I am not some degenerate watching insane shit just soft-core/pictures once or twice a week what makes that so bad versus not doing it at all? Someone explain the legitimacy of nofap/noporn movements
Someone explain why porn is inherently bad?
>soft-core once or twice a week
Thats how it stars fren
fuck off, noseberg
porn is violence against women you sick fuck
Lower sexual desire, more energy for productive and creative activity. Having desire to achieve things. Natural anti depressants. Increased testosterone.
I've only been here a few weeks... The first thing I noticed was her nose... Fuck this place.
Gibs qt Jewish gf plz.
propoganda, nazis are masters of it
The nose is pretty jewy I'll give you that one.
if jacking off made people more creative and productive we'd have no unemployed nigger neets.
This is propaganda
Look at that nose. I bet if I put her on a leash and lead her to the woods, she'd find me thousands of shekels.
would you want your girlfriend to be in a porn? Or how about your sister or mother?
it promotes social liberalism
there have been numerous studies showing that porn users become more "progressive" (that's why the Left is broadly pro-porn, btw)
Keeps men from raising up and putting women in their place.
Turns you into an impotent little nancy that can't support his progeny. Porn ruins lives.
>guys gets his dick sucked by three teens at the same time
It makes you realize how much your own life sucks.
You're here forever fag
Oh no, social liberalism!
you are here forever
Pornography destroys your frontal cortex where your center of motivation is. It also deprives you of Zinc and Selenium.
>objectifying women
>degenerating men
Yas Forums should dox pornhub execs and every single porn whore. Bring back pork wikileaks.
Heres My experiment on the matter.
Day 1 of nofap in november, irritated and generally unpleasant feeling
Day 5 still irritated, No unpleasant feeling
Day 15 saw a thicc las and got tempted but didnt
Day 30 overall happy, No need to, had a creative Day and generally was more motivated, also got looks from a group of Girls.
December it was the exact opposite
Everything went to shit and the same group of Girls noticed me again at a jul market, and they seemed disgusted
Dont fap bros, abstain and get a life worth living
No but I don't associate with whores just like there are hookers sluts a degens everywhere that are only there for a good time not anything of substance or long term.
why do you think?
Welcome to hotel Yas Forums: you can check out but you can never leave
Damn that is one Jew looking kike lady.
>there hasn't been too much social liberalism in recent decades
degenerate I usually just watch still images of hot women.
That I would slap you in the face.
Anti Family
Anti Christian
Anti White
Run by Jews
I think lesbians aren't real and that she's faking it. Lesbian bed death confirms that lesbians are just women who were diddled by their father.
you're welcome
but I hate women
You’ll thank us later new fren
lesbians need to go back where they belong. porn
It's another vice that keeps you enslaved.
My biggest nofap motivation is how much the kikes want you to get hooked on this shit. Just look at how hard they are pushing during corona.
I want to be a free man, I don't want to be manipulated into wasting hours of time by some useless whores behind a screen. Masturbation has absolutely no benefits, it's just an addiction.
I just don't think it's good for you. It's like fast food, just pure dopamine for no effort. Masturbate to your imagination instead, or not at all if you're hardcore
What is her second name?
>legitimacy of nofap
Passivizes you.
There's a reason why jews push porn even in wartime situations.
explain what anyone gets by telling you you should not watch porn, people say this about Nofap too
What would anyone have to gain by you not jerking off? Nothing they just want the best for you
What does anyone gain by you watching porn and jerking off? Everything
It makes you docile, a consumer and someone that sits on the sidelines
Why is high quality porn free again?
>Someone explain why (((porn))) is inherently bad?
Porn is bad for a number of reasons orders from most tangible to most intangible
1. The industry is predatory, it prays on going desperate and drug addicted men and women to fill its ranks
2. It’s bad for you, I’m not talking about occasionally jerking off to a vid or nudy pics but free easy access streaming porn is so overwhelming to our basic pleasure receptors that it is deeply effecting our sexuality. Many many people suffer issues with real partners because porn has numbed their brain and made real sex less appealing
3. It’s disgusting and pathetic. You are sitting alone pleasuring yourself like an animal watching two others fuck, it’s totally unproductive and embarrassing as an activity. It’s sad. It’s like a fat boy eati nut chocolates on the toilet so his mom doesn’t see.
4. The industry knows all of this and is run by Jews and they do it intentiakky to destroy you
Porn fucks you up. i jerked off and need to take a nap. i don't jerk off and im very eager to work out or get stuff done.
Porn is basically virtual cuckoldry. Watch enough of it and you will become a weak frustrated subservient who can only derive pleasure from the pleasure of others. That is not a healthy mindstate for any man.
top kek
welcome, you'll literally never leave here
you do realize all the dudes are drug addicted faggots right? they take drugs to get hard, its probably more like re-experiencing child abuse than sex to them
Yas Forums has been the worst thing for my porn habit. Before I startes coming here I had stopped watching porn for 6 months. After coming here I have been watching it for 4 years nearly daily.
Yas Forums is poison. Porn should be BANNED on Yas Forums and I mean all pictures of women. It should be ILLEGAL to photograph or film a woman without her fully clothed in non revealing clothing.
It's basically jewish propaganda. It's not normal and it's the opposite of women having integreity, honor and worth.
don't be pedophobic
It is basically unregulated prostitution: Getting paid to have sex with soomeone. In this case, the person paying is not the person having sex, but the issue is still the same. Good attorney made it enough to consider porn as a form of art and thus falling under the 1st amendment.
Enjoy hell, jew
Idiots like this are causing everyone to relapse on nofap.
Because its exploitative and misogynistic.
Exactly, it's like telling people not to eat unhealthy shit just because they feel like it
Y'all don't get it. The pleasure of porn is that it's the "bad" thing to do. Also where is the boundary? What if I masturbate to my memory of seeing something liket his irl versus consooming brazzers type of mainstream shit? And camgirls? They are not even traditional porn with a stud banging a chick ending with a closeup shot of his cumming face. Porn is changing and becoming more immersive.
It's free, you are the product.
and the whores do it because they are some townies from buttfuck nowhere who want to be famous.
>Paid guy gets dick sucked by 3 paid girls,
You know you can just pay the girls yourself?
>Idiots like this are causing everyone to relapse on nofap.
No, it's faggots like you who pretend that that post is somewhat different that coming on this website is why someone people are relapsing
you seem a little conflicted. good luck user
It pulls you away from your only real purpose in life : entering into a slavery contract with little to no benefits to your expendable self.
I guarantee you're lying about how much porn you view
based digits and post
Might be low T bro. I have pleny of energy with porn too. Just whenever I go to fuck it doesnt work. When I quit porn I get hard just kissing girls.
But since Yas Forums I have been single and havn't hooked up with anyone.
Tfw Yas Forums turned a Chad into an incel
porn is good for u
Started watching porn at 12. I loved the lovey dovey amateur couple stuff, and later became a good bed partner because I knew what your average girls liked. At 24 i was watching a cheerleader chick getting basically throught-raped on roofies (you /gif/ addicts know which vid I'm on about) and loving every second of it.. You have to quit while you are ahead
again, its more drug addiction and child abuse than some vapid choice. porn is truly evil broz
Yeah, you think porn's all fine when all you want to do is see some girl without her shirt on, but pretty soon you're wanting to see that girl get fucked. Then you want to see her get fucked by three guys, then nine, and then you're jerking it to some French-Canadian girl with dyed red hair getting groped and pissed on by an old dude and some other guy, and then it starts really getting bad.
Bottom line is that while porn isn't always bad, it sure isn't good. We should go back to nudie mags and dirty bookstores and strip clubs. Make girls have to do it in public and in person if they want to get naked for bucks.
dont blame your lack of self control on others
>being envious of a porn star
Being a male porn star is a shit life. I know that sounds crazy if your a lonely young incel but just think about the actual life of a porn dude
It sucks
Fuck off idiot. You know it's poison for your soul