I work for Joe Biden's campaign. Unfortunately there has been an issue with him pooping his pants recently. This began back in January but we hoped it was a 1 off accident. Lately he's pooping his pants multiple times a day and he refuses to wear a diaper. He's become incredibly hard to manage and staff are signing NDA in exchange for large sums of money and quitting. I'm here because I fear he will poop his pants during the debate or the inauguration and embarrass the country I love. It's important to get this message out and let people know why Biden has been MIA.
I work for Joe Biden's campaign. Unfortunately there has been an issue with him pooping his pants recently...
Lol I hope this is true post proof or fuck off nigger
top kek
please let this be true
Proof or gtfo.
Based and pooppilled.
I've gone to some extremes to protect myself posting this. I'm too paranoid about digital fingerprints on cameras to post anything convincing. It's best to keep this like a half joke that spreads across the internet. Eventually with the cat out of the bag someone will speak up and we'll handle this situation.
So he is actually one of the good guys.
Uncle Poopy Pants?
This can't be real.
>please be real
>poop or gtfo
Fucking based
>Keeps shitting his pants
Guess I'm Riden with Biden now
I don't believe it but I believe it anyway
Please be real.
t Posted from Russia or China
>I don't believe it but I believe it anyway
The absolute state of Yas Forums.
Also: Post Biden logs.
Gud one , thanks user, needed that.
Does he have enough rolls? Are you guys giving him access to 1+ rolls per day?
No rolls needed. He's going through 3-4 pants a day but cleans up himself in the shower. This is why he can't go anywhere or make any appearances.
Isn't uncontrollable stool a sign of coronavirus?
If he has become incontinent and refuses to wear protective gear, he's getting pretty far into dementia. I lost one of my uncles to Alzheimer's . He, too, was a big guy with a macho personality. He had been a college basketball player in the days when there were few blacks. He became physically aggressive at one point, and had to be placed in a special hospital cell for the mentally ill. If what you're posting is true, he may start acting out and hurt someone in the not too distant future. Does he have a physician? What is his family doing about his condition?
Is anyone suggesting to him that he needs to drop out due to health reasons?
>he's pooping his pants multiple times a day and he refuses to wear a diaper.
just throw a leather jacket and some shades on him, dress him up like the Fonz give him a cool line to say and then shock and awe with some technology Eisenhower style,
>I'm too paranoid about digital fingerprints on cameras to post anything convincing.
oh for sure dude the NSA has your ticket punched bro, can't avoid it, just come clean if they ask
how many women do you think he has fucked?
also how did you get this job? connections?
>This is why he can't go anywhere or make any appearances.
are you sure you're not fronting and he's dead? just put another guy in Biden makeup if he's dead
OP is a liar.
I know this is bullshit but I believe it
proof in campaign
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Listen here Jack, you are going to let me poop my pants. Then with a smile you will wipe me clean and I don't want to hear any malarkey kid. Now get it done before I punch you in the gut.
You’re missing a golden opportunity for spinning this into a positive. Think of all of the support he would gain after being called “Uncle Poopy Pants” by right-wing Nazi retards. You could have an overwhelming outpouring of support. Thousands and thousands of democrats pooping their pants in solidarity, and posting pics of their poopoo stinky with the hashtag #mepoo.
Joe Biden is dead
Pastafags need to get Biden a designated shit towel
>Mfw Biden actually physically assaults a young girl at a rally
>Mfw he actually punches your daughter right in the mouth
This aligns with my world views so I believe.
>biden will literally shot himself on stage debating Trump.
Kek wills it, best timeline, cap this.
Lol , meant "shit himself" but that'd be pretty fucking memorable
>uncontrollable stool
Double checked. It’s happening
>please let this happen
Lord Kek has witnessed and blessed me. This is a prophecy, we are seeing Keks miracles in progress, we feel his guiding hand in our fates
My grandma also currently suffers from that shit. Gets super aggresive randomly and refuses to.do anything to help herself. Claims nothing is happening at all when she used to be a healthy, proactive, clean person.
Cheri Bustos. Screencap this. She is his choice for VP
Well, I think that he came close to slugging that old guy in Iowa, and he asked the auto worker in Detroit whether he wanted to step outside. So yeah, if neither Biden's family nor the Dem establishment does anything about this, Biden could do it. Later stage Alzheimer's isn't a joke. I found out about that with my uncle.
If true, it could be due to any number of causes
>colon cancer
>pancreatic cancer
>bacterial or fungal infections
If it's the former two causes, his campaign is done. If it's just an infection, it can be treated with medications and he'll be back to grabbing kids inappropriately in no time.
Listen Up Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Ig a 2A question sent him into that sort of rage, I can't wait to see what rape accusations do!
I understand completely. See my post Their brain deteriorates and becomes tangled with gunk. It's really, really hard to see them deteriorate like that. Really hard.
Wow so now we are going to say a man cannot be President simply because he poops his pants? Is that REALLY the defining factor here? So Joe Biden poops his pants..does that take away all of his accolades? In fact, since he has this pants defecating issue, it just makes me think he would be more tolerant of health issues in other people.
Bump for shits and giggles
Larper, which is the country that you love? If it were th US you wouldnt be working for Dementia Joe.
> afraid of digital fingerprint
> posting on fbi honeypot board
that biden face pic makes me laugh every fucking time
Yes, this is a problem with patients with Alzheimer.
The realize completely, that their brain is slowly dying. And they become agressive because they are scared of that as fuck.
Is he sick or is he scared?
just feed him some of that crushed mineral bullshit, ormus from montana
>Unfortunately there has been an issue with him pooping his pants recently.
Bumping because we need crude humor in these difficult times.
Yeah right. We know hes on house arrest. Nice try to lay a little cover for him though.
>>plus 2 points for creativity
Ten whole dementia farce is to keep him from being prosecuted for Treason
The Dems are keeping that down. The lady in question likes Putin so they'll say that she's just trying to hurt Biden and help Trump. And that may be why she is so insistent now, but it is neither here nor there on something that happened in 1993. She told both her brother and a friend at that time and they remember it. Biden comes off as an affable average Joe, except when he's mauling women and little girls. He may not be so nice in person to anyone.
Another thought on the Putin end. The Russians aren't slouches when it comes to intelligence. They also must have Alzhiemer's in Russia and know its signs. Putin may not want an Alzheimer's patient with access to the football and a bone to pick with the Russians. Think about it. It's an absolutely deadly proposition for them. Really deadly. And if Biden becomes a figurehead, the Russians won't really know who is making the decisions, and that's got to be another thing scaring the shit out of them. You have to wonder what Putin is telling Xi, too. I don't think that either one of them want to be blown up.
It's all true. I signed an NDA but I don't give a fuck let them come for me.
Biden was in the men's room too long in South Carolina right after NH and so the guy goes in there and Biden had his shoes off and was playing in a poop filled toilet with them just laughing and laughing.
They have an experimental drug they're giving him I couldn't get the name.
Unfortunately, Biden may actually become president if Trump really screws up the response to corona, which it is looking like he will.
So far all the normies love him im not sure what narrative you are pushing.
If the dementia is real, just send a guard to his cell every morning to remind him why he'll live out his last days in a cold cell.
If the dementia isn't real, send the guard in anyway lol.
I hope that you're making this up, because if you're not, the people keeping this guy in the race should be executed in the most painful way possible, first, for torturing an old, inform man, and, second, for risking the entire country. Please tell me that you're making this up.
Every single normie heard Trump say "I want to give you 1000$". Most normies are braindead and that just sticks in their head. Ever since that every normie has been getting more and more pissed at dems for not accepting Trump's deal.