Stop panic buying guns. You're too dumb to operate them because you smoke weed. The best possible outcome is for both boomers and you to get eradicated in the Corona-chan Bean Wars.
t. GenX
Stop panic buying guns. You're too dumb to operate them because you smoke weed. The best possible outcome is for both boomers and you to get eradicated in the Corona-chan Bean Wars.
t. GenX
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes because weed totally makes you want to kill somebody, you sound like a total boomer my friend
Wtf is that thing?
Why does the girlfriend have a mugshot?
>point boomstick
>pull lever
please be a guy please be a guy please be a guy please be a guy please be a guy
This but unironically
Zoomers honestly still surprise me how goddamn retarded they are.
My new girlfriend
Yep, believe it or not that's a dude.
Ngl, looking kinda girly right there. Wouldn’t last a second in jail
>Kayden Shay May
And the award for the most numale name goes to...
Autism and single motherhood.
As a public service for gun newfags,
The 5 Basic Principles of Gun Safety:
Treat every gun as if it were loaded.
Always point your gun in a safe direction.
Never point your gun at anything you don't intend to shoot.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot.
Be sure of your target and what's beyond.
I guess I could post the link.
I wonder if thats from an earlier arrest, I would be freaked the fuck out if I did that and not have that retarded
well ok then
Shame, she was a cutie, wheres the picture of the perp?
Kek! Can you imagine a "guy" that looks like him with the name kayden going to prison? He is going to be a fucking blow up doll.
The twink is mine! Don't touch him or I will shiv you in the yard!
It's murder. There was no accident.
It's like those articles that say someone was accidentally shot while cleaning a gun. It's obviously written by journalists that have never even held a firearm, much less know how to clean one. You cannot clean a gun while a round is chambered. Depending on the gun, you may even have to disassemble it and remove the firing pin in the process.
samefagging loser
Put down the pipe, Cheefer Sutherland. He means that the devil's lettuce probably caused the moron to forget the gun was loaded. Or be too absent minded to bother checking.
Thats not a nu male name thats a fucking upper middle class white peepoy name
One of the many reasons why Marijuana should be illegal.
>One of the many reasons why Marijuana should be illegal.
Fair point but it appears that the guy is just a complete idiot in that case then, cant just say him being inebriated is why he killed someone
>struck Thacker in the side of her head and exited her neck
That is a very weird angle of entry and exit, sounds like he had it in her mouth. Probably some dumb sex play. Dude looks way too calm for just murdering someone too.
Sounds like they were living in a trailer so probably not upper middle class.
Zoomer here. Bought my guns before the virus. No im not to dumb to operate them, i very rarely smoke weed. Fuck this retarded faggot.
I suck at graphics, but he's basically making this face.
this board has IDs fren
that's exactly what I meant, I'm just shitposting
>Sounds like they were living in a trailer so probably not upper middle class
>Dude looks way too calm for just murdering someone too.
Zoomers are literally sociopaths because their mothers took ssri's when they were pregnant.
>the mouth is located on the side of your head
He was clearly taller than her. Shot went at a downward angle from head to neck.
underrated post
Really? Is there a place called Texarkana?
Also this dude looks like he has less testosterone than a KPop singer
>haha boomstick go boom
Fucking moron
>because you smoke weed
I wish I could disagree
19? he looks 15
He's not going to need a girlfriend. He is the girlfriend.
Mutt’s Law
I didn't mention BBC meme flag. He is going to get raped by people of all ethnicities.
Yeah we know what you meant. It’s a part of your degenerate culture.
>Sounds like they were living in a trailer so probably not upper middle class
Poor people change their name to Kennedy all the time, that doesnt male the name kennedy trailer trash all of a sudden
the weak should fear the strong
Yep. It's a restaurant in American Psycho.
>You're too dumb
>t. GenX
The absolute ironing.
How did you even get on the 'net, bud?
So young and already based thot remover.
If you need validation this badly you should stay on leddit
I've seen the "gun cleaning" defense used successfully dozens of times and it disturbs me more each time it happens. One guy sniped an Amish girl from a mile away through his scoped rifle and said misfired while he was cleaning it. Only had to do probation.
Its destruction of property. Should pay the father 500 dollars max and be done with it.
>Kay Shay May
what a stupid name
Drink some more pabts blue ribbon you white trash yokel fuck
>Side of head
>Exited neck
She was on her knees begging for mercy
Accident my ass
Pointed loaded gun at girlfriend's head, pulled trigger. Murder One.
Believed was clear of ammunition. Yeah sure, tell it to the jury.
Note how media omits the "pulled trigger" step as if the gun fired itself.
They're so lazy that they won't even charge him with murder. The conviction rate matters more to them than justice.
>tfw poor trigger discipline kills your gf
Jesus, what a prettyboi. His ass will get rekt and he'll be a full blown sissy within a year.
Looks like that downie autistic kid from the movie "Hereditary"
This. And be vigilant.
That's why it's not an ACCIDENTAL discharge.
It's a NEGLIGENT discharge.
If it discharges it wasn't an accident. It was you failing to follow the rules.
>nooo you cant just exercise your 2nd amendment right given to you by the founding fathers
>the face you make when you realize that instead of giving your gf a mile of dick you will now have to take a mile of dick in prison
Oh, also I should note that the absolute worst people I've ever been around with firearms are liberals. They wave guns around, finger on the trigger like fucking Dianne Feinstein.
People who have been AROUND guns their whole lives are a million times safer, because they actually KNOW those rules.
We need mandatory gun/rifle training in schools.
>samefagging this hard
first and second posts WORST posts, samefaggot
I had a gun safety course with hunters Ed in 6th grade
Nice hair
Nice, he will be out in 5 years, but his thot girlfriend will never talk back to anyone again. Win.
prison-wife material
>not safely operating guns while intoxicated
Well play stupid games win stupid prizes
It's true though. I read prisons in the south such as Alabama are notorious for rape in prison. There was a report about a young white guy that killed himself because he was forced to suck dick for months. He didn't even report anal rape, he was just passed around the cell for free blowjobs constantly.
I shoot guns all day, have god like trigger discipline, don't point at anything I'm not going to shoot, and smoke a pound of weed a day.
It isn't a generational thing, it is a genetic thing. Maybe if you guys didn't have such rotten stock, we wouldn't all be floating in shit stew
the absolute state of zoomers
Not how it works; he'll be given the minimum 3 and only have to serve half of it for good behavior—the girl's family is buying his bullshit and preaching forgiveness. After he gets out in 1.5 years, he'll be on probation for another 1.5. At the end of that, he'll be allowed to use firearms again. How much fun he has in prison will determine whether he kills again.
the only people that like zoomers are other zoomers. when ever I have to talk to one I need to fight the endless urge to beat them to death.
He cute, he'll make some nice boipussy in jail
>At the end of that, he'll be allowed to use firearms again.
He's a felon. No guns allowed.
But how do a bunch of weed and hash smoking sand niggers keep running a bunch of cock smoking faggots off????