Damn guys, Trudeau says it would be a mistake for the US to deploy the 1,000 planned troops along the Canadian border to control migrants. Will Americans dare disobey his word?
Other urls found in this thread:
America numba 1 in:
Electing the most retarded president
Serving Israel
Sharting in mart
Marrying their cousins
Producing BLACKED porn
Interracial marriage
LGBT rights
School shootings
Housing the most illegal immigrants
And now, most cases of the AMERICAN virus
Imagine thinking Canada can do anything.
Just as a rabbit can sense the fox the leaf senses the rake. It instinctively lashes out and tries to flee but alas nature runs it's course
I'm not even sure what this is about. They're the ones who closed the border. If troops are needed in any border, the southern one could use them more than the northern one. As much as it is fun to poke at leafs, I'd take every damn one of them here before taking another mexican't family to support.
China is our enemy now, only natural to put troops on their border
It's over. Leafs have been banned from the US
>the White House is looking at placing 1,000 troops about 25 kilometres from the 8,891 kilometre-long border and using remote sensors to look out for irregular border-crossers.
>"This is an entirely unnecessary step, which we would view as damaging to our relationship," said Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland today following the first public reports.
This. What's that fag gonna do, cry about it?
I'm glad the troops are there, I envision record numbers of "refugees" trying to flee north for some gibs. Hopefully the bootburgers shoot on sight when they find Haitian and Somalian spooks trying to sneak through the forest.
What is the liberal government trying to hide at the border? Some kind of illegal smuggling? Don't tell me they are buttmad babies crying over nothing
this, the flow of irregular entry is from America to Canada.
>irregular entry
what is this new term I keep seeing?
First the news reported that Trudeau closed the border to "irregular migrants" (illegal immigrants) and now you're saying illegal border crossing is "irregular entry"
Fuck yeah canada / US war now
Raze Canada, make it a national park wildlife preserve. Nobody would miss it.
Justin is gonna show up with his 2 man anus wrecking crew....
They have really great stuff there, guy.
How can you identify as a Canadian when you're country is a mixture of all races, maybe even aliens.
Kill all leafs
If the beans dont get mad why is this faggot getting mad
We should start to build our wall. Before it's too late.
I'm so stealing that!
And I welcome my new American overlord as long as we have the First and the second amendment!
he mad his little border hopping won't make it here, instead they be shipped back south..absolute traitor
The day of the rake is coming leafs. Don't worry you will be one of us soon, unfortunately you are going to have to leave you wife's Muslim bull behind though. I hope this isn't too much of an inconvenience.
A mistake? What is Trudeau going to do about it send the mounties?
Why are you on an American computer network, Zhang?
some unique snipers would be nice..or at least some unique border cops who do their job
Trudeau pees sitting down.
most retarded president: Trudeau
Serving israel: unfortunately correct on this one
Obesity: mexico is number 1
sharting in mart: India street shitters are worse
marrying cousins: no, pakistan/ mother muslim countries
cuckholdry: just california
Blacked porn: maybe true
interracial marriage: no brazil
lgbt rights: maybe
school shootings: yes
Housing most illegal immigrants: yes (they have to go back)
What is your source of national pride, fag?
He’s going to dress up like a Mountie.
Operation Fuck Leaf : Send in Special Forces extraction teams to safely secure the Toronto Blue Jays players and executives & Tim Hortons donut recipe and then level the entire country.
Add to it. That shit needs to be 3 paragraphs long
Trudy's wife gave some nigger COVID-19 but somehow didn't give it to her husband. Trudy is a cuck.
Are you kidding? Beans have been fuming since the 1990s about troops on the border.
Thinks we give a fuck what a Commie Faggot says. You call it losing we call it winning and kicking ass.
Will the Trumpstaffel be seeking volunteer auxiliaries to assist in maintaining order during the transition?
We dont have a president retard.
Try harder chinaman
Does Canada have a standing army or just the Red Cross and UNICEF?
Yes, come on over as long as you aren't Jewish.
Non zero chance america comes and steals your doctors and medical equipment and later takes over eh country.
You know it is fucked when America is willing to protect Canada's border but Trudeau says to go away.
Trump knows that the Canadian govt has allowed Chinese operatives into the country and has to do something. Even this very small step sends a signal that he aint having it. I imagine Canada will be forced to step in line once the US navy is firing missiles in the south China sea.
I don't mean to shit on you but Mexico's obesity rate is 28.90% and yours is 42.4% for adults
It's a mistake because it sets a bad tone and accomplishes very little. It's also a very expensive move. I don't know. Seems really early to do things this drastic. I can absolutely understand the US-MEX border but this is just throwing money in the garbage. Surprised people aren't outraged about this in the US. Why does the your gov think Canadians want to cross the border into the US illegally? Is it smuggling? Do we have something you guys need? What are they hiding? It's all very unusual.
Its because of the chinks we got here. Its about to pop off with those fuckers.
I believe it's a preemptive move. If shit hits the fan in Canada people will panic and try and come to the US, and vice versa.
A difference in terminology doesn't negate the position.
What's the point? We help each other out. Americans are cancer you should leave us alone.
Treudo is too slow, it's already done said the US Prez yesterday.
> shared border
Are there borders between countries that aren’t shared?
>the your gov
the US gov**
What the fuck are you going to do about it leafs? Stop exporting maple syrup?
But America has more chinks then we do
Well 30% of our population are now obese diabetes laced Mexicans so it's hard to gauge what "American" obesity really is. I see plenty of fat whites around but also plenty of skinny and healthy ones as well. Mexicans and Blacks however are almost always overweight. When I was playing baseball and would be at a park training or practicing I would see tons of joggers and people working out and they were always white. I think America definitely has a fat problem but I'd have to say white Americans are more fit than most races here.
>Why does the your gov think Canadians want to cross the border into the US illegally?
Come on dude. If the Canadian economy collapses (it is hanging by a thread), there will absolutely be tons of people that try to go south.
‘Undocumented’ wasn’t innocent enough term, they’re trying to down play it even more
Why are we at the border?
Poor wording, it's referring to that the US / Canada border is the largest undefended border in the world.
It's the longest border in the world trump is only putting them in one spot. Doubt it's about border crossings hes just being an idiot
You've already been outed as a rice dicked chink. It's time to kys (in Minecraft)
Trump is protecting his image. Imagine how retarded he would look if the media had images of people sneaking across the border because mr shekelburg wants their house in exchange for a few pills.
The US would look even more absurd than it already does. My province has this shit under control already without even a mandatory lockdown.
We have to annex Leaf-land in order to stimulate the economy with wartime production.
>Will Americans dare disobey his word?
Trump wouldn't dare. He fears Justin's metrosexual potency.
All this shit is basically symbolic and more about sending troops to replace essential staff who need to be quarantined for 2 weeks. That's creating a major manpower shortage
In that case we should seize Greenland. Denmark owes us money for defense and won't pay, their control Greenland results in financial loss for their country, the have really no legal claim to Greenland, the people of Greenland are Inuits (Native Alaskans), we already have military bases there and they can't really do shit about it if we did take it !
My retarded president is giving me $8000 covidbucks. what crumbs is trump giving you?
>Justin's metrosexual potency.
Christ almighty