Am I white Yas Forums

Am I white Yas Forums

Attached: 20200327_093920.jpg (3264x2448, 2.55M)

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Yes but I now can unlock your phone using your iris pattern

What entices the nigger brain to make such a thread


Shut up you lost 2 world wars.
Atleast my eyes are 2 diffrent colors lets see yours.

thats clearly a spic or something not a nig


White people with brown eyes are already borderline subhuman

Im not a nigger just sunburnet.

Attached: 15853275688894612235469024473850.jpg (3264x2448, 1.94M)

you look dead, or like a nigger with macular degeneration

Post your eyes faggot.

Eyes are the gateway to the soul

And you are not white.

its a PAJEET. even worse.

Attached: canucks.png (1120x1156, 962.58K)

Spic or nigger?

Not even
And you arent either mehemet

Sry I don't have 2 dollars for a flower pakpak


Now they have your fingerprints! Genius

You are a nigger and your posts prove it.

1. Show the other side of your hand, even blacks have white palms
2. Cut your fucking nails

Sorry Paco, pale hands are trademark Mexican. Call ‘em Conquistador palms.

If I saw you I would assume u were a med.


Snowniggers like you aren't white, faggot

I'm 56% sure you're 100% white.

Zakroi rot suka blyat
Sure but its also sunburnet

Attached: 15853278172587649265684821257971.jpg (3264x2448, 1.93M)

For american mutt standards you definitely are white

>shitskin eye color

I was born in Europe.

Cope shitskin.

Did you just get done eating a pizza?

My dad has green eyes and black hair but my mom has brown eyes and brown hair. So you can do the math yourself to figure it out.

not even close

I can say the same to you when my grandfather raped your women.

go back to mexico

Are you a tranny or what? CUT YOUR FUCKING NAILS
And do you have jewish ancestry too? Because semites usually got a lot of hair on their forearm and on the back of the hand

built for bbc

Turkey is not fucking Europe

Nope to all of those things.
Im not a beaner.

I wasnt born in Turkey go more north byldo.

damn son you swarthy af


You could pass as Italian if it's any consolation

You asked for them faggot.

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Trim your disgusting nails please.

-Am I white Yas Forums
-No, you're not white

cope harder nigger

You're still not white and never will be.

>not some flavor of spic
an ACTUAL American, eh?
natives are rare as fuark

Doomer life be like that.
Nice google stock image


Bullshit he's swarthier than 95% of italians he would be an outlier, you can tell from his hair and the blackened area around the eye which is typical of nafris and middle easterns

>we wuz whitey n shiet nigga. My parents be pure aryanz. I just got unlucky with my skin and mongoloid features.

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Poo in the loo

Brown eye colour is largely determined by dominant genes
Without seeing more (facial shape), he looks like a med so far

are you even human bro?

You first chechen shill

It’s from my Instagram but thank you for the compliment honestly

Fuck no, filthy skin you should shower...

Why does it matter?

only Girls are white

as white as Michael Jordan

I work the nightshift greeseball they get like that when I dont sleep much.


>I’m not a nigger
Post lips nose and time stamp

Pure bavaryan phenotype, go get em shitskins aryan warrior!

Some spic or pajeet. It’s okay

Holy shit you're pathetic. Who cares if you're white just stop being pathetic, stupid cuck. Also you're clearly not white so just focus on something else.

God you must be a flip if so magpakamatay ka mukha kang unggoy

This is just sad.

hello fellow berniebro nice thread you have created

If I were Indian I would've killed myself already.

Bavarians are actually pretty dark

>actually votes
People like you disgust me

>le based doomer

What are you then?

You look Finnish

you're as pure as they come, user

Am I white Yas Forums

Attached: 20200327_130406_HDR~2.jpg (418x1012, 65.2K)

>Am I white?
This is what white looks like. AND ITS SUNNY! Yay winter is over at last. Pity about being quarantined. Shhh! Plz don’t turn me in.
AND I JUST GOT TIPPED OFF THAT CHRIS WITTY THE GOVERNMENTS CHEIF SCIENTIST HAS GOT CORONA VIRUS (in the bum?) should have washed his hands & dick. Watch the media it will be reported in 3...2...1...

Attached: 8CCAFFDB-5F35-4D56-A485-EEE851BA0282.jpg (1906x2383, 755.85K)

Why are there so many posts in this thread? Stop bumping stupid shit

Thank you user

To bait retards and make them seethe.

You look American maybe with a french background.