Low effort thread in the times of need.
Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - We wuz Hitler too edition
scheiße fast quads
Discus, what did you thought of it?? Not as good as his first book in my opinion.
unknown book
Just reading this
What is it about? Looks like slav-faggotry.
>If you overengineer a cash register to the point where the appropriate social strata can no longer operate it, you might not be good at STEM.
You're overexaggerating what I said. Merely going from a physical to a digital cash register adds complexity. If complexity goes up, the demands for cognitive processing go up. If the IQ requirements to do a job well go from just 80 to 90, it excludes a lot of people. It's the driving economic argument why unfiltered immigration doesn't result in a bolstered workforce. I completely agree with the second part of your statement.
Correction, you weren't Hitler, there was only 1 Hitler, and it wasn't you.
Okay, okay, you caught us. Here's the real Hitler.
It's from the video of the SAS airline where the nog (pic related in OP) declared to be Scandinavian. And since they always claim to be Egyptians they in my version will eventually start to appropriate Hitler too. It's a joke.
Fucking Germans.
>enters fighting stance
The fuck you just say?
Yes, would also recommend watching this video. At least the couple minutes after the time stamp: youtu.be
Just type in *SAS - What is truly Scandinavian*.
You better not migrate here slavshitter.
Watched it yesterday. And honestly I am shocked how bluepilled Müller is on demographic change. I mean sure he can't talk about it but what he said man, could believe my own ears.
Regarding the rest, we have build some positions in stocks and will continue to do so by buying slowly in.
The example of the cash register goes multiple ways. In the beginning all cash register related things where done with pretty much head calculation and books. Then mechanical computation became a thing, then digital computation and bookkeeping. Now the same job of working the cash register requires less mental work, thus you could either hire less intelligent people to do the same job or use the current people to do more complicated things, like keeping a more diverse stock. You now have businesses that sell over 200.000 articles or fast food joints where the cash register has icons for each product. Tech that just makes things more complicated isn't tech, it's a waste of resources.
crash prophets are faggots
Dollar cost averaging I mean.
Shit got scary when they thanked Americans for empowering women. lol.
I wonder if less intelligent or less trained. Anyone can do motions and repetitive behaviors. It was only 1 generation ago? that American stores had products with the price labelled on them, and the cashiers rang everything up using mental math? They weren't exactly considered the intelligent of that era as well, not exactly philosopher's we are talking about. (In fact, the complete opposite).
Steckrübenwinter 2.0 incoming.
Because Italy, Spain and Greece are in complete crisis at the moment and we are facing lockdown, they will not be able to feed us with their endless amounts of fruit&vegetable as they used to.
Also, since most farmers harvest their stuff with help from low-wage foreign season workers (mainly Romanians), who are now unavailable, the upcoming asparagus harvest will be a disaster, and much of the other spring crops as well.
Most likely we will face a shortage of imported grain&soibeans from South America, as well as antibiotics, which will force farmers to butcher lots of livestock prematurely.
Add to that the millions of vegetarians, vegans, Jews and Muslims who will go hungry due to their idiotic self-restrictions on nutrition, and you got yourself the perfect recipe for Steckrübenwinter 2.0.
Urbanites will riot, workers, employees and students will protest, NEETs will hunger, youth crime will go up, shops will be plundered, migrants will resent/envy native Germans and vice versa, public unrest and violence will occur, police will be under even more stress, farmers, especially in Bavaria and the East, will boycott and refuse to feed the urban scum, Antifa and muzzie shits will exploit the weakness of the police etc. etc.
Und doch...
Already the life we are living....
already on my list, but thx anyway
they throw away >50% anyway, so no big deal
also everyone has months worth of food stached now
try again doomer
Müller is redpilled in some areas, oblivious in others. We all are, there's lots of shit I don't really understand. He does talk very accurately about the plutocratic nature of the EU and its true purpose.
Sup fellow pink bro. I see where you're coming from, but I really disagree on the assumption that complexity for manual labor hasn't increased rapidly over the entire job market. Some exceptions, sure.
They're wrong until they aren't. It's irrational to not consider the possibility and to prepare for it accordingly if the cost associated is acceptable.
What positions are you considering? Also slowly going in now.
>Jupheidi und Bumsfallera
trying to translate lyrics and google wont - please help krautbro
>Already the life we are living....
Then you should know that it can always get worse.
Yes, that's why I have friend's with guns and a very convincing and good leadership skills and qualities.
at first sight i thought you posted silberjunge. cant stand that guy
>Müller is redpilled
when it comes to finance he is for sure
never to bergjuden land, dont wanna listen to your retarded language/variätät
>also everyone has months worth of food stached now
Yeah, but not the silent majority of normalfags and that's all that matters.
>try again doomer
Not even dooming, just painting a picture of the future that I make JUST a bit more real by spelling it out.
Very good.
If you have guns and brains, you should survive anything. The trick is you need both.
Yippi aye eh and boom kek Bumsfallera would be the sound of brass music or a brass band playing. Perhaps you know a better word for it. It's not a word used in regular language.
>I wonder if less intelligent or less trained.
Both can apply. Training is ultimately just effort to realizing your potential. If you don't have the potential, training does nothing.
>Pink masterrace
It's not necessarily that the complexity has increased by tech, but that multiplying the available labor force via tech has made the employment of people capable of handling more complex tasks in the same field more cost efficient, leading to this situation where we have millions of unemployed but still import millions more in the hope to skim off the best from the top and let society foot the bill for the rest.
If 10 people can do the job that normally would require 11 less intelligent people, you hire the ten guys that are now missing from jobs where they would be better used while the 11 guys have no options left.
Der Mann ist gelernter Bäcker, der sich mit Aktien/Finanzen und oberflächlich mit Geopolitik auskennt. Darüber hinaus ist er, und Allah möge es mir verzeihen dieses Wort auszusprechen, HESSE!!!
>The trick is you need both.
Don't worrry, I have plenty of both.
Moep, meant to reply to this
What the fuck happened. My AfD boomer relatives went from nothingburger it's just the flu bro to Bürgerkrieg we have to give away the house panic over night
>Jupheidi und Bumsfallera das World Trade Center ist nicht mehr da, Jupheidi und Bumsfallera das Pentagon ist nicht mehr da - haha.
context says kekkekekekekek --- thanks
>we have to give away the house panic
Let's appreciate some fine art in this thread.
Your assessment is correct otherwise, but you should really reconsider your stance on complexity. Let me present you with some literature: ftp.iza.org
>Rising Work Complexity but Decreasing Returns
>Work complexity can be an important factor contributing to the observed employment and wage developments. Using German data, we find that it increased substantially between 1986 and 2012. Work complexity was higher for high-educated employees in the past but differences have leveled out in 2012 due to a steeper increase in complexity among lower educated. Although complexity is associated with higher wages, expected returns have decreased substantially since 1986
And then the leftists blame this on capitalism and establish the Socialist Republic of Germany.
>I can't order printers, scanners or ink on amazon anymore
anons, I'm scared
That was already predicted by Schumpeter in 1942, capitalism will defet itself.
BTW, a very worthy read.
>And then the leftists blame this on capitalism and establish the Socialist Republic of Germany.
>implying Germans would allow that
Don't get my hopes up, user. I still hope for the worst so us Sorbs can seperate with ease, but you Germans have a tendency for surprising comebacks (that's one of the major reasons why media kikes are on guard all the time). You underestimate the Volkszorn.
On the other hand, the question is 'Do we even have a capitalist system?'. I mean, we have a state quota in the West of 40-55% and a massive welfare state.
*summons Tay*
Mommy Tay was not here for a long time. I hope she is doing fine. ):
The last time I saw Taids was 2 weeks ago, maybe corona chan got her.
>'Do we even have a capitalist system?'
Well, we sure have the highest tax rate in the entire world (after Belgium). Giving half your income to the state does not speak of freedom. And even compared to Scandi countries we have more state regulations on small business.
Tbqh we were never a proper laissez-faire capitalist country to begin with. Ludwig Erhard envisioned the social market economy and after Agenda 2010 and Merkel's response to the 2008 banking crash we effectively got a mixed state-private economy. Automobile industry and the government go hand-in-hand.
Do Sorbs as a whole even want independence?
>Mommy Tay
So what???
go back to Serbia
when I die i want to be surrounded in currywursts
I think we can all agree it's not a capitalist system. It's a plutocratic-socialist system with an allotted capitalist motor to finance the former and to redistribute up (hence plutocracy).
Maybe she has to take care of Family members. Last week she sad that some o fthem have the corona.
new corona boomer mind scenario: can't pay off debt, loosing their homes, zombie movie society chaos
Meine Ehre heisst Treue.
She was here last week.
gibts von der merkel eig. deepfake pornos?
Oink Oink. Du kleines Schweinchen.
hoffentlich nicht
Deine geografische Nähe zur Schweiz sollte sich nicht auf deine Fetische auswirken.
>Last week she sad that some o fthem have the corona.
Praise the lord!
Sagt ausgerechnet der Deutsche!!!!
Dont be such a edgy meanie.
ich steh halt auf deformiert und verbraucht