Why save white civilisation if our women make it not worthy of being saved?

Why save white civilisation if our women make it not worthy of being saved?

It was always like this: Men protect life. Women make the lives of men worth living. This is the reason we went to war. Because there was something worth protecting.

I ain't fighting sand niggers and niggers just to come home to degeneracy and feminism bullshit.

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I bet they all give the fucking worst head ever.

To white guys. They're built for BBC. Probably freaks in the bed for black gents.

user, the first step to saving it is to hasten it's doom.

Crash this plane, no survivors etc.

Oh you're so right Mr. Jew. Let's just totally give up on our people because some big nose posted the same god damn post for the 6 gorrillianth time... ok

post like these is why your daughters date minorities, it's better than being with a hateful uncharming little faggot like you OP

yellow hands typed this

All teeth.

women create new men, it does r matter hiw degenerate was your great great great ancestor was.
So eat your pride, have some kids and be a good father for them so they can buit society again

I have a theory that’s it’s just one cucked leaf going in every thread day in day out

well some teeth is good

I doubt I'll ever have to deal with this. If I have a daughter I will raise her like my dad did my sister who doesn't even swear. But if I do have to deal with it, she would know hell. This total and complete disrespect. I would give her the choice to leave the house (paying me back her party expenses for the last year) or do all the housework for a year without help from her mother or anyone else, without going out. Even if she is over 18. Yes she can do what she wants, sure but that doesn't mean she can use my money and much less disrespect me publicly like this. These girls need discipline.

Eve sinned when she gave Adam Free Will
Adam sinned when He gave it back.
tl;dr - Islam is Right about Women. (& USURY)


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What? Doubles is the less hot. Well I guess that's better for me. Rolling

I don't even like getting blown, I just think it's important these whores get a mouthful once in a while


it most likely is

>University of Guelph

Of course these thots are leafs.

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You've clearly never had a solid blowjob. Get a dude to blow you and you'll go straight to heaven. I'd literally suck you nonstop for the whole night and drain you dry.

Our women behave as they have been conditioned to behave by the jew, and so do our men.
It would be pretty fucking retarded to abandon it all because one or two generations are beyond saving, rather than clear out the kikes and let the problem correct itself.

canada is not even a country

what the fuck are you talking about you mong

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Bestiality is so fucking hot

What the fuck is wrong with women's sexuality? How can they honestly look in the black soulless eyes of a nigger and think: "I want this person to be the father of my children and bary his seed?" HOW? Why the FUCK do they have so little racial pride and common sense and instinct?

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Jews made them this way. Once the Jews are out of the way, you'll see a drastic change.

You're right brother. Don't trust the government statistics. At least 50% of our population is chink, mudslime, or negro.

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Because the US is not "White Civilization". It's a Israeli Golem.

Hi baby fag. Are you in the military? Is that why you are Germany? I think it's absolutely adorable that you joined the military to "protect life." Now that you are done with that faggotry, it's time to grow up. If sand niggers slaughtered you and your children in front of your wife, she would go into heat and have the strongest orgasm of her life getting raped by them. That's women. That's biology. Have you killed anyone in the military? If you are lucky you will find some pussy that gets wet for men who have killed other humans before. Usually not as wet as they get for money and real power, but it is something.

I wonder what will happen to this girls in 10 years. An entire generation of single women.

>Women make the lives of men worth living
That's a simp mentality

Oy vey

How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:

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Let me paraphrase that: Make worthIER of living. You wouldn't have time for exploring and conquering if you were busy with minieal tasks like cooking, cleaning and "raising" (lol as if women ever did that) children. That's where they come into play.


I saw some comments of a guy using the Black flag and he used the words "spics" (that is only used by whites in anglo countries). Probably it's a leftist white from some white country that just come here to provoke.

Hey i got a question, it's for research.

Do You unironically believe this or is it some kind of LARP?
Second question: are You black or white?
Please answer honestly.

Have a nice day

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It's true though. Men do nothing that is not motivated by adaptations for gene transmission. Nothing. Now if you mean in a spiritual sense, of course they don't make life worth living. Life is pointless. But from a biological sense, pussy is the driving force behind all human action. It's sad and pathetic that this is true, but it is nonetheless true.

isn't the whore you posted married and getting CHANGed on a regular basis

Your grandparents made that creature, want someone to blame, blame them.

Then why do NEETs and incels exist? How does passiveness increase the access to pussy?

my grandparents weren't brits

How can one even begin to take this seriously

I have seen people with Spanish flags use the word spic, also seen Italians call Spaniards spics, so idk about that

Britain didn't put Germany under military administration after WW2, fucking ruined the country and decided to break them once and for all.

White women are not human

I mean how in the FUCK do you find that monkey attractive

Sorry white men, it’s unfortunate that you have both the best and worst women on planet Earth, and you can’t reproduce asexually.

After being defeated in antagonistic interactions, testosterone levels in primates fall precipitously. This decreases the probability that the loser will attempt to engage in further antagonism and aggression. By reducing aggression and ambition, the drop in testosterone ensures that the weaker male will not further challenge stronger males to fights that could result in his death or maiming. Death ensures 100% no genes will be passed on. If the weaker male stays passive and submissive however, it is possible that he could survive long enough to see his social position change, and in the meantime he may be able to achieve some limited matings when the alpha isn't around, such as through trading food for sex.

Just one example.

I'm never get tired of saying this: Tank you my lord and savior for giving me a racist siter. Amen.

The one on the far left has the most perfect example of "brainless roastie smirk."
Makes me want to cave her head in with a brick desu

what are you even talking about

How did your dad raise your sister?

It's neither, it's yellow.

How about you read what Patton had to say about your country's treatment of Germany after your victory.

Modern women are bad because modern men allow them to be

You know that men aren’t any better right?? Also people here claim that women just literally follow the herd and can’t think for themselves which isn’t true btw BUT if you have that belief you literally can’t blame anything on women and you have to put all the blame on men with that world view. So I find it really really weird how those both VERY contradictory views can exist in people’s heads here.

It’s not worth saving. We need a reset.

Hot AF.

Imagine the passion these women experienced, growing up under a racist fuckwit regime, your strongest white Chads wiped out, then these huge exotic blacks from the US show up.

It's illegal where they come from to fuck white women. But now they have a taboo feast laid out in front of them.

Postwar Germany was literally a black breeding porn movie come to life. Chicks traded in their swastikas for BBC left and right.

What I'd really like to know is how many white guys Coomed themselves to death watching it unfold.

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Hey, I remember you. Post your nudes again.

No you don’t and NO.

She/he is a tranny. You can smell the scene from the pictures!

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>op forgot to tell us to think about it

seriously, who the hell makes these threads?

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You’re literally a discord tranny so shut up.

White men are nowhere near as shit these days as white women. White men have a lot of issues to work through but still have some morals and virtues. White women have gone to complete shit, their ONLY redeeming quality at this point is white ova.

I really don't care what he had to say. jews are ultimately to blame, not germans, and the brits literally gave them israel, saying the US is responsible for any of this is just wrong. yeah we 'aided' them in ww2 but it wouldn't have mattered anyway at the rate russia was advancing. we were mostly fighting with japan in ww2

Go back

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You might wish it wasn't so, but it's the truth. Denial will have us chasing our own tails.

The lie of female affection spins the world, so far we have no better high to chase

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Why have Canadians also started to post that, I hate how it’s spreading...
>White men are nowhere near as shit these days as white women.
They are.
>White women have gone to complete shit, their ONLY redeeming quality at this point is white ova.
So have white men and women aren’t just incubators you know.

Yes, yes, dindu nuffin.
Be a good fucking nigger for Israel.

Seek help syrupnigger.

Letting her go would mean she'd just go live with some drug dealer nigger. Women don't pay for their own shit. They can simply open their pussy to the first guy they see. You need to keep them in total discipline.

what is wrong with you