote before many times, behind the skin of a Russian there is a hidden Bolshevik.
well if you enslave and condition generations of people to only know that kinf of a living, sure they would only know how to live that kind of a live, black market to i think, and if i recall correctly a lot of russian zoomies are braindead in a way that they like to support communism for i really dont know why, genocide genetics?
Yeah but Putin still has his Party membership ticket.
Cure for communism is capitalism not extreme neoliberalism.
USA has 23trl debt .is it ok?
The poll itself
>People aged 18+ (Meaning many of them will have no memory at all of the USSR)
Key conclusion
>The romanticization of the Soviet past among 2/3 of the country's population does not lead to the desire to restore the Soviet system in present-day Russia neither among those respondents who lived in the Soviet Union, nor among the post-Soviet young people, among whom the Soviet way is inferior to the “special Russian way”, and the European development model.
Of course the sheltered leaf is talking out of his BBC-playground
Probably a buttmad chink
Well, democracy brought the (jewish) mafia, muslims everywhere, terrorism, crime, drug-addiction, AIDS epidemic, loss of global influence, etc... No wonder they see the Soviet past with joy.
>majority opinion = fact
You're fucking stupid.
What other period would be better? Its the same reason most Chinks support the CCP now.
The ideas behind communism are good. But the way people try to implement it end up in shambles. Or other heavily capitalist nations put pressure on them.
No it isn't. It's fundamentally opposed to human nature.
Do you even know what communism is?
You listen to the people to the people that hacked the 2016 election!? For shame!
Yeah. Do you?
Aren’t they starving now too?