Since it's now blatantly obvious there are paid shills derailing adrenochrome threads, all we can do is keep the threads up and the discussion going.
don't even bother posting
Since it's now blatantly obvious there are paid shills derailing adrenochrome threads, all we can do is keep the threads up and the discussion going.
don't even bother posting
replace that with garmonbozia for a bit
it will confuse them
Nice meme flag
Wow saw that thread about nuking Adreno threads get nuked. French user asked for a qrd but thread was deleted before I could post
When under different conditions, like stress for example, the body releases adrenaline in to the bloodstream. It oxidizes and turns in to adrenochrome. The chinese tortured animals prior to slaughter to release different hormones in to the meat.
Goy upper class followed in Jewish footsteps by torturing and drinking the blood of children to experience the effects of adrenochrome in the blood. They created secret clubs and "magical" orders to cartoonishly justify what is basically a drug addiction.
Jews do it ritually to validate their superiority complex religious views.
Celebrities do it habitually to fit in with hollywood kikes and have created or repurposed fake religions in a bizarre psuedo-jewish celebrity holier-than-goys social class
also steam in dr sleep
Completely innocent and fun faux-cannibal elite parties. Nothing to see here right?
what does it do tho? is it just a high
Also, that pic needs to be corrected, adrenochrome comes from the adrenal gland, DMT is produced in the pineal gland.
Yes it is, bueno let them try
Here's a new Ellen vid
Someone redpill me on adrenochrome, it doesn't look particularly hard to synthesize, why would it have to be harvested in the most risky and violent way instead of just being made in a lab. Also lol at it being the "most powerful drug" pretty sure pyrovalerones take that spot by miles.
Organic Chemistry ergo OP is faggot.
It lets you briefly communicate with demons.
Maybe try making these threads on /x/? They are more suited.
Take your meds, schizo
I don't know about the high but I believe it makes their skin shine and look more youthful... That belief goes back to Elizabeth Bathory, probably never stopped.
The high probably comes from the ritual of them torturing children
Your meds, take them.
A lot of this is still speculation of course, so take it with a grain of salt, but it's supposedly psychoactive/psychodelic, so similar to DMT, shrooms, cannabis, etc. The difference is how they get it. Look up Satanic Ritual Abuse and MkUltra.
Because these people are not like us, they take pleasure knowing it caused great suffering to make it, what you're saying is why would hunters shoot deer if they could just buy meat on the supermarket, there is a thrill in hunting that's why and it's the same thing
Adrenochrome quickly begins to quickly break down the moment the hostbody it is contained in (and which creates it as a side effect of near-death fear and torture) and loses it's strength.
Now they figured out how to Synthesize it in Wuhan, but I don't think anyone knows wether that's just to keep the withdrawal back or wether it's just as potent.
Another thing is, when the human body produces it it produces it in a way that it is natural for the human body to use, I can assume that's a bit harder with doing it in a lab
quick rundown is that it loses its potency if produced in labs and if the victim dies. Most potent while the child is still alive while it's freshly released in their bloodstream.
While under the influence of potentially psychedelic substances. Kinda like how magic mushrooms let you briefly realized the world is jello.
Adrenochrome is related to Jewish child sacrifice. Jews are tied to this. 109 countries OP.
I wouldn’t be so quick to call OP crazy. Hunter Thompson was a notorious kid fucker, and where did you first hear about a thing called adrenochrome?
Hunter S Thompson also loved snuff (murder) films.
I'm getting real fucking tired of Schizos and Shills posting this BS. Is adrenochrome real? yes. Do elites rape and torture babies and drink the blood? NO YOU FUCKING MONGOLOID! This is a psyop to discredit the right and lump us in with the Qtards, And detract from the FACT our politicians are kept in check by the MOSSAD and other Mafias through blackmail.
Now, Spirit cooking, fucking weird ummhmmm, but who was posting it all over the internet along with Hillary having Kuru? CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA. The idea of spamming spirit cooking was to stop Hispanic Catholics voting for the Democrats. No one was talking about spirit cooking or Kuru until the 2016 elections.
By itself it's potent, sure, but you are failing to see the bigger picture.
The adrenochrome itself is a small part.
It's a RITUAL. The whole thing is the drug. The acquisition. The preparation. The contemplation. The action. The outcome. It's ALL the drug. It's the reveling in the evil and the sun that's the drug. It's the defiling and destruction implicit in every step of the way that's the drug.
this shit is the dumbest meme I cant tell who is joking and who is serious.
Adrenacrhome is literally just oxidized adrenaline. drinking BLOOD with adrenaline in it wont do shit. You'll get more high off Pseudoephedrine or an epinephrine injection (what they use for allergies) than any of this dumb myth.
The whole adrenacrhome thing from "Fear and Loathing" was made up.
And if you think politicians need to "sarifice and drink" kids blood to get off you've obviously never partied. They could afford to smoke CIA crack all day and have sex with underage prostitutes and get away with it. THATS OUT THERE ENOUGH AS IS !
You dont need to make conspiracies anymore SPICIER or "scary" than they already are.
fukken checked
Walnut sauce code for brain gland?
They keep deleting these Serbro.Keep posting guys.
You realize that there are chemicals that it wouldnt oxidize in? Argon and a lot of others.
The only thing that makes it makes sense is its really just used to blackmail people in power
Or like how dmt lets you see machine elves and other entities that somehow manifest in the imaginations of users from every background.
*In the sin
I remade the last pruned thread (), didn't know you made one too
Adrenochrome is controlled opposition designed to make normalfags think people who are against the elites for their pedophilia rings are crazy loonies. Its pedo propaganda made to confuse you.
what i love about schizos is that their claims is that celebrities are very smart for being able to communicate in codes all the times.
Back before liberals were in power, communicating in codes was reserved to mathematicians, but today according to schizos, low iq celebs can do it.
this is what happens with the liberals who glorify cancerous ppl like celebrities.
This says a lot about society...
The idea of blood rituals/sacrifices and the taboo of drinking blood originates from Judaism and Christianity. I believe you forgot to mention that these pedophile elites is waking up the masses, shill. MkUltra is known by even the normies, and Christ knows the hearts of every man and woman.
110 ftfy
The effects are a Myth.
just read the wiki page some idiot made the whole thing up it has no theraputic uses
It's obviously impossible for low IQ celebrities to just be told what to do by the people who pull their strings.
You really think we're stupid don't you... It's not hard to have a list of code words like pizza, hot dogs ect... They are gnostic, they're symbols are everywhere it's obvious you stupid nigger.
It feels like these posts were made by the same person. Hmmm
This literally took me 30 seconds to find on Google. $335 for 250 mg of adrenochrome synthesized by Santa Cruz biotech.
Op is a massive retarded faggot
the Globo-Homo agende is SCARY ENOUGH without inventing bullshit !
>Just read the wiki page
>Last 100 edits over ten years all made by Steins and Bergs
It isn't though is it? by spamming this adrenochrome nonsense to a normie they'll totally dismiss the fact that our politicians are fucking kids, that's the idea and you're doing it for them, pleb.
I mean I'm just trying to understand what this conspiracy even is and any actual evidence
>meme flag calling others schizos
really really makes you think
>The fake stuff is cheaper hurr Durr
Missing the point my dude
You can make adrenochrome in a lab, schizo
can you make it in a lab in wuhan
its not fake stuff tho
Its literally the exact same chemical
You're controlled opposition looking to distract from actual pedophilia issues. Look how this guy ignores my words.
So, what's the street name for adrenochrome?
Thats what a schizo would post
It’s the exact same chemical just made in a lab. Try taking chem 101 sometime you fucking aspie
WTF since when Stephen King a tranny?
>shill flag
>shill post
Dont compare hunting animals for food with torturing and raping children. Cannibalism is not the same as hunting animals. If you believe it is, you might have a mental problem.
>don't even bother posting
The shill seems highly triggered. Notice the usage of caps locked words to stress his non-existent point
if you want to do a hardcore drug do A-PHP or A-PVP
MDPV etc
Pyrovalerones are pretty much as hardcore as stimulants get
t. they almost killed me several times before I finally quit and I have permanent heart and lung issues from them
I used them for less than a year btw
The infographic uses red font in caps, so it must be a spooky issue!
The only low IQ person in this thread is you.
People have been using codes to speak to one another going back over 6000 years and it was often a popular pasttime in some cultures of the ancient world.
The Phoenicians had their own language and a series of coded languages so they could do secretly pass on information to one another without giving things away to outsiders.
The Chinese peasants had numerous codespeak languages to help them in time of need.
Hobos in America have their pwn language and series of code words and signs to communicate trouble areas.
If hobos can do it, anyone can.
Aye, someone is throwing a lot of resources at this. I don't even think it's related to the election this time around. It's, in my opinion going to be used as a defense against legitimate claims of pedophilia by our leaders.
you dumb faggots are just as bad as the niggers in Africa using rhino horns to cure their flaccid cocks
I didn't say adrenochrome itself was waking up the normies, I meant their exposure on media. I'm not entirely sure myself is adrenochrome is truly a psychoactive compound capable of these effects because I'm not going to harvest a child's blood through Satanic Ritual Abuse, which does exist btw! Now I'm not a genius by any means, but why spend so much tax money on MkUltra and Satanic Ritual Abuse if you're not getting anything from it? Why are all the celebrities tied in with Satanism if Satan doesn't exist? Adrenochrome or not, there are sick things going on.
If they can make it supposedly at Pizza shops why would Wuhan impact anything? Seems like the adrenochrome thing is not real as you fags had no problem with adrenochrome production in your conspiracies during pizzagate.
What doesn’t make sense about the OP is, why US children? Why not third world children? Wouldn’t that draw less attention?
that beautiful woman is named "iris", you racist bigot
yea but guess what ? it doesnt have any fucking magic properties. its just an adrenaline molecule with an oxygen atom. There are REAL drugs out there that will let you SEE GOD and understand the universe.
I mean your OP could at least be full of truthful information and not blatant lies like Adrenochrome only occurs in infants.
So, class. Adrenochrome is the ____________ substance of what?
COVID-19 PCR tests are extremely flawed. The test is for two genes nonexclusive to COVID-19. This means that the two genes that make a positive on the polymerase chain reaction tests are found in places other than COVID-19. Individually, the genes result in a false positive, but two false positives means you have a deadly illness. Makes perfect fucking sense doesnt it. And the reference we have to know the accuracy of the tests? We have none, because the tests have never been proven to be valid. It is based off pure speculation and they OPENLY admit to all of this if you do your own research. There is no evidence anyone has ever been infected with COVID-19. No one has ever been proven to have it. People have been proven to MIGHT have it, but that's as far as the evidence can take us. Every single person infected with COVID-19 could have received a false positive, and the evidence all points to that being the case. 86% of people never show symptoms, 86 fucking percent. That means only 14% of positives experience symptoms. I guarantee you 14% of negatives experience symptoms too. Viral infections are specific to the species, yet we have found pigs, cats, dogs, and sheep test positive for COVID-19. That's 100% impossible. So not only is the testing flawed, but all the evidence points to people getting false positives. You see how this could be fake now? They did this 50 years ago with AIDS and the world still hasn't caught on.
Watch the documentary House of Numbers for more info on that:
Daycare worker here. How exctly to extract Dremcrom from an child's pineal gland?
Perhaps we just never noticed the third world children? You did say it yourself.
Nigger, pilpul doesn't work around here
Why do all these kinds of pictures always look like shit with tons of artifacts low resolution with some faggots twitter and no source? Its some boomer looking shit all the time.
Oxidized adrenaline doesn't empower mystic criminals. This word goes around because of people who had their spines snapped so they'd be providing repetitious performances thereafter, lol. No need of truth or thought. That's why the threads don't go anywhere new: the proponents aren't thinking, just getting victimized.
Blood libel is retarded.
straight from Jewkipidia
>[The boy] was pampered and dressed in better clothes than he had ever known. The evening began with a large meal and heavy drinking, particularly hippocras, which acted as a stimulant. The boy was then taken to an upper room to which only Gilles and his immediate circle were admitted. There he was confronted with the true nature of his situation. The shock thus produced on the boy was an initial source of pleasure for Gilles.
That's a shit comparison. Getting shot is tame as fuck.
Psilocybin and DMT - talk to God.
Adrenochrome - talk to the devil.
The fact it has not been a well known subject IS AN INDICTMENT, not proof it's fake, you god damn morons.
Meds: not taken
Voices in the walls: heard
Jews: blamed
Yep, its schizo time.
Pilpul is trying to flood Yas Forums with distraction threads about blood harvests when Hollywood is literally fucking your kids
Oh gosh another nutjob. Illuminati bro
LMAO if it is made by oxydizing epinephrine then why do you need infants. Such a dumb conspiracy theory baka.
Qschizos deserve to be hunted down and killed alongside kikies and niggers.
Luckily all of you are over 50 and will be hit with the Chinese boomer remover
What side are you taking?
>Redpill (Q)
>Blackpill (G)
>Bluepill (Just a Flu, take your meds)
>but who was posting it all over the internet along with Hillary having Kuru? CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA.
It's politically incorrect for people to think their own thoughts about politics, or in any way challenge their "betters", so we get performances like this. Complete trash.
Vengeful trash, too. It's meant in part as a punishment "killing" the influence of a certain someone who got molested for years. :P
I recognize something about your dumb meme, and the thing that makes me a living weapon is this: I'm not faking it. Apologize already! Integrity matters first; don't "kill" honest influences or you'll never learn what foes wrong in this world!
I'm sorry fed. I'll fuck a kid next time another "schizo" thread shows up.
Hahaha, calm down Colin.