Why do people believe Christianity is real, especially the (((ALTERED))) current version? Why don't they just accept it as spiritual advice and stop proselytizing? And if they don't even bother to follow what's written, or want to change it, why do they even pretend to believe in it?
Let's recap the story so far:
>create people who didn't ask to exist and then tell them they need to obey you, but you give them free will because you're a narcissist, but also make sure to make them innocent and naive so they don't understand the consequences of their actions, and then tell them not to eat from the tree of knowledge or they'll die, but they don't understand death because they haven't eaten from the tree, and then you allow a devil you created to manipulate them when they don't understand deceit so they eat from the tree and then you cast them out of the paradise you made and cause them endless suffering even though you knew this was going to happen because you're omnipotent, but you didn't actually want to punish them even though you've caused countless generations of people immeasurable suffering so you send your son down to earth, but he's also you at the same time, so then you torture your son who is yourself to save the things you created from your own wroth all because you can't go back on your judgement otherwise that would set a bad precedent and obviously playing completely transparent tricks with yourself and forcing people to suffer for something they didn't do but definitely will do because you designed them that way is way better.
>people take this literally
Why do people believe Christianity is real, especially the (((ALTERED))) current version...
Other urls found in this thread:
What is your alternative proposal for a broad strokes explanation of how your viewport into this existence came into existence? Given that arrangements of molecules shouldn't have any affect on that.
I know your answer is: "Don't know, haven't thought about it, and don't care".
But if you're going to be a big aggressive scientific atheist/agnostic about this, then wouldn't you at least spend some of your energy bashing other attempts in the pursuit of a less wrong explanation?
You wasted time on the question, so you're obviously interested. What is existence? What is physics, and is there a creation relationship that co created both since obviously physics made life. Where did physics come from? Could an infinite regress be solved with an evolutionary model.
>if you're going to be a big aggressive scientific atheist/agnostic
those are some broad strokes buddy. You might as well have said if you're going to be a big aggressive non-christian. I find it interesting how you people always have the same combative approach to every question about your religion. You never back it up or try to defend it, the immediate reaction is to attack every other belief or lack thereof.
You ask a bunch of question with the presupposition that your answers are correct and don't need investigating and that any position other than absolute certainty is some how wrong or bad or worse than Christianity. Why don't you answer your own questions before expecting an answer from someone else?
Modern Christianity is run by the Jews. Follow the traditional for the sake of your race
>Why do people believe Christianity is real, especially the (((ALTERED))) current version?
You can't go back to traditional though, because it's harder than the build-a-religion that Christianity has become. And what exact point are you going to go back to? Why not go back to the origin, the Jews themselves?
faithless faith is worthless
oof there are way too many words in this thread and none of them say anything that i havent heard within the past 15 years
please move thread to /x/
wow, you sure do sound enlightened. Did memorizing the dictionary help you understand the meaning of life?
>100th anti-Christian thread of the day
you heathens need a hobby
okay kid. I can see you're a real philosopher in the making.
OP is only bringing it up because he knows God is real. He knows Jesus is real. It's written in all of our hearts but some of us never get out of denial.
I've studied all the religions and the lack of religions and everything else I can find under the sun, probably longer than you've been alive.
There's something substantial out there beyond the surface of existence, we can't see through it, and it's bigger and more complex than the size of the universe and everything in it.
You won't find the answers you seek to calm the nanotech fuses and gears in your head until you stop telling everyone what the world is, and start listening.
I was where you were, maybe 15 years ago. And I was better than you at attacking Christianity at that point in time as well.
The question gnaws at your brain like a thorn, it won't go away, ever. Because your existence demands an explanation. And there apparently is none, except for the one explanation I have, which apparently is the model of greatest resonance with everything you've seen, and everything you've yet to see that will knock you down to pieces and build you back up again.
The path to bring you rest to the spinning is not the Atheist path. You can take that tip to the bank.
The answers you want are there, and I do believe that God above us is tending to his crop. Me to you this second notwithstanding.
That image is a textbook example of cherry picking. There are thousands of verses in the bible, but this one verse just happens to work in a translated language.
You forgot the biggest crime of atheists: none of them actually read the bible. They claim to be for science, facts, and sources yet don't even bother to read the book their existence relies on. Most atheists have a strawmanned, exaggerated idea of the bible that they parrot for someone else (probably some jew).
Imagine taking genesis literally
>implying white nationalism and atheism are not compatible
>none of them actually read the bible
Do you study the religious texts of muslims, buddhist, hindu's, sihks, jainists, etc, etc.
No? Then have yourself a tall glass of shut the fuck up. I'm not going to waste precious time reading jewish desert tales.
thanks for answering for me user. spot on
>not going to waste precious time
The reason your life hasn't been a meteoric rise as you witness from some people, is because the set of behaviors and opportunities presented to the person is not correctly identified by the person.
So when you say it's a waste of time for you to study a thing that others have studied that they tell you is a good idea for you to study, you have to take care that this isn't one of those situations where you've made a mistake.
Get it in bite sized form from youtube. If you've not touched the bible, a great starting point is here:
The book is unique, because it's about you and your mammal form, and its relationship to me, and your interests and my interests for everything, as they exist in competition.
When you get through it, you'll say everything you did except that, was the waste of time.
wait i take this back that video sucks
>There's something substantial out there beyond the surface of existence, we can't see through it, and it's bigger and more complex than the size of the universe and everything in it.
yeah, I know.
>You won't find the answers you seek to calm the nanotech fuses and gears in your head until you stop telling everyone what the world is, and start listening.
never claimed what the world is
>I was where you were, maybe 15 years ago. And I was better than you at attacking Christianity at that point in time as well.
never attacked Christianity. Only blind faith in it and taking it literally, which, if you were genuine about your studies of all religions, you would realize blind faith in one religion is the antithesis of knowledge.
why dont you look into it more?
its a good story, whether you believe it or not. ive always been into mythology
>blind faith
The blind faith is apparently what gets its attention.
If you were to build a universe with agencies on the inside, what one thing would really catch your interest from the inside?
The agency inside saying: "I know you're there, outside the simulation, my life and my gains inside this unit doesn't matter to me, I'd only care about the outside".
That's when God apparently sticks his finger in and says: "After I smash this thing and toss it into the garbage can, I'm lifting this one from the lower realm into the higher realm".
The theory is that we're inside a simulation, and God's watching us and has full awareness of us down to the atomic and subatomic level.
Also the other mind-blow is that God is simultaneously our offspring and our ancestor, across the conquered temporal dimension, that has not yet occured.
Jesus Christ basically told us what appears to be the most resonant model that has the least wrongness in it, and also explains everything.
Science and Christianity are becoming a single thing in my mind, they complete each other like a puzzle. leading me to believe Jesus Christ was an astronaut or alien or something not from the genetic line of DNA based life as tuned by the endless tournaments for survival here.
What else can I do but construct the least incorrect model that I can that takes into account everything?
Here's Vox Day saying some heretical things:
Highlighting this post
Do your job jannies
Christian here
The bible imo isn't meant to be portraying literal events but is rather a grasping for an understanding of our creation, and the implications it has on moral law. On free will I would say that it exists as a way that allows us to act morally; in a way this free will gives birth to morality, because without it, we are automatons existing in a world without an idea of "good" or "bad" behavior. Free will is what transfigures human beings to a state in which we can approach heaven/the divine/self-actualization or what have you. The caveat is we can also choose to behave in immoral ways. In a sense it turns the dimension of morality in us from one single point with no degree of freedom, to a line that can move infinitely in either direction.
I have no doubt in my mind that God exists, but I have a lot of qualms with the creature that organized religion has become. Christianity in its pure form demands that everyone be subservient to God, to the Christ-life inside them. This I have zero qualms against. The church historically existed as a convenient place for people to cultivate that relationship among like minded thinkers. Now it seems more of an emphasis is placed on Christianity as an institution; the church, an earthly man made convention, is now the focus of worship leaving no room for God and plenty of room for corruption.
So I dunno man, I honestly have no issues with most of your post save for your reductive middle school tier bastardization of the gospels. Christianity as an institution is what is afflicted with gross moral misdirection, but as a worldview it's undeserving of your contempt, and it's the only thing left with the power to save Western civilization.
You don't know better than God. You hate God, you don't disbelieve.
Stop bitching and read.
Come on jannies justify your existence
Tic toc jannies there is an /x/ thread on the wrong board and you need to clean it up
Is that enough replies?
One last one for maximum visibility
If you don't do as he says you're gay
For me it's simple;
Satanists are real, their worship of satan is real, their sacrifice to satan is real, the bad effects that has on our society is real
Two conclusions can be drawn;
>Satan is part of the evil/good duality, If evil is real, then so is good
>It's pointless to argue about it's authenticity, because it is affecting reality in a real way
Why did the shadow fall from the tree?
The bible is to be taken literally, every historic event and prophesy in it I believe happened.
it's the authenticated word of God and there's nothing else like it.
and my posts are the truth because it says they are right there in the posts
Why can't you believe that a small group of jews has managed to fool a whole race of humans.
Besides minor translation errors and things even Christians have asterisks in their Bible for, what’s been altered?
Why do God denying faggots NEVER research anything that they disagree with?
Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (book & YouTube)
Chuck Missler's Knowing God - An Extraterrestrial Message
>Christians have asterisks in their Bible for, what’s been altered?
>Bible Code faggot shit
cant wait for you to learn.
just have to stop being a coward
I have given a lot of thought about it and I can say whatever the answer is, Christianity is one of the most nonsensical schizo explains of creation and human history imaginable. You're a complete retard if you think the only two explanations are between nihilist atheism and, for whatever fucking reason, specifically Christianity.
>Why do people believe Christianity is real
Because history proves it to be real. The Laws of Physics prove it real. The Bible is also written in general axioms that cannot be argued with, especially the commandments of right and wrong.
>especially the (((ALTERED))) current version?
99.9% of "Christians" never have and never were Christian to begin with. The Bible determines what is real Christianity, not people.
>Why don't they just accept it as spiritual advice and stop proselytizing?
Because The Bible is written perfectly and given credibility through blood over the centuries.
>And if they don't even bother to follow what's written, or want to change it, why do they even pretend to believe in it?
99.9% of "Christians" never have and never were Christian to begin with. The Bible determines what is real Christianity, not people.
>They claim to be for science, facts, and sources yet don't even bother to read the book their existence relies on.
No one's existence relies on the book. It has no objective value. There is also no reason to read or acknowledge the bible in the first place, nor any other equally plausible religious text. Burden of proof is on those who claim the religion is true, and unless you can provide that, there is no reason for someone to read it any more than someone should read Superman comics to determine if those aren't real.
>whatever the answer is,
There's no "other answer", it's whatever you think it is, that's the absolute truth. What other answer is there than that I'm a fool and you're cleaning up this board of fools?
Chink in your armor there bruh, 35 links left from the top, 5 down.
I thought you said there wasn't anything there.
And yet, after all the trading of insults, here we are. You want to get a hello from the thing that is a common ancestor to both you and the universe that teased your form to what you see it to be now?
What exactly is the nihilist atheistic doctrine of creation?
> 99.9% of "Christians" never have and never were Christian to begin with. The Bible determines what is real Christianity, not people.
And who interprets the Bible? Who reads it? Who wrote it? How is it being taught to others? How come people had to decide which books to be included in the Bible and which ones to be left out at the First Council of Nicaea, along with many other doctrines?
> The Bible is also written in general axioms that cannot be argued with, especially the commandments of right and wrong.
How is self-defense covered in the Bible? Suppose you have an armed robber coming into your house - it's always "thou shalt not kill", there's no fucking * there saying "only if it's in self-defense, if you have no other options available".
People just make up their own damn mind on what's right and wrong and then consult with the Bible and either get praise or ask forgiveness.
Maybe nothing, whatever it is doesn't matter, it makes no sense to hold the idea that if it's not nothing, it has to specifically be Christianity. There are virtually infinite possible ways the universe could have happened, and the most sensible theory would be an organic one divorced from dogmatic fairy tale stories. The sun rising and setting has a realistic, organic explanation in nature, and it is not a dude in the sky pulling it around on a chariot of flying horses like some primitive tribes believed. Likewise the creation of the universe is certainly a lot less romantic and weirdly human centric than the creation and history myths of the bible, and far more likely something similarly mundane.
But again, even if it were something akin to a mythological fairy tale, there are still limitless possible things that could have happened. Why would it specifically be Christianity's idea and nothing else.
>given credibility through blood over the centuries.
What do you mean? Because a bunch of people died for it?
Yes user. As you know, 2+2=5 if you kill enough people. That's how reality works.