Brit/pol/ Tunnock's is tango down Edition

>Coronavirus: Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests positive

>Health Secretary Matt Hancock tests positive for coronavirus

>Coronavirus: Chief medical officer Chris Whitty self-isolates with symptoms

>Belmont moorland fire: Huge grass blaze breaks out

>Tunnock's factory shuts down production amid coronavirus crisis

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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you're one of the good ones lad
have a bee bum

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me arse is gagging for it

geezers need excitement
if their life don't provide it
they incite violence
common sense
simple common sense



is it happening or not then


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first for joining thinkpol.
no point fighting it at this stage

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Reminder than tripfag Manhands is a larper of the real Manhands who was driven off this board by Pube.

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Hope we see a rise in bees with the drop in pollution desu

My pussy is

I've been confirmed with Corona lads.

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the worldwide CFR just hit 17%. if you ignore china's numbers, it's still sitting at around 30%. so much for muh 3.4% or lower death rate. we're all fucked. the UK has an 85% CFR right now and the netherlands has been sitting at 99% for a while.

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Lum likes bees, that why her outfit is stripey

thanks bozza

>on lockdown in flat
>with room mate
>were both lads
>nervously asked how long this shit will last each other last night
I feel like its inevitable were gonna fuck. Not even gay.

based i'm not confirmed but pretty sure i have it (its in my house)
feel perfect so far

Hi bongs

Prince Charles is isolating at Balmoral with Covid-19.
Prince Andrew is isolating at Windsor Castle with Jennifer-13.

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No one cares.

Las malvinas son argentinas.
Fuck british pirates.

i got a seeded beer mat which grows into something that attracts bees. amazing. it was in the tinny box. i'm floored.

fauci is basing his numbers on the fake chinese death rates.

>Although these romances present the racial and religious Otherness of Saracen women – or women associated with the Saracen world – as less problematic in some ways, their portrayal still smacks of Orientalism. These women are sexualised, exoticised and offer a fantasy outlet of sexual freedom to many of the male heroes.


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that you've posted this again means you want to fuck him. come out to him not us.

Afternoon lads. Been working from home all day. Yourselves?

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Why do you larp as a tranny?


Come up with something new you boring spastic.

>"If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%."
>if you assume that it's not bad, then it's not bad.
this idiot deserves to be fired.

You have been visited by the THANK YOU NHS of auspicious fortune. Reply to this post with THANK YOU NHS to THANK YOU NHS.

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i've already had it you'll be fine as long as you're not a fatty or old or health conditions

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They all got it!!!!

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Why do you larp as a woman you tranny?

Why do you watch kids cartoons you fucking virgin lol.

would be nice.
plant native.

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>pressing keys

are you my room mate?
stop walking in the bathroom when Im showering

I feel fine too desu. Sore throat aside.

i don't want the happening anymore. everywhere is shut down and it's hard to do basic things like fucking go outside.
i haven't but i've had a sore throat, chest cough and hard breathing when coming to the end of my lifting sessions recently. it's inevitable now at this point

Imagine still going on about this

>8 new TV shows for life on lockdown
Fuck me that sounds harrowing.

"Life on lockdown". Also known as "the new normal".


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is there a webm of domcum running out of downing street?

you've entered a relationship backwards. moved in together then had drunken sex later

we all abos now

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4mins fagbageeerts

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So you chuck the mat in the garden and let it do its thing?

knew this would happen with our parliament kek
they should have ended parliament weeks ago

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yeah i think that's the idea. Camden Town Brewery

>Gove emerges
>Flanked by soldiers
>Declares himself Prime Minister for life, Queen under house arrest

>Grayson Perry doing a new Art Attack
ok, this could be interesting

COBRA is down, I repeat COBRA is down.
Anarchy UK 2020 edition, incoming.

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what seeds are in it lad?
hope it's not a pile of shit like those seedbomb things

It's not for kids, you see nip in it, not like your tranny tits

whats the best time during the day to go shopping now?, stores close at 8pm now

the chinese shop on a sunday so avoiding sunday obvs

On it, thanks, la!

it's not about race lads don't let hate win

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my brother worked with him at some point past year
says good things about him
tfw when 1 degree of separation

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What do muslims call nonbelievers with coronavirus?

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That woman at the front wanting to look, but at the same time she's fighting her repressed sexual urges that are off the charts and it's bletently obvious she'd be up a bit of scissoring, what a dirty mare

late afternoon

saturday afternoon is best

You are still a virgin though aren't you? kek

*not wanting to look

"wild flower seeds"

Don't know, what do muslims call non believers with corona virus?

thanks lad

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found a wholesaler who will take phone orders for collection so doing that along with the butcher. fuck the supermarkets theyre a normie killing field.


And by bletently I mean blatantly because i'm a spastic

>Operation Russia has been activated.

>when your 1000D chess set is being delivered at home

None would fuck a tranny like you

well i hope it turns out well lad
post pics when you grow thm

haha did he had to have done that for the lulz

fucking hate this fish-lipped scot bastard

>gareth malone
when will someone put this cunt down

I'm not manhands you paranoid spastic, go back to your kids cartoon virgin.


How does the PM getting ill fit into Dom's plan?

I saw a massive bee yeserday while doing my wormery. Was an inch long and had proper colour, not like those aneamic looking ones I've seen around the last few years. As dumb as ever it was trying to headbutt it's way into my greenhouse. I think it was from Glasgow.

We're heading for a terrible period in our history. Like a Dark Age that will last 1000 years.

Complete lockdown and strict control on our behaviour and actions by the government. If we disobey we get shamed, fined and even imprisoned if we continue.

Food and essentials are rationed and we have limits on what we can and can't buy.

mass economic ruin. Our freedoms will collapse. We will find ourselves 100% dependent on the government, who in turn will use us and exploit us and keep us imprisoned inside our own house. We are being conditioned not to speak or approach to each other through social distancing.

muh NHS has been morphed into some kind of god-like deity. Everyday at 8pm we must all go outside on our doorstep and cheer, whoop and clap into the sky to show our devotion and appreciation to our health service and the 'essential workers', our Lord and Saviour. This is to keep us distracted from whats really going on: a One World Government that will turn us into mindless NPC drones to do our master's bidding. We will not question, we will not disobey, we will stay inside and do what we are told. Its for the greater good.

This 'plague', along with media induced hysteria, is the tool that will be used to hold our freedom and liberty in an iron grip. It is the end times of our society, it is the final nail in the coffin.

Go back to larping as a tranny, spastic

>We're heading for a terrible period in our history. Like a Dark Age that will last 1000 years.

It gets Gove a step closer to power.
Don't forget Dom was Goves man at the Department of Education long before Vote Leave.

Would birdshot take down a drone?
Asking for a farmer.

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It's probably more a case that she finds it embarrassing to stare.

Does anyone know what the video is about?


what is there to even talk about, we already know its over.

fucken jannies
giving me bannies

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Have sex.


rate of infection doubling every 3-4 days
759 sadly died
thoughts and prayers with victims

we must act
we must slow virus
we must strengthen NHS

Strict social distancing measures
based on scientific medical advice
designed to slow the spread of the virus

expanding beds
increasing staff
investing in life saving equipment


a united national effort
spirit of selflessness
this virus effects us all

boris on lockdown
mild symptoms from yesterday
pm is "working from home"

increasing testing capacity is crucial
they will be trialed on the frontline
dramatically scaling up next weeks

clap for the heros and heroines of the NHS
ty all the food producers and shop people
thanks for the solidarity against the fight against the disease


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Must be weird for them to do these conferences to an empty room

Will tunnocks become the post social breakdown economy lads?

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oris CALMLY told us he was shaking the hands of Coronavirus patients a few weeks ago, this is the donut who’s running our country btw.

Tell me honestly lads. How well are we weathering all of this?

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>6000 hospitalised

More field hospitals. Birmingham and Manchester.

>muh NHS has been morphed into some kind of god-like deity.

Every country has it's sacred cow, with the UK it's the NHS. Be thankful it's that and not Islam.

t. bricklayer

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you're more likely to catch it from some deano than you are a chinese person. i live in an area full of chinese/asian people and they're the only ones strictly following the social distancing/gloves/mask stuff.
if we could still travel i'd have fucked off to south korea right now since they're the only ones with it under control

this just proves that the virus has a 24+ day incubation period. he probably infected hundreds of people in that time.

Oh you

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ive still got half an oz of weed and 6 tins of baked beans

>Tunnock's factory shuts down production amid coronavirus crisis

yew fuckin wot m8?

bored, worried for reasons unconnected to the virus only that it postpones things for a unbearable amount of time, lonely.

I am the most intelligent poster in this thread.

This desu. Deanos still coughing and spluttering in the street and spitting everywhere is the biggest threat to you now

been getting pissed every day

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I feel that