It's where the jobs are
It's where the fun is
It's where the smart people live
It's the place to be
FUCK MY LIFE now I'm trapped in this fucking studio apartment I cant work I cant leave I'm not bringing in an income and everything is overpriced as shit
What the fuck do I do? Meanwhile my bro who up and left to georgia is sitting on a couple acres still working it's like the virus never even fucking hit him. This shit is killing me I FUCKING HATE THAT I FELL FOR THIS MEME I WANT TO DIE
Move to the city they said
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DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
Nah, fuck the rural areas. Anyone who has ever lived or grew up in sub 10k pop shitholes know the massive nepotism of those places. Tell one faggot manlet to fuck off, or deck his shit and suddenly his daddy the sheriff is fucking your life over. Or the organizing mexicans that practically destroyed any wage you can make on a trade wage.
Be real my dude. If you don’t have family established out there, it’s not for you.
Stay the fuck out of rural areas faggot, we are full
I’m sure as fuck not going back but Juan and his buddies are.
I tried to warn you.
Dont feel pregnant.
37 million more layoffs incoming.
Ironically 99% of these kids of people where raised in places like pic related. Suburban "culture" is what creates these wimps, and they just spread out to ither places
These types will Fall to
The Storm.
The Purge
Is Here.
kek, love this pasta
>It's where the fun is
Said no one ever
desu a studio apartment would be pretty comfy for quarantine, as long as you have a home gym of some sort, a nice bed, and internet access.
t. rural and suburban retard quarantined with my family (need groceries more often) and people won't stop coming over/trying to visit
>home gym
>in a studio
>people won't stop coming over/trying to visit
Tell them to fuck off?
>if you're an asshole there are consequences
Me too I'm living in this hustle and bustle city life. I work from home since my city started community lockdown. Since then working and sleeping is my only activities. My contract will supposed to end next month but my company extended my contract to another 3 months. So I guess I'll have another income for the next next month until this corona ends.
I don't like working from home, it's very depressing and lonely, and I felt that I'm not productive as I was in the office. At least I have savings that will last me 3 years without a job.
I love how they list a flat as having an "open plan kitchen" when the oven and fridge are in the living room. This should be considered false advertising.
>It's where the smart people live
>he fell for the metropolitan convenience meme
I lived in a large metropolitan area, in a studio apartment such as yourself. The only thing from my apartment that was less than a 5 minute walk was a CVS. A ten minute walk to a bus stop, train was 30 minute walk.
Now, I live in a small college town, right by the town square in a town house, as soon as I walk out my door, the town square is literally just across the street. And there is a lot there as well. And there are young girls everywhere. My rent is less than half as much.
you fell for the meme
now you die
a pair of adjustable dumbbells will go a long way. really you can get a huge amount of good training out of a very small setup (hell a TRX and two kettlebells will be good enough). Most people just lack imagination
then. when they turn their backs...we kill them.
I'm in this spot. Job in the city, live in a nice ass apartment with a view. A 1 bedroom, but feels small. My place is in a secluded part of the building so pretty inconspicuous if shit goes sideways
the city really isn't that bad, but I do enjoy how fucking quiet it is outside when I go to my parent's place. When I buy a place I'll probably buy one in the suburbs though
I opened my window last night though and the city was the quietest I've ever heard it
/comfy/ to the max
Sounds comfy AF dude. Which state?
The thing I don't like about small rural areas is that people literally have nothing to do so they just drink. And the amount of gosip that goes on is un-fucking-real. Nobody can mind their own business.
But I do love the openness and the beauty of nature. Hoping I can live on a ranch someday where Im miles away from another person.
smart frogposter
>Repeatedly tell city dwelling retards that pursue that "lifestyle" that it's a fucking death trap if everything isn't working perfectly
>You don't have food
>You're unarmed
>Fucking clustered on top of each other, too many people to social distance
>No woods for alternate food
>No school, your favorite "youths" are on random wander AI settings
>Now police are reducing answering calls or are too afraid to get sick
>Truck drivers are starting to refuse to deliver to cities out of fear of getting sick
God help you morons if any utilities start to fall or the internet goes out so people feel compelled to just "go out".
I lived in a big city my whole life and hated it. Now I live in a small town in North Carolina and it's fantastic. 99% White, everyone is respectful and look out for each other, 100 MB internet with no data caps.
The very few niggers we do have mind their manners because they know if they chimp out, there's a posse of Peckerwoods ready to string them up like Christmas lights.
You're in luck! Just keep breathing that wonderful city air and it will fix all that ails you.
>hell a TRX and two kettlebells will be good enough
Niggers are literally terrified of rural areas but nice try
if you're sharing central heating or cooling, ripperino
obviously a full gym is preferable but if you are trapped at home you can still make gains.
t. 425/295/515
Look on the bright side, everyone who chose to stay in New York is going to die. Actually, is this why it's been so quiet lately? Or did the bot league get taken down and Yas Forums is moving at it's natural PPH speed?
Appalachia carolina or eastern?
That sucks user. If/when this all blows over move if you can. Think long term. It’ll be okay. We’ll all be okay (except for the boomers lol).
Can't hate homie, I feel you.
Literally was living in a small 3BR in NYC Chinatown a year ago. Was in the process of moving work to be 100% remote and saving up for an exit. Got out to a much smaller area in middle of country last winter.
Have spent quarantine hiking in the mountains, bbq'ing, shooting clays and just sitting by the lake. I think if I were in an Anne Frank situation back in a crowded NYC apartment my sanity would be hanging by a thread.
>my bro who up and left to georgia is sitting on a couple acres still working it's like the virus never even fucking hit him
What's he do user? I'm planning on moving out of the city soon, I've got place lined up but not sure what I'd do for work
Currently live in a suburbanish area (we have a little under an acre, but a producing garden, chickens, etc).
Want to move somewhere more rural. Net worth is probably somewhere around $500k if we cash everything in (actually, probably closer to $400k given recent stock losses).
Where can my wife and I move to that is comfy and rural? Not afraid of hard work/manual labor; spent a good part of my childhood on a ranch so I am not completely green.
>rural areas have no blacks
Mississippi is the exception to this, but i guess that proves the rule
I live in a small town without family. While I don’t see much nepotism and everyone is very friendly, it’s extremely lonely now as everything is closed.
I was already an introvert but now can’t even get my once weekly socialization.
Find a comfy rural area in your state or maybe a neighboring swing state. Try to stay near extended family as to not be (((rootless)))
We're in California. I don't want to stay here. We're going to end up rootless wherever we go desu senpai
i take it you've never been in a jail cell before.
soft assed faggot.
Ashe co?
Fits the description perfectly, m8. I'm here being comfy without Wu Flu and with my necessary job.
Fucking kek. I love being in the rural south. Anytime I am around friends who live in the nearest big city, they always ask when I’m going to move out of “hick town USA.” Well guess what faggots, I’d imagine you wish you also had 25 acres in hick town USA to do whatever the fuck you wanted with. Enjoy living in your 600 sq ft cardboard box and getting mauled by niggers once the looting starts.
how would a bong go about moving to Bumfuck CSA like his ancestors? I travelled through the South when I was younger and it felt like home. pic related is the bench in Baton Rogue where I had my lunch and imagined a different life, now I'm stuck in Bongistan
The amount of decoration errors in that pic is concerning
>floor is way to dark
>that paint accent in the corner is disgusting
>the tiles are horrid
>those sofa and ‘table’ colors and patterns
>shitty blinds instead of a white curtain
>disgusting countertop
>aluminium sink instead of ceramic
>ugly lamps
Depression inducing honestly
Also I hope there is an actual room and the ugly sofa isn’t the bed because that uncaged fridge compressor will be loud
BD said last night.
"A lot of Gold coming out of Area 51. The folks involved are letting the price rise and are selling a ton of material on the open market."
suburb culture made me want my own piece of land where I can't hear or see my neighbours.
Literally my back yard. Damn you are some dumb fucks.
Get a student visa, work visa, or marry an American
spot on
>Also I hope there is an actual room and the ugly sofa isn’t the bed because that uncaged fridge compressor will be loud
i live in a ghetto shitbox that's 160 sq ft (the average studio apt is 600.) i'm perfectly comfy.
So much COPE
Thanks, but I don't think Lynchsville, Alabama is crying out for tech workers
ngl the BARCADE sounds awesome
Thats more lika prison cell
Kek'd and saved
i should go to prison then. /comfy/
The only awesome barcade used to be dave and busters 20 years ago. It used to be 18+ and all the giant arcade machines had buttons to summon cocktail waitresses. Then they abandoned the only thing that made them appealing and turned into another family arcade.
Huntsville, Alabama is though, and you could live 40 minutes outside of the city
I wonder what it is like in NYC apartments that have shared bathrooms for entire floors. Does everybody spray it down with Lysol before using it?
They stay over at your brothers house for 2 weeks?
Same size here, but in a nice neighborhood. I fucking hate it, though. This year's plan was to move to the country. I was too slow now I'm doomed.
I'll look into it, thanks. Worst comes to worst I'll aim for Atlanta and move from there. How do all the pajeets get H1-Bs in the first place? Do I just apply for jobs online and just casually mention I'm in the UK and need a visa?