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Trump is really fucked in the head, but this is why he is so interesting.

lolberterians btfo

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you're a nigger living in Poland I guess.

Kek. Based.

Does he nit understand it takes months for them to switch from cars to ventilators???

I'm over here like,
>all this can be done in a month if you would just pic related to work.
This article has 35 citations in 9 years, that's like 35 more than 90% of articles published in journals.
We have a cure, use it.

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Fuck you orange nigger
T. Ford worker building raptors

Active the Defense Production Act now Donald

this but unironically

nooooooooo what do you mean corporations actually have to help, they had gay pride flags on twitter, trump, isn't that enough????

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I knew you had it in you, Donald.

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Months? Why would it take months? That seems highly doubtful

Being fucked in the head, I assume most Polish identify and relate positively to this man. Eh?

Yep. You know Trump is channeling Hitler when he demands companies to make mass-production of products.

Never been proven to work in a human. Even if it does work, seems incredibly unsafe.

Shouldn't you be clearing toilets stuffed with paper toilets?

we're in a state of emergency, right?
what's to stop him from making the corporate faggots help out their countrymen?

He already did, I think that's what he's saying.
Personally, I think he should just charter up a Publicly Owned Corporation with a "dead by" date of two years (1 year production, 1 year dispensing of assets), drop some designs on them, fund it with bonds backed by the Federal Government, sell the goods at cost to government facilities, plus the cost of the bond interest.
Then sell the entire thing off at the end of one year, finish paying the bonds at the end of 2 years.

Also, pic related would cure this shit, so we don't need the respirators. Fucking dickheads don't want to keep the same economy, and the pharmaceuticals he's protecting don't want us back to work.

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We’re all gonna have to live in our cars 24/7/365 aren’t we? WALL-E is real.

He should be fucked in the pussy by nigger cock like the typical Polish girl

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It's a part of the defense production act


*zzzt* *zzzt*

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God damn that's the dumbest argument.

1. Proven in human tissue.
2. Proven in three different case studies in mice.
3. Fouci is talking about dropping billions in US dollars after Phase 1 on a vaccine, as Phase 2 starts, but this is already done with Phase 1 trials.

the feds bailed out GM now its time to repay their debts.

The fact that invoking the Defense production act would fuck with his jew buddies' illusion of a free market being the greatest thing ever.

Good. Relying on the free market leads to degeneracy.

>don't worry about it, it will be over by April
what a total retard

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National Socialism IS National Security

National Security IS National Socialism

Didn't take them that long to start building bombs and airplanes

complete clown

>"I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday. "You know, you go into major hospitals, sometimes, they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they're saying, 'Can we order 30,000 ventilators?'"

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twitter is fkn with the feed

i have to manually go see his tweets, they used to be on my feed considering hes the only one i follow that and i can see tweets that he follows updating

Fuck off gyppo, I have no time for your whims.

Your brain was destroyed by corn syrup and chlorinated chicken, I forgive you.

Shouldn't you start being a proper country instead of a fake one?

He's the most popular US president in Poland. Even more than Reagan that teared down the wall. This is just one jew living in Poland that's spazzing out.

I'll tell you what. I'll stand under the keystone and volunteer to be the first person to take it.


Honestly keep in mind during the last bailouts in 2009, Obama let the auto companies move their shit to china when he bailed them out. THEN the government sold off its share of GM to FOREIGN companies- resulting in EVEN MORE jobs going to china.

Think about how badly Trump is going to skullfuck Biden on this shit, the Dems won't even be a party when Trump begins using wartime powers to forcibly open factories and shit.

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>toilets stuffed with paper toilets

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Then fire all the spics and niggers and they can get it done in a week.

This guy is still so great lol. Don’t want to go back to snooze timeline

Pls, Reagan at least was a person worth of reading his biography, he was a great man of 20. century, like Roosevelt or John Paul II.

Trump is interesting but also very like clown.

>trololo it's a nothingburger
>*shit hits the fan*
>why won't anyone doooo something

Finasteride fucked his testosterone levels.

Poland still has Jews??

Testing started in NYC on Tuesday so expect a results announcement next week.

I don't understand how you guys can support this. You should support free market liberalism. This is disgustingly authoritarian.


Fuck off polenigger

Lol. Fucking hell, truth hurts.

they should to the same thing in romania

What do car producers know of medical equipment?

Why ventilators?


Why, to prolong the deaths of millions of diabetic obese Amerimutts of course.

Why would Ford build ventilators in Romania? They're a US auto manufacturer.

I do support liberalism, but we don't have a free market, and I have a personal desire to see people who don't know better stay healthy and alive.
But I'm up for tearing down bureaucracies, which one goes first? I think HUD would be better replaced with yet another one time offer of reparations. If you want to go back to Africa, the US Army will take some land in Africa, and give it to you as your own nation.
Everyone else pays full price.


He is a MASTER on playing the BLAMING game, it would NOT last, people will get tired

Orangutan gone absolutely ape.

>Why would Ford build ventilators in Romania? They're a US auto manufacturer.
beacuse they have a factory here and they sent all the people home, so our goverment should force them to get this people back and build ventilators or whatever elese we need

Think about it for a second. The president of the United States is tweeting on Twitter with all caps that some company making cars should reopen some closed plant and start producing hospital ventilators. About a virus the same president claimed is nothing two weeks ago.
This is some weird reality we're living in and the saddest part is people are getting used to this idiocy.

Sorry I missed this, testing of what?

Go get your boots and uniforms boys. We will be marching soon.

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oh my god that is one of the most beautiful pictures Ive ever seen