Which one Yas Forums

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1, ez

Live forever

>eventually accumulate 5 billion dollars worth of gold over the course of many years
>eventually become an illuminati member and convince them to start a race war, supplying non-whites with weapons and other tech to put them ahead of the curve against white people

I want to document the Kali Yuga in excruciating detail


then finance 3

3 what else

It depends on what the value of 5 billion dollars is actually worth?

2, I can become the immortal god emperor and start my own race war

deliciously devilish

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2, acquire 1, finance 3

its nothing at all

You could incite many race wars with 5 billion dollars.

2. I can get 1 and 3 easly ince I'm immortal

I'll take the money, use it to fund the engineering of a virus that only affects niggers, poos, chinks and gypsies. Release it via contaminated welfare checks and $5 Alibaba keyboards.

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Always wanted to be part of a good race war.

Why would anyone want to live forever

Forever is a long time.


Are you forgetting that White people invented Nukes the last time they were threatened?

Threaten the "White People"... That is how you get gene selective super aids!
>Do you want Gene Selective super aids?

2. because you can do the other two by selling fake products that "extend your life, because it worked for me!"

2 of course, during which make enough money to finance 3

These dilemna are dilemna, you can't use one to use the second.

I'll give my forever life and 5 billions dollars just to see the race war happening

Doesn't say you can't die by, say, killing yourself, or murder.

2 is a fucking curse, only an idiot would choose it. 3 is already happening, whether you realize it of not, and whites are losing, badly. 1 is the only proper choice

>Doesn't say you can't die
It literally says "live forever."

>invented nukes


Give me 5B's and I'll fund far right groups and start the race war.


This mutt is actually smart

3 easily
personal wealth and fortune are for the weak. number 3 is a permanent problem solver

Number 2 is the most useful if not most depressing. So number 2. Already depressed so I've got nothing to lose and can work towards anything else with no time constraints.

Immortality is different from Invincibility m8. Being immortal doesn't necessarily mean that you can't be killed.

2, and then I'll do nothing all day long every day. I'll live like diogenes forever.

Whoo, pretending the thread didn't already happen. More death-seeking sufferers to writhe on the ground suffering because they're submissive to race realism rather than truth!

If humanity is peaceful enough, we can conquer the stars. Otherwise, we'll die when bitter people whose feelings are hurt by the mere existence of other-colored people decide to drop metal from orbit.

Since racial divides aren't that large and tech is likely to shrink them, this threat will hang over everyone if it hangs over anyone.

What are raceniggers going to do when people start giving up their born flesh entirely? Will that not also be a "color genocide"? Yet is not such a capability the substance of immortality?

Live forever. I"ve always been an observer.

Live forever then I don't need money because I'll never fucking die.

>live forever
>get buried under rocks for thousands of years

how will living forever help you make even a million dollars?


Become god
Make man bow to me
Start race war
Eliminate fiat currency
Eliminate the homo , mentally ill , and anything that isn’t white

the only smart answer, other than a simple 3

Ah, that shit again. Humanity needs people who live in mind. You lot who regard thinking all the time as primitive are projecting in an insane way: that reasoning would label mind-uploading as primitive, since a computer running such a mind just sits there outputting *nothing*!

The stalker-slaves hold back technology and specialization while pretending their way is advanced.

>be "immortal"
>get cancer at the age of 75
Shut up, retard.

Go back to watching your capeshit nigger, us big brains are discussing race war

1 so I can finance 3 like George Soros did

>live forever
Does that mean I can stay young forever?

I wouldn't pick 2 because after I acquire 1 and fund the third, the race war will be complete and all will be good for a while. But then it will, like all empires, collapse. For how long would I play God before I get bored of creating empires and watching them fall in my limitless lifetime? Give me money, training and equipment for a race war NOW.

>surrendering all pride and truth in a destructive tantrum is smart
Y'all realize why this makes the permanently victimized state of this forum funny, right?

>take 5 billion dollars
>start race war

>Pick 2
>Fight the race war all on my own and grab as many dollars as I want in the process


Our cosmos doesnt live forever, Even though you yourself is imortal, after a spån of 6.7000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.......... Years, the universe Will collapse upon itself after evrrything has died and then reborn from those ashes

2 if it's an idealized immortaility where i'm also indestructible and have brain that can withstand the passage of time.

you're not making any sense, rabbi

But I would use 1 to finance all races in 3 except for jews

Wrong, everyone knows the world ends at ragnarok when fenrir eats the sky

2 should be live forever, but you can be murdered. Because 2 is the best if you’re immortal like thanos. You have hundreds of years to work on being a billionaire, etc, also Cain from the Bible still walks the earth, somewhere.

2 aka become a Christian. Greed and murder/hate will lead you to Hell, so no thanks to 1 and 3.


ever heard of compound interest?

1, but I'd pick 3 if it means exterminating the jew menace.

Nah, i'm just using a dynamic IP - i'm actually in the middle of Serbia but the map tracker picks it up as this stolen land.

enjoy floating in the empty vacuum of space for all eternity after the heat death of the universe.

I'd choose race war if not for the fact 90% of whites have been subdued and faggotized. Shitskins would annihilate us.

2 but vampire

>implying another big bang wont happen and a new universe is born

probably number 2 because i'm curious as all hell and the only thing that would suck about dying is not knowing what happens next. I hate cliffhangers.

Assuming option 2 includes not being able to die from injury, disease, etc. as well as never aging 2 is the obvious choice. If you live forever you have all the time in the world to acquire wealth and do whatever you want, experience whatever you want. The next obvious choice after you're secretly a multi-trillionaire is to buy the planet and finish what old Adolf couldn't.