@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump on Hannity 3/26/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/26/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>SoS Pompeo on HughHewittShow 3/26/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 3/26/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FoxNews 3/26/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on (((FakeNews))) 3/26/20
>NECDir Kudlow on EWTN 3/26/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on FoxNews 3/26/20
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 3/26/20
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on Tucker 3/26/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci Corona-chan Q&A w/Stephen Curry 3/26/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on HowieCarrLive 3/26/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on F&F 3/26/20
>Lara Trump/Trump2020PressSec McEnany @Women for Trump Rally 3/26/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on Spicer&Co 3/26/20
>FEDChair Powell on TODAY 3/26/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: fullchinesepropaganda.png (1296x1116, 353.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


When is the house vote?



WHAT THE FUCK IS HABBENING, /ptg/?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Attached: HShip.png (1372x1116, 1.16M)


Attached: 03-27 12_27_00.png (1275x712, 1.27M)

Fuckin MAGA bud.

Attached: 1584840805590.webm (640x800, 2.77M)

WTF is his problem?

when trumpbux get here?


Attached: greht4hj.png (623x1309, 754.55K)

> when you start letting the lower classes dictate how the government must provide for them, you've already lost.
This should be the opening line of every political article, book or manifesto.

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-03-18 , 22_20_40.png (753x897, 120.04K)

>chick-fil-a releasing fish sandwich and fish strips
>not available in my area
i can't MAGA like this guys

Attached: fish fil a.jpg (1020x822, 60.61K)

>based communism hurr hurr
If Jeb! was president this wouldn't be happening

Attached: 1512528908093.jpg (1920x1080, 166.79K)

Apparently the House just passed it by voice vote, user

Blimpfbux could be on the way

not watching what happened?

Find a way to make cannibalism the next big thing in China again. They'll eat each other until there's only one superchink left.

Attached: file.png (850x400, 208.73K)

These clapping house niggers, what a bunch of worthless fucks.
I'm more surprised that the full House was on board the superior Senate bill, then Pelosi gets marching orders to delay it
Now they are sooooo fucking proud of themselves
Grifters and absolute sharlatan cunts

Attached: TrumpWashET2O2X-XkAUw_IB.jpg (1075x1365, 169.69K)


Attached: singer_hazmat.png (680x340, 124.98K)

The foreign interference in our MSM is just insane at this point and yet retards still claim muh Russia was real


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they told him to fuck off

Imagine if that was ur dick.

Trump BTFOing happeners and libertardians, who's next?


Hm, not sure that's sexy or not.

Looks like the bill passed, user...Blimpfbux are on the way

Pelosi mentioned something about them even being (((direct deposited)))

Socialist retards on suicide watch with these hot facts

Attached: spinspin.gif (280x275, 877.17K)

Then I coom.

They do it for Lent each year, but it's up to the individual locations to decide to carry it or not. One here does. The fish sandwich is outstanding.

Anyone buy gold right now?

Other ship is going to NY, where Trump will 'kiss it' goodbye
P cabal suicide watch

Attached: Trump6546546005085.png (1024x662, 1.75M)

> tfw no Amazon gf to bully you into making babies

> Update: Laura was airlifted to another hospital where she can be placed on a better vent machine. This will cost $100,000 per day. Her family has set up a gofundme page if you feel so inclined
i thought white people were unaffected?

Attached: 1585329959984.png (616x1464, 644.36K)

Buy ammunition

Attached: themanyfacesoflewdloli.gif (417x417, 76.45K)

shouldn't you be working right now?

Just how autistic is this massie guy?

I just dipped into index and some oil stocks. And some cryptos because Yas Forums shills so hard for them.

Attached: BILL PASSED.jpg (948x527, 251.99K)

The House passed the bill, apu

It's on it's way to Blimpf's desk

Massie's appeal to hold an official recorded vote was BTFO

Not just that but the evangelical goyim are also responsible for turning the 100% honest truths of the left into lies that never happened or will happen!

>Stating the facts and how it is is autism

Attached: 1581224085969.jpg (1092x882, 116K)

admirable but I'm never gonna get her so I was hoping for a fall :(

You jump in on XOM?

Hi! I’m William Devane, and right now, there’s a serious discussion about who our next president will be. A Republican? A Democrat? An Independent? The future of our country is hanging in the balance, which is why as a good American, I’m going to do two things: I’m going to vote, and I’m going to buy gold from Rosland Capital.

Buying gold from Rosland helps protect me against runaway inflation and all that paper money being printed around the world by unstable governments.

Whether you want new or old gold or premium collector coins, Rosland has them all. And what you order is what you get. No gimmicks, no nonsense, no hassle. So do your part to protect your future. Vote and buy gold from Rosland Capital.

Call now and get a free gold kit, a free silver kit, and a free IRA transfer kit.

Attached: 1478020275752.png (449x391, 302.3K)

did they all have to vote or did massie stand down?

I think Massies move was smart but its also smart for Trump to distance from it.

rundown pls. I'm at work.Coofing.

Attached: 1566881038801.gif (498x345, 250.49K)

Naysayers BTFO bill passes

Think he will sign today?

Friendly reminder that shaking hospital staff can result in ejection from the premises and possible charges

Attached: FGSFDSDESU.png (877x903, 441.42K)

close also good news
come on trump

:( Just gotta be yourself...


GOP rep. Massie wants to betray the president an shut the bill down

Buckle up. We're gonna hit shillcon 1 very soon.

Attached: Academy Award Winner Sir Anthony Hopkins.webm (264x360, 1.03M)

White people less susceptible only. Amusingly niggers the least
This was based on allele genes in the lungs or something. Chinks get it the worst.
What really fucks people?
Degenerate lifestyles, drugs, no sleep, poor immune systems, and PREEXISTING CONDITIONS
Pic related - the media will code everything Corona unless they get called on it

Attached: LAdeathbullshit1585328539.jpg (636x1024, 111.05K)

Stalker MAGAthing is still up somehow desu

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why would you ever buy gold?
it doesn't have any value besides shiny rocks now

He was BTFO

for what gun?

Attached: 1578222071145.jpg (899x717, 63.2K)

She catches you alone in a room and pushes you up against the wall. She grabs your hair and pulls your head back, exposing your neck like some sort of sacrificial animal about to have its throat cut, and she leans around to whisper in your ear the Fourteen Words before her tongue traces its way down your earlobe.

peg board is easy when you weigh 90 lbs

XLE mostly and some HAL. But XOM is great too.

>Tawnee Stone
Holy shit, taking me waaay back there, user

Guise, this is the greatest time in my life. Stacked with food, got a new game, no where to go, Magabux on the way. Its glorious. Lets all rejoice!

That means mini Trump rally!

Attached: 1509746779399.gif (840x488, 511.03K)

Massie stand down because Hoyer got enough vote to stop the Quorum, I think.

For all of your guns because all Americans own guns except for me I'm a peaceloving buddhist

Attached: Taftaj.gif (582x404, 1.99M)

Needs a JUST edit

Attached: 03-27 12_32_29.png (412x394, 256.48K)

Its heaven for neets. But not sustainable long term of course. Enjoy while it lasts.

>i thought white people were unaffected?
real white people

Attached: NYT_ Should Biden freak out?.jpg (698x705, 131.83K)

Definitely. The only time Trump wastes time is when he's on the journalist clock, just to fuck with them.

OH no not our hecking wine aunts! Think of the femininoooooosss.

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I can't tell when these tweets are real or parodies anymore.

>he doesn't emacs

>$2.2 trillion-shekel bill passes
>even NEETs are getting Blimpfbux

Are /ptg/ NEETs rejoicing or REEEEEEEEEEing for more gibs??


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I miss the real 774

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Who is qt?

Attached: 03-27 12_31_13.png (431x506, 319.73K)

Biden should freak out about himself right now.

Attached: 1581043642502.jpg (1195x851, 146K)

What happened?

Fuck you. your flag, your message and your fucking image. Vim rocks.

Attached: 1520038982049.jpg (692x630, 79.4K)

'member those pre-18 "NN" sites? yeah...


so it begins

Attached: 1583756240918.jpg (639x648, 53.14K)

>a peaceloving buddhist
aka arsonist

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shes ded rip


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Good thing I have a job and making less that’s 75k. So more money for me. NEETS are rejoicing.


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I concede that it's fine to use but vim just werks man

I wanna kum in the MAGAlole

I liek vim it's just a goof fellow techchad

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I like HAL. I work in O&G and they are a better run company than BKR and SLB in my opinion.

>people still think these allegations will go anywhere

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this meme is getting beaten to death pretty fast

Whos this cutie. Im saluting her if you get my drift.

nano fags assemble

Attached: 1546992789790.png (678x690, 387.7K)

‘Perfectly healthy’ New Braunfels man killed by COVID-19, family says

> Adolph (T.J.) Mendez, 44, was “perfectly healthy,” according to his family, with no underlying health issues when he died Thursday from complications due to COVID-19, the Herald-Zeitung reported.

> "You hear that the people who die are older or have previous health conditions but he was neither and the virus took him..."


Attached: file.png (594x600, 384.44K)

This is definitely not fake and gay

Why would you say that with rapey skeletons in your closet?




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I was promised millions of dead americans. What a letdown, not even "gasover" level

lol the house opens up with some pastor who of course made a dedication to a holocaust survivor
every god damn time
you'd think this entire country was nothing but holocaust survivors


Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-27 23-07-21.png (599x96, 17.41K)

>the virgin deaths vs the chad recovered

MSM kikes obviously won't bring it up. But MSM doesn't run shit anymore. The internet does. And the internet knows.

Attached: 1556671434975.jpg (2500x1564, 2.11M)

sad, but true

>not giving citizens emergency funds in the middle of a pandemic so you can make some faggot libertarian scene
You will never make it.

When you're so high on power you think it will never come out.

Yeah, it's all done. It'll be on its way to the WH for signing ASAP.

Let me see his medical records before I believe anything the media says

Still zero provable deaths from Corona virus.

I thought it was already dead

cool can I have his wife now?

> not using pico

Attached: trump-cringe.png (409x431, 137.19K)

Massie didn't stand down, but enough "people"(?) got to the chamber that they had a quorum (216).

niggy you gay

Attached: 1580400355526.png (1080x1082, 1.44M)

True. Still means a somewhat tight body though.

>'perfectly healthy'
>is Latino
>44 years old, already hitting elderly age for Latino life expectancy
>probably would not stop eating lard-infused ramen dipped in pure high fructose corn syrup even as he choked and coughed with lungs full of fluid

I have some gore ready.

Attached: It's not going to lick itself.png (1900x1557, 1.45M)

Food the zone

>Literally shaking RN
a well played and an underrated Carlos post if I do say so myself

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I love her

Attached: 03-27 12_38_39.png (388x390, 233.46K)

Lets be real there’s a much better chance Joe actually forgot

So a normal day then

How dare I would never

Yeah boy

Quiet old man

Attached: 1569136609984.jpg (1118x1492, 146.88K)

> 31-year-old
>daughter, sister, aunt, and dear friend
She never made white babies. Now she never will, because few people survive ventilation. A shitton of money will go into keeping her "alive" for a few more days before her body finally breaks completely.
She never made white babies. Her genes will die with her. She could have contributed to the demographics of the white race, but she chose otherwise, and now she's consuming vast resources that could have been spent on people who didn't squander their lives.

why has the press been begging for him to use the DPA?

if we're going basic then i'll stick with ed or joe

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What are the poison pills in the bill or is it clean?

Communist China will never be a superpower

>Tara Reade
>an alternate universe version of Tara Reid who never JUSTed destroys the Biden campaign
What a timeline.

Attached: file.png (800x1183, 2.13M)

some people will need to find a smuggler, i bet

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I wish he didn't explain it. Could've existed in rare Trump lore like covfefe. Future generations would study tomes of Trump tweets, searching for meaning in their "Arcane" phraseology.

Honestly looking at the Gallup and Axios-Harris polls on Trump you realize that the Dems have no future


These are polls of "adults". Not registered voters or likely voters, "adults". A number which often includes felons and non-citizens. There really is a massive silent majority out there that approves of the things Trump is doing.


I wish it was dead already


Attached: IMG_20200327_183932.png (684x972, 1.11M)

Someone post a Mexican Street Food webm

Attached: 6486516132.png (651x799, 18.22K)

That could work.

He really could use a better haircut.

Kek. I've seen screenshots of people responding this Tara's tweets thinking shes the victim lmao.

You're absolutely fucked without killing Jews. It's just stupid to pretend that a "coalition of middle class voters" will accomplish anything but a slow white genocide.

Attached: 1585325693474.jpg (1424x1424, 457.66K)

theres a handful of bad ones

Attached: Migration & Refugee Assistance.jpg (771x883, 379.2K)

They want industry nationalized

>It's just emergency welfare socialism wealth redistribution bro send those millions to the modern art programs and don't question it

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Sister of Mogli from jungle book (the cartoon)

I wanna peg her on the peg board, if you know what I'm sayin.

Attached: 1518823951346.jpg (699x485, 69.09K)

>not old

Attached: 1577735563892.jpg (279x440, 22.83K)

can I get on idea on what kind of monkey race she is?

>Massie wants to hold people accountable

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Attached: NoCR.png (1344x1694, 1.3M)

Absolutely based.


Based t-shirt guy calling out ventilator bullshit

Attached: torta-de-carne.jpg (700x380, 69.74K)

>Why have communists been demanding Trump take over private businesses
I dont know

one by one the eggs fall out of the carton, to shatter on the linoleum and never be used in a baby souffle

armslist for cash through TOR et al for MAGAfreedom

Attached: 1585269711780.jpg (224x224, 4.67K)

you're an idiot imo.
reps will go back to controlled opposition when Trump leaves.
all these reps have their seats on the line and MAGA agenda is the norm so if they dont follow Trump they're gonna get removed so they're "fighting back"
the fighting isn't genuine if you look closely.
remember still no one is in jail for them wrecking the constitution for 3 years

libertarians are going to get hunted down in the streets after this lol

Attached: tisifu.jpg (1080x1080, 172.78K)

lol. she looks like a jew that is getting ready to kill him

looks semitic desu

people don't really consider 44 old, do they?

Attached: 1562516151246.jpg (686x694, 37.2K)

>trump fails to disavow david duke

>joe promises that there will be repercussions

>/ptg/ laughs

Well, no one’s laughing now...

Attached: 9CB3189A-53E3-4A17-AB7D-BEE5850A5AF6.jpg (782x1024, 140.11K)

That is one redpilled as fuck painting. Who's the artist? He's got some very good techniques going on.

>perfectly healthy


Attached: mexican food schlop schlop.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

>Up at 6:40 AM for a national video interview.
Very based.

I think nationalizing is a small part but I am pretty sure there's some bait they have when he invokes it I'm sure of it.
the way they're asking for him to become a fascist is suspicious also shills are increasing

GIS gave me an error on that (gee wonder why), please source


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Attached: EE344F81-4FB3-4E7D-A103-DDD05FE61139.jpg (628x741, 144.41K)

>americans intimidated by chips with toppings

Attached: 1543943188691.jpg (326x294, 17.69K)

>complain Trump won't use DPA
>beg Trump to use DPA
>if Trump uses DPA
>complain Trump used DPA
It's that simple.

I'm gonna jump the gun 'cause fuck it.

Attached: 1566269800879.webm (640x362, 1.28M)

Spics never cease to amaze me. I've seen and eaten some crazy fucking junk food, but shit like that just baffles the fuck out of me.

>editor's note: keikaku means plan

I have probably died for Israel more than Corona-Chan has killed people here.

Attached: 1584386849115.png (535x522, 128.52K)

i love these disgusting videos

>The Intercept
>Russian propaganda
What the fuck...

Think about this, he's an anarchist who wants a structured economy. He's a meme


>that face

So where the fuck do I go to browse this nearly 900-page bill

You guys aren't looking at the catalog:

Just put some shredded cheese and salsa on your nachos you fucking animal.

didn't we have a launch yesterday?

Attached: 16604jhkj346c69.png (680x956, 502.57K)

yeah bro I love onions with my gummy bears

>italy numbers
>900 deaths

Attached: 1557107677081.jpg (708x612, 158.82K)

I'm white, I can't into mexican food

>tfw grew up going to flea markets before hipsters took over mexican food.
Fucking pinwheels and tabasco.

Old enough to be the father of a college graduate.
Probably too old to find a qt with whom to make new babies.
Life is fleeting, user.


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Attached: Smited.png (1396x1254, 2M)

these niggas have ranch dressing flavored food and you call us weird?

Fuck. I need a beer bad but i have to get a ride and everyone's freaking about fake flu. Im fucked.

What’s the hurry?

>through June
What's the point?

Jesus you people are laughable

Between April 16 - July 16

Yep, mil comm sat. Seems to have went well.

It's not Mexican (trash) food until it's got chips soaked in something

Attached: boof.jpg (728x567, 93.82K)

Those are the confirmed ones, I can only imagine how many, like in Spain, are dying in their squalor retirement house beds with other equally old equally ill geezer waiting for their turns right next to them

When do we have another task force presser?

Where do you live? I just bought a twelve pack here at the gas station this morning, but I live in CA.

easiest press ever
>omg trump won't use DPA, he's killing Americans
>omg trump is using DPA, he's literally Hitler
>bonus: trump is using DPA wrong, other companies would have been better for x y and z

>my nigga Gasparro
I had a hunch it was him.
That man is more based than even I could've imagined, and I always liked his work.

Attached: file.png (1066x1600, 2.79M)

>people are laughable because they don’t believe the bullshit they’re told
Okay bong

It’s completely fucked


>he says as he dips his candy in spicy ranch

Haha look at this shit! I love it! You're just watching thinking, how could this get worse? What is that dark red syrupy shit? What is that watery filth they pour over it at the end?!

I could watch these webms all day. Is there a name for these culinary abominations??

>for an additional amount to remain available until expended
>provided that such amount is designated by congress as being for an emergency
It reads like a fund that still requires congressional action to use. Can you explain how you interpret it?


Trump should use this money to bring white South African refugees over.

I live in Missouri. Can you drive?

Guys I just checked my bank account, I think they lied to us

Attached: NervousPepiji.png (900x900, 375.91K)

> They are the Fox of the left
What the fuck does that even mean. Worse is that these fucking people are voting and dragging us all down.

libertarians and their fucking hair man

yeah lel we can only look at the really muddy data with so many side effects

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he was a half-breed his code is shit