Hey Zoomers

Stop panic buying guns. You're too dumb to operate them because you smoke weed. The best possible outcome is for both boomers and you to get eradicated in the Corona-chan Bean Wars.

t. GenX

Attached: zoomer_dudeweed_nogunz.png (725x957, 348.99K)

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Yes because weed totally makes you want to kill somebody, you sound like a total boomer my friend

Wtf is that thing?

Attached: 1585181159156.jpg (597x593, 35.14K)

Why does the girlfriend have a mugshot?

>point boomstick
>pull lever

please be a guy please be a guy please be a guy please be a guy please be a guy

This but unironically

Zoomers honestly still surprise me how goddamn retarded they are.