>Its time to take your mandatory Chinese flu vaccine user
>If you refuse you will be fined 25k and spend up to 6 month in jail.
you won't resist when they come out with a vaccine right Yas Forums?
>Its time to take your mandatory Chinese flu vaccine user
>If you refuse you will be fined 25k and spend up to 6 month in jail.
you won't resist when they come out with a vaccine right Yas Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
> tfw no ass
Thinking of ways to avoid already
Built for bwc(because that's a tranny)
Is this supposed to be an attractive photo? It's just cringe.
Based, can't wait for the deathsquads removing anti-vaxxers
Would still smash tho...
You forgot your memeflag t*rk
How to get tranny nurse bros?
Ugly worthless wannabe whore.
Sauce? (Don't care if ste is a tranny)
if it looks like a tranny, chances are it is a tranny
Good luck to any such squads
Specially if they have families
Thoughts and prayers
>12/13 coomer replies
fuck you OP
>Fined 25k
Not so bad
>6 months in jail
If you're white getting a hail sentence is basically anal rape punishment. Seems fucked. Although I know a buddy who did 6mo for some financial crime and I'm pretty sure he didnt get raped. You can always tell the ones that got raped, they always work out a ton, are humble af, and have slightly feminine features that they didnt exhibit before.
Post her feet
>heil sentence
Now that I can deal with kek
>n-no w-we will kill you instead
You won't do shit lmao
It's a boy you faggot
Implying the majority won't take a vaccine voluntarily if there is a working one. I'd certainly do it just so that I don't have to hide from ppl.
Okay, this is cute.
Cumbrains all over the place. Sad.
they don't have jurisdiction 12 miles off shore
Sauce or nah?
Like at Waco?
>everyone is a tranny
mandatory vaccines NOW
Just claim you've already had the illness. Go to 111.nhs.uk
I’d like to personally vaccinate that trap’s ass myself.
>have 100k in student debt
>what's an extra 25k?
>live in my parents basement
>get 6 months in government basement
How is that a punishment?
religious exemption time
Can't wait, I'm sure there will be no issue with a rushed job on these as with those made for Gulf War Veterans because (((you))) sold bioweapons to Iraq that went unused first time round.
would still smash tho
In this case it actually is. Look at that blocky waste line.
No doubt. You wouldn't believe the quality of some tinder trans girls I get. They have better bodies, prettier faces and superior attitude to most thots. Yes, they have feminine dicks bigger than yours or mine. Who cares?
Have you ever been prostated by a pretty tgirl? I bet no. And I feel fucking sorry for you. Living without knowing the utter pleasure of nutter pressure.
>Actually thinking they can create vaccine for a flu related virus lol
Were fucked niggers.
>leaf thinks there will be a vaccine
Hahahahahahaaaaaa, no. No vaccine will ever be available.
she cute still
>tfw no qt flat ass gf
why live
I will not comply
A vaccine wouldn't work anyway. It would be like the flu jab, they'd need a different vaccine for every strain. People would inoculated against one strain, only to catch another.
That's a guy
Even better. Force 2 vaccines every year.
I'd fuck this little faggots ass bloody. Who's with me? He looks like the type that would enjoy being knocked out and fucked by about 10 guys.
>BBCposter is white
for you
I cant read the bottle. What does it say?
That is state mandated healthcare. Surely America will not do this
It's Lithium Carbonate for your mental disorder.
Forced vaxxers should be killed, in self defence. Never let someone rape you with a vaccine.
The problem is that when they bring you to jail they will vaccinate you there.
So your only choice is really to violently resist vaxx rapists when they show up at your doorstep.
Literally a nigger.
That's a dude so...
But I still would cause girls that love to dress up are my weakness.
Are they mocking us at this point?
No tits either thats why she wont show em..i got a better body myself and I am male
Go back to Yas Forums
he is
I'm not taking a vaccine
If you try to shove one on me
I will level a gun at your head and blow your brains out in Minecraft
Is that the trap who always gets posted here wearing glasses to cover his face?
>trusting the government to inject whatever into people without asking
even if you trust this government and this vaccine. what about a future government and a future vaccine. every vaccine comes with a list of side effects you should read.
trust in government is just so naive