Do you know your blood type?

Do you know your blood type?

It seems for blood type group O corona will be actually a nothingburger.

Here is why:
The O blood group has evolved in response to diseases over thousands of years. The antibodies anti-a and anti-b presents in plasma will prevent SARS-CoV-2 to replicate resulting in the vast majority of cases in just a minor flu if any symptoms at all.
Source: whole google!

If you are A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+ or AB- you should be extremely careful and 100% stay safe in quarantine!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

type O master race

I'm AB- and not even slightly worried. I've been hacking my immune system for years. The virus is a nothing burger.

Same here, what have you been doing to hack it?

Kek, good ... :)

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i looked through all the medical records i have at home and not one lists my blood type
im 29 and have never known my blood type

This might be the case and a study was done in china on around 200 people, but the study was never peer-reviewed and doesn't take into account what the distribution of blood type is in that area of China. Still better to be safe, wash your hands.

-O here. Aryan.

type O is nigger blood

give blood at a location that will tell you. Then tattoo that shit on your arm.

Attached: blood_tattoo.jpg (259x195, 7.45K)

I'm A+, I'm positive of it as I did the test many years.

Don't have the study on hand, but effectively it makes the case for Egyptian Temples' (Bastet) origin for O blood groups in response to toxoplasmids and their cat bearers; O rh- persons received a slight boost in IQ whilst positive for in addition to immunity, whereas all others suffered negative effects.

~ Celtic from the West hypotheses (Barry Cunliffe), highest O blood group density in Europe Basques + linguistic and genetic resonances in O-diaspora in seeming language isolates like Basque and Ainu (together with Berber, among others)

we’re all O in my house

B+ masterrace here

What type of blood is O+?

I’m B+ positive so I’m better off than A group at least


Kratom, alcar, alpha gpc, circumin extract, various Russian nootropics and the occasional cocaine/amphetamine binge.

My wife and I and all 3 of children are type O
Eye color for reference

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I'm O- and currently miserable with Coronavirus. Your math is bad.

"compared to participants with type O blood, those with type A had a 32 percent higher chance of incurring pancreatic cancer, those with type AB had a 51 percent higher chance, and those with type B had a 72 percent higher chance"

have fun with that

Thank you based Othello for giving me my O+ blood. Honestly already figured this since I never get sick despite being around people all the time

A Rh+

>rh positive monkeybloods claiming bloodtype masterrace
>implying being A, B or O matters

>If you are A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+ or AB- you should be extremely careful and 100% stay safe in quarantine!!
or you might get a case of the sniffles. END OF THE FUCKING WORLD!!!

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A and B evolved to protect from bloodborne parasites.

>no source no links to actual research
post this shit your FB page normie

Based O- RH neg master race. Fucking monkeys.

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Practically zero niggers are O-

But anyone can receive Type O blood. So is that the answer, just everybody get a blood transfusion?

Anti-A antibodies proabably lock onto the virus.
Type A blood people just don't have these antibodies

B+ but nobody did an actual study on B isn't it?

O+ isn’t a universal donor, O- is.

Lmao Human blood types predate aryans of at least half million years.

that would suck as a tat then... maybe just an "A+" with a blood drip

O+fags unite!

When it comes to genetic variability (other than skin color and IQ) highest variability tends to be in Africa, your lower variability areas are localities ourside of Africa
O is highest in Amerindian
B is highest in Pooindians
If any blood type were distinctly Aryan it's A, bruh.

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I'm AB+,
All blood ITT now belongs to me. GIBS ME DAT.

Negative is definitely a white people thing, though

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You're probably in the same boat as the O fellas.
It's most likely the presence of the anti-A antibodies in the type O people that limits the severity of their infections, and you've also got those

O- master race reporting

Meme drugs. Enjoy the Kung Flu.

Here, here!!

Blood type is not a valid indicator of race, it comes from before homo sapiens.

yeah keep telling yourself that, AB+ nigger

B+ here (lol chink blood)
Am I as vulnerable as an A?

Have you ever seen a tattoo with text that didn't have a single error?
Me neither

Hell yeah brother.

O rh+ master race

>It seems for blood type group O corona will be actually a nothingburger.
Not quite. Lower chance of catching the actual virus, but O blood does not do well against bacterial infection, so shit gets nasty with pneumonia
Are you retarded?
Cute, but a card in my wallet is enough.
I really wish we knew where our RH neg blood came from.
O negs like me, yes (minus weird rare blood like RH null, or H blood) O pos can give to any RH pos. I can only get O neg

Dear god, what radiation you must've endured to become such a deformed blob!

Hail brother. Feels good to have literally the most valuable blood type. Corona kikes never getting a drop of my pure O-

Shouldn't that mean you're gonna have it worse, since it infects your nervous system?

Based O- brother

what a fag

O+ checking in

The best

The chinks that collected blood type info didn't bother checking rh type since 99% of chinks are monkey positive.
Rh- for the win.

Pfft. We're from the Earth, and you're a protracted visitor in our home. We're better fit to live here

O+ lords of the earth

almost a universal donor, can given to anyone apart from O-

No, it's O+

Blood transfusions aren't, neither is my O- blood.
>Blood Bank/Red Cross on ignore

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>aren't free*
Also just noticed.Is everyone on pol, Generally O blood type and INTJ-P's?

incorrect, fact check yourself user

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O+ INTP here

INFP-something. I can't remember the sub-category

O+, infp/enfp

I had the same thing. I called my doc they said they don't keep records of that. I was like you people are fucking retards. what the fuck do you keep track of then? anyway, I got a test kit from amazon. I tested it myself. Very simple. You get a card, and some liquids, then you poke yourself and mix the blood with the liquids and see what happens. simple chart. fucking braindead. Now i know my type.

I meant the opposite of what I said

In-laws live in Italy.

My father in law died.
>Type O
My mother in law is fine, had just mild flu-like symptoms.
>type AB-


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i'll just leave this here

We know.

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>Here is why:

No here is not why. As always you're talking out of your ass Argentina.

You are truly master race user.

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