Chink whore eats animals alive

so this chink whore salt and eats her animals alive.

>bites off tentacle from living octopus
>"sorry sorry octopus-can

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fucking based

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ah animar pain taste so good very hearthy fo me


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chinese virus

Annnnddddd this is why I respect the japanese, minus the whaling.

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>getting your knowledge of japan from anime
In Japan they consume live seafood all the time.
^ Japanese restaurant

asians, particularly chinese, are by nature sadistic, they enjoy seeing the pain in the face of other living creatures, they literally are subhuman bugmen

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I knew you would claim that i’m a weeb.

>Chink whore

>eats her animals alive
>dunno what Japan is

Muh Aryan Norde

Pardon me, Norse

you must be a braindead boomer to think that japan is even near in degeneracy level as china and south korea.

I traveled to japan in mid 2017, the most "exotic" food you will find there is sashimi lol. Unlike south korea were they dip mini-octopus in onions eats them alive. The dish is named San-nakji, pic related

Attached: Korean.cuisine-Sannakji.hoe-01.jpg (3264x2448, 3.13M)

>not all with significant amount of chink blood
Muh Honorary Aryans

onions instead of onions

Japan is one of the few Asian countries currently legalizing gay marriage, admitting trannies to universities, and electing trannies and foreigners to public office.

if it has slit eyes prepare for a nasty surprise

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>Hurrrr if everyone doesn't follow my moral system they're bahd
Fuck off jew

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Old people eat this. Most young generations think it's weird and unappealing.

Kind of hot desu

Who the fuck cares about eels?

youtuber in the op is clearler a boomer

Why am I not suprised to see a dumb fucking burger mutt comparing the act of eating animals alive with gay marriage? and we all know you fap to trap-porn, faggot.

Because of western liberals forcing their ideals on Japan.
>oh I love Japan!
>so you like conservative values etc.?
>Oh no they have to change that

These people only like Japan because of "oh cute anime haha xD".
Now they are slowly infecting Japans universities.
Thank god abe reduced the social studies spending.

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Why the fuck would you even want to eat an octopus alive, i'd be scared i'f choked to death on one.

Asians aren’t human so they don’t have feelings or empathy

Now for the real ones.

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Give them back everything they give unto higher organisms.

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Good pup

they are just copying westerners

Fuck off coping chink. I watched the video and the nip kills the eel before cutting into it, unlike your disgusting race. Also, and eel is a fucking eel, not an intelligent animal.

are those puppies?

Retard the videographer is a white man requesting this poor animal while even the Japanese shop owner selling the eel says she doesn’t eat it, then the Japanese chef cooking it proclaims he doesn’t eat it either. All while the white man indulges.

Some races are dumb, aggressive, and violent, but the antpeople take the cake when it comes to lack of empathy.

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Umm Sven, have you thought this through?

Life is not only about dogs.

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Different way of viewing animals. Instead of viewing animals as living beings, some asians see animals as existing purely for our entertainment and as our food. That's an older view that's becoming increasingly less common in some parts of Asia.
For the thrill, because it is scary. People actually do choke to death on them. If you don't thoroughly chew it, it'll expand its legs in your throat and then you're absolutely fucked. Honestly, live octopus is better when it's technically dead and chopped up but the little tentacles still wriggle about.

ohh man she can eat me alive, baby u know u want it

mmmm yeah

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Christ you guys are pathetic

>the most "exotic" food you will find there is sashimi lol
Wrong. Google "ikizukuri"

Why are they constantly fucking with Animals? I hope the animals rise up and exterminate that bugman race.

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but I wanted onions

I can't tell if bait or retarded

They’re sterilizing trannies.

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Yes, chinks eat and slam puppies on the floor, they are evil


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You aren't doing a shit

it doesnt matter that some japs eats retarded fish alive, chang. You chinese subhumans still burn dogs alive and smash puppies on the ground for fun. kys.

they look like piglets

I always say, replace all niggers with orangutans, and all chinks with golden retrievers
The world would be a better place

>durrr youtube will save us

Cope. Foreigners didn't make them do shit, there are hardly any there. No one has a gun to their head except other Japs.
No, that's just media headline clickbait. Sterilization is a byproduct of sex reassignment surgery. They are enforcing sex reassignment surgery for trannies.

Jesus christ

Chinks are automatons that lack empathy. They are materialistic and don't give a shit about stepping over each other to advance. That's why their society thirves under authoritarian government.

They eat dogs because they have little empathy, for other human beings, and even less so for animals. Their government had to pass a good samaritan law because chinks would literally ignore car crashes and other accidents instead of providing aid.

Jews are really trying to instigate a war with the east all because of anime aren’t they?

You jealous kikes know no limits

what does this even mean?

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yeah they are, poor things. also not very productive to be killing pigs when they're young

Meanwhile in the US, states like Idaho and Alabama are passing bills to ban trannies from competing against women in sports and ban doctors from doing tranny shit to children. The idea that Japan is muh based last bastion against degeneracy is retarded weebism

Kill yourself

>calling me chinese
unironically kill yourself Sven. All Asians are trash

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He's so inbred that the retardation shows. just ignore him.

It's food, and in their culture, meat tastes better when animal dies in pain.
>>The key ingredient here is lactic acid: in an unstressed animal, after death, muscle glycogen is converted into lactic acid, which helps keep meat tender, pink, and flavorful. Adrenaline released by stress before slaughter uses up glycogen, which means there's not enough lactic acid produced postmortem. This affects different kind of meat in different ways, but in general it'll be tough, tasteless, and high in pH, and will go bad quicker than unstressed meat.
Maybe they like the taste? Still kinda retarded to torture the animals like that. This is the aftermath of starving seasons under Mao. Those habits are still carried out by their rural plebs.