What will happen once Americans find that they enjoy socialism?
Buy new dialation aids XD
More guns ammo and gold
Got my food and tp long ago
I'm buying an Aimpoint, my 308 upper receiver, and an IR nightvision sight
A apartment
new tires for my shitbox probably
Make it national, duh
Just change the name from “National Socialism ” to “American Socialism”
Push reform through congress on the “Patriot Lives First Act”
Suddenly everyone swallows the pill
Donate it to Trump’s campaign
a bunch of retard cheering for communism while telling everyone they hate communism
nothing, because I won't get shit. congress cares more about big corporations than poor Americans. I hope every bitch ass motherfucker that voted for his gets a horrible case of the corona virus
wipe my ass
The only people who dont get anything are stinky adult neet dependents, who dont need any anyway.
Thank's for the month of rent Zognald.
lmao fuck off nigger same chinada faggot in the trumpbux thread
You know many parents falsely claim their adult children as dependents? Theres going to be a way around it.
that tfw my dad doesn't know about dependent relatives and didn't claim me
>who dont need any anyway.
but people that are already getting paid from their jobs or from unemployment do??? I can't until a month from now and you wageys are back in your cageys
If your parents do that you can counter it. If you file yourself as an independent they'll fix it. Granted your parent might get into trouble if they already received their refund.
Since im getting twice the full amount plus my SSI and roomie got his unemp benefits secured ($6200 total for first week)
My list includes:
-New PS4 + Games
-Decent laptop
-Two pairs of fresh jordans
-Nike Backpack
-Gallon jar of sum good kush from da plug
-Gucci Belt
-A Pair of Sony Headphones
Thats right niggers, Im zoomin out to the shores of prosperity
nothing because its going to take 4 months to arrive from what im being told
fuck off mutt your country have twice the Canadian population of chinese who the fuck are you kidding idiot?
Proud communist and 56% I see.
Yeah I know that but im just saying there are lots of 20 something year olds with an income that get claimed by their parents so i think even if your parents fucked you and its too late to amend they will jsut look at your 2019 income
lmao asshurt chinkazoid
Spend it in a week with the increased cost of living , then watch the stockholders move every penny of all two trillion dollars overseas.
Face it kiddies. You can't play nice. Long overdue for nationalized healthcare and death panels because the parties just want them.
>American Socialism
No, Patriotic Socialism
I wish it got veto'd. It's total shit. It's just a worthless tax credit for the common peasant while the billion dollar corporations get fat fuck billion dollar bail outs no questions asked plus they get to remain anonymous on who took the free cash for 3 months which is long enough for people to forget about it.
Tranny hormones.
you're a nigger
>look at me mom I called him a chink again
>I called him a chink
>lol look at me mom
So what was the catch that made the democrats sign?
Do illegals get it too now?
Let me guess, you're a nigger, right?
People wont vote for nationalized healthcare or higher education even in their deathbeds. Its just not part of the MURIKAN spirit.
enjoy paying it back next year
so for those with bank accounts, we should just be expecting it randomly deposited? ive never recevied gibs so idk
>leave china
>finally free
>start a new life in canada
>spend your time shilling for china still
lmao stupid fucking bug
shut up chang
Sí, los imigrantes ilegales recibenlo
Buy 3 AR15s
A juicy new unregistered AR
Use it to pay off your debts. The average American is tens of thousands of dollars in debt.
I know you are all redpilled white ranch owners who are also in trades (and also know everything about the stock market somehow) and have "tradwives" with perfect kids (who are also redpilled) but think about reality, not fantasy, and what you could do to help yourselves with that money. Pay off credit cards and escape the debt trap
And cleanse America of all shitskins so there are more money for whites
make sure to spend your money on non-chink goods
I'm pure Nordic white
Buying a new phone and comp
Did anyone read the thing?
who gets gibs and who doesn't?
>buying Jordan's
He's lily white
>Pay off your debts
>Stimulus only $1200 per adult
>Per adult owes tens of thousands
What a waste
Ok I you can decide I'm chinese I can decide you're a jew.
fuck off joe fat pack bail out the bank again like the good little goy you are
na you're a morbidly fat mutt
Save it because it’s all going back to them next year via tax.
Buying a 1 oz Platinum American Eagle
Only 150 bet your fat ass is 300
Gas the kikes
Class war now
Based AEWchad
no one cares chink
Gimme trumpbux too!!!
good. I'm sure that'll be of service sometime... kek
Give it to Israel, of course.
no, it isn't. if the IRS owes you a rebate on your 2020 taxes, it's deducted from that. otherwise, it's free money
You just jealous coz slavs and nords are the real shit and spaniards are really a bunch of white arabs
>no one care chink
Ya it's ok every canadian is chinese and every american is a mutt golem
I'm ok with that
There's also a Brazilian Bolsobux alternative too here, damn I love Socialism now
>$1200 one-time payment that will take months to deliver
WOW the economy is saved
Taunt illegal aliens cause they don't get shit
Tucker Carlson leads the National Socialist revolution in 2024 after Trump's term is over
>months to deliver
Lol retard
Did they pass the version where I get 17,000$ or the version where I get 1,000$ and I have to pay billionaire Jews 16,000$ for the privilege?
>Looks at "President Zonald Glump"
Why did I bother asking.
us Canadian welfare neets are getting $400 extra dollars in tax credit next month.
Billions for wall street
350 million for refugee settlement
25 million for raises to congress
Nothing to anyone making 100k gross
4-6k for Shamika and her kids.
Only a faggot or cuck would be supporting this log of horse shit.
Your money isn't worth as much as ours and in the end you're still Canadian.
based /k user. Which aimpoint? I would want an elcan but I dont qualify for trumpbucks. I earn too much and out of scope.
Borla Atak cat-back exhaust and a K&N cold air intake for my F150.
I'd like to get a Comp4
This is pure pork with some crumbs for the sheep type of bill.
>in the end you're still Canadian
which means we're not the ones getting btfo by Coronachan. Thank you for noticing.
IRS starts the new American centralized digital currency and social credit system and we get to buy premium chink pootang
downtown for a whole month. Goddamn it is sweet to be an american.
Dolly Parton sex doll.
You realize companies need assistance too right? What good is money in people's pockets if all the companies get shut down.
People will be incentivized to spend you tard
If you give it straight to companies theyll be the ones pocketing and wont recirculate the shit
Dying of Corona > Being a smelly Snow Mexican
99% of people will choose the former any day
this but nonironically, if I have enough leftover after paying my shit I'm going to buy a switch so I can rp as a tranny on AC
Yang was right, retards. This was his plan Trump hopped on once the DNC killed Yang's campaign.
get a woke hat