If you're not Traditional Catholic, you're not Christian

If you're not Traditional Catholic, you're not Christian.

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Why are zoomers pushing catholicism so hard. ITS GAY

>who am I to judge
Your leader is a sodomite.

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Trap loving is gay dude

because they care more about aesthetics than theology


What if I just accept jesus christ as my lord and saviour?
What if I accept god & jesus into my mind, heart, soul, & body?



Because it allows them to be gay

LOL your pope is a gay jew and nigger feet kisser.

Orthodox is the only true form of Christianity.

When will Yas Forums realize Christcucks are no better than kikes?

>If you're not Traditional Catholic, you're not Christian.

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I think most know know it but a lot of Christians come here from reddit

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Politically, he asserted that he had always been attracted by the right wing.Voicing disagreement with the Western world, he argued that it is built exclusively on politics and economics, lacking any trace of spirituality, culture or religion.Claiming that "Europe asks us to accept sex, homosexuality, vices, drugs, abortions and genetic engineering.

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Wrong. Catholicism is satanic.

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that image alone gives reason to reject catholicism:
scripture states that all believers are priests in 1 peter 2:5-9
>women wearing head coverings despite having long hair
1 corinthians 11:13-15 states that it a shame for women to pray uncovered, but that her hair is given unto her for a covering
the unscriptural doctrines and traditions of the catholic church are genuinely laughable. follow christ, not an unbiblical "church" that teaches a false gospel of works.

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Why do the Amish and Mennonites cover their heads to this day? Are they catholic too?

Fuck off, pedo

images of Jesus are Satanic
protestants say the darndest things


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i dont even answer to non catholics' arguments, they are always 100% shit taken out of context

This is your brain on rabbi worship

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Bible doesn't mention catholic anywhere, but it does warn against false prophets.

Orthodoxy is more traditional and more Christian.

Orthodox church gets a pass too. The problem are protestant sects, specially the retarded ones that come out of America.

imagine being a gringoy, your country is full of sects since the begining of your country then you somehow think your country has ever been christian.
a country built in satanism

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Catholics are the organized crime of religion. They created pay to play with their indulgences. They continue to rape kids and cover up for it an protect the creeps. Fuck Catholicism.

love the pic
is that a blood sacrifice (((they))) are feeding to that women?

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Catholicism is in direct violation of the first commandment with their deification of saints. Or, did i miss something while prayin to St.christopher for a safe trip and doing 10 hail Mary's?

Also, alot of saints were actualy straight out monsters.

Very hecking based, OP. Heretical Protestants are peak apostate, and will face eternal fire.

I'm an atheist, but I'll help the Catholics to kill all protestants in a new inquisition. I don't care if they kill me after.

sola scriptura is unbiblical

yes, satanic images of Jesus are satanic as Catholicism is a satanic perversion of Christianity

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And this Pope is not Christian.

see? always taken out of context LOL

They think traditional means good.
The most heretical protestant on earth isn't even 1% as heretical as the least heretical Roman cult member.
Yes it is.

>Yes it is.
Enlighten me

Are there people on Yas Forums that actually believe any of this crap? I'd say about 5% of this board actually adheres to some form of christianity. The rest is just one big LARP.


We're pushing Catholicism because its the truth, the way and the life. and the only way to reach Heaven.

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>wanting to lead by some degenerate pedo
Catholics are the worst kind of christcucks

there's nothing inherently wrong with women covering their hair; it helps to protect the hair and keep it clean, which i'm sure is a contributing factor in amish women wearing coverings. women have been covering their hair for the sake of protecting it for thousands of years, but the idea that it's somehow spiritual for a woman to do so (if she has long hair) is entirely untrue, as evidenced by scripture.
i never said that
i see no wrong in adhering to traditions, as they give personality to churches, but when such traditions are contrary to scripture, they should be abandoned. scripture, not the traditions of men, should be all the ultimate authority of all christians.
catholic doctrine of transubstantiation holds that the bread and wine of communion become the literal body and blood of christ, despite the fact that the disciples were instructed to perform communion in remembrance of christ's sacrifice in luke 22:19, and that christians are instructed to abstain from the consumption of blood in acts 15:20.

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apologies, wrong post mentioned

Proverbs 30:5-6

catholicism doesnt follow the bibles teachings, kike.

Yeah, the only problem is that most Latin Mass churches in my area are filled with dour old people and don't really have a sense of community, which is extremely important in church formation. We can't all be St Marys, Kansas


let's do rituals that have no relation to scripture, including vampirism and idolatry

sounds like god's house to me

Fuck off idolatrous faggot

if it's not a spiritual thing why do more religious christian groups do it and secular cultural christians don't?

meh, i guess women enjoy the false sense of spirituality that it grants them? the practices of cultural christians (to whom the label of christian should not even be afforded) are irrelevant.

I’ve taken that as a prohibition on adding to taking away from Scripture, which Catholics agree on. Although, that is my immediate interpretation, so even on the sola scriptura account I am justified.

Most Pr*testants are ignorant, not just of history and Church history but of what the Church teaches.

Yes, most "Catholics" after Vatican II are so poorly catechized that they believe things like globohomo, sodomy, religious freedom, etc. are ok.
Yes, the post-conciliar Popes are part of the problem.
Our Lady warned us at Quito, La Salette, Fatima, and Akita that this would happen. That's why OP distinguished TRADITIONAL Catholicism, what Catholics have always believed and taught, from the errors of the modern religion calling itself Catholicism.
>inb4 sede
This survey shows the difference

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Catholic aesthetics is literally a manner of expressing theological beliefs. If they are attracted to the undisputable beauty of Catholicism, then they are responding positively to the theology contained within.

Trads literally hate that building though.

>Catholicism is in direct violation of the first commandment with their deification of saints. Or, did i miss something while prayin to St.christopher for a safe trip and doing 10 hail Mary's?

The veneration of saints is indirect worship of God. Saints are saints because they are taken to be examples of virtues that are pleasant to God. Humility, chastity, martyrdom, defense of faith, all of those things are merits in which the saints excel but they are things that also please God.

It's worse than unbiblical, it's conceptually self-contradictory. Scripture can't be the ultimate authority by which everything else needs to be validated because scripture wasn't compiled by itself, that is, one cannot validade scripture without extra-scriptural authority. The ultimate authority is Christ, and he delegated it to the church he built on this earth.

>catholic doctrine of transubstantiation holds that the bread and wine of communion become the literal body and blood of christ, despite the fact that the disciples were instructed to perform communion in remembrance of christ's sacrifice in luke 22:19, and that christians are instructed to abstain from the consumption of blood in acts 15:20.

If the Eucharist were purely symbolic, the apostle wouldn't have adverted others against partaking in it in a state of mortal sin. Normal bread doesn't condemn you forever if you consume it unworthily.

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Our buildings have been infiltrated and I’m not happy about it either


Imagine trying to attack the institution that literally built our entire civilization.
the only reason europe did much better than the rest of the world was catholicism, without it we'd be stuck in the 600's or less

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Marcel Lefebvre did nothing wrong
Luther and Calvin are in Hell, and unless you are joined to Christ's Body, the Catholic Church, you do not have the life of Christ, the Head, and will inherit eternal destruction.
>It firmly believes, professes, and proclaims that those not living within the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics cannot become participants in eternal life, but will depart “into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels” [Matt. 25:41], unless before the end of life the same have been added to the flock; and that the unity of the ecclesiastical body is so strong that only to those remaining in it are the sacraments of the Church of benefit for salvation, and do fastings, almsgiving, and other functions of piety and exercises of Christian service produce eternal reward, and that no one, whatever almsgiving he has practiced, even if he has shed blood for the name of Christ, can be saved, unless he has remained in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.

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Imagine being a fag catholicuck and not being Orthodox... you heretics and your faggot open borders loving pope will all be paying for it in the toll houses.

Just make it stop

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you understand most of you want fags to marry? lol.

Catholics do not agree upon. Catholics claim the bible is wrong and you need to listen to catechisms instead.

Lol, I was only pretending to be retarded. Though I am a Catholic by birth and upbringing, so irregardlessly, i consider it part of my identity like being American whether I support the church/country or not