Says it's nothing like the flu
Healthy 38yr old's account of Coronavirus
Other urls found in this thread:
Built for BBC, but also gay and obviously fake.
Fake and gay, Mohammed.
>I had blood pressure so high my heart was about to burst so I called emergency services and they told me to fuck off and die
Like I’m going to believe anything some piece of shit nobody blue check mark on Twitter says
The blood pressure thing is apparently real. Because of how the virus acts on ACE and angiotensins, its causing heart damage and stroke. Supposedly AGT II drugs are effective.
I'm coping fine, Mohammed. You goat rapers are dropping like flies though.
so he self isolated, did not take meds, recovered
His lungs is cheese now
and he will have a harder time during reinfection
t. Delusional hapooner
>Went into complete lockdown before anyone else, still caught COVID.
>you should go into lockdown so you don’t suffer the same fate as me.
he's a lying jew trying to push his fear propaganda to keep everyone locked down
repeat after me: nothing is happening
repeat after me: its just the flu
he's a paki you dense fuckers
Would line up with the massive death rates of people who already have hypertension
he's a jew.
That's just how long it's been circulating major cities around the world
no he's a paki
This sounds like how I was sick in January.
Horrible nonstop dry coughing that led to vomiting (plus more coughing) I wished I was dead.
Yes, yes everyone is. Blah blah.
This is true I’m literally having the same shit happen- I’m on week three and it’s felt like a rollercoaster of feeling well and then having chest tightness- my O2 levels are good but it feels like I can’t take a full breath in and no one knows what to do. I’ve just been home
here's a real account from someone not trying to gain twitter clout. this person tested positive in NYC on monday, and is already feeling better after just 4 days
So he's in the first stage of what OP's post describes. Hasn't advanced to pneumonia yet.
5 days later no cough, no fever, no tightness in lungs
I can't wait for a Fluoomer to experience those acute symptoms then see if they stick to the "just the flu" party line after.
For the most part, this thing picks off the old and weak but you are rightly fucked if you are an otherwise healthy person it takes a liking too.
What a pussy.
I had it and only had a sniffle for about three days, the flu is worse.
I'm sure they'll maintain their sociopathic dismissive tone as they bury their parents and grandparents.
>Grandma died? FAKE AND GAY
Oh look we have one of the 760 recovered in the whole US among us. Would you believe we could be so lucky?
Fake and gay.
Did this guy seriously make like thirty 80 word tweets in 2 minutes?
Since its a symptome thread let me share my friends' simptoms
He said the first major difference was that the beggining of the disease was stretched out, not liek the flu which hits you overnight. It sarted with a mild fever after a couple of days it spiked to around 38,5C then came the dry cough which he said was just anoying as fuck, he had a little chess tightness but nothing severe. After aprox 10 days he was lets say 90% healed
>meme flag
fuck off kike.
pre composed in Word than cut and pasted into parts?
((((((((((Shiraz Maher)))))))))
I went through this all in early January. Pretty sure I had corona.
Started with a mild fever that got intense over 5-6 days. Extremely achiness all over my body especially my head. I had an intense headache that literally changed spots in my head every day(back of head, front, left, right, into the eyes).
Oddly enough I didn’t develop an intense cough until 2-3 days after fever went down. The cough last about 2 weeks then tapered off over another week.
Yes, the infection + recovery period was over 3 weeks to get back to full strength. I think if you have a good recovery you should be about 80-85% after 3-4 weeks. It still takes longer to get back to full strength.
I do feel 100% now though.
I had that breathing symptom but then it just went away after a few days....
My fever spiked between 105 and 106. I was getting scared at that point. That was for one night, most of the time it was 102ish.
Literaly (((maher)))
Is chest tightness just not being able to take deep, satisfying breaths? Cause I have that, but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to look out for because I didn't know what people meant with chest tightness. Chest doesn't really hurt, just a feeling of someone pushing down a finger on it on occasion.
RNHS is the best
I have the antibodies which means the sniffles I had last week was the virus. I was never officially tested for it cuz the tests were in short supply but was required to take the antibody test to get back to work and to donate plasma.
Millions have been infected and have recovered without them even knowing. Hopefully they start mass testing for antibodies so you faggots can shut the fuck up about this "happening"
I wonder if cough drops would help?
I'm headed to the grocery store right now and not looking forward to going.
I'm self conscious about buying shit like cough drops now, I'm afraid people will see me buying them and think I got it.
You know how whiny and over sensitive Jews are they get a sweat rash and an asthma attack from walking up a slight incline but still have enough energy after to sue any medical practitioner for negligence
Went to italy in early jan , upon returning on the 5th, three days later i had a fever and mild coughing but non the less lots of it. Fever went down afterfour days and was never above 38.6, coughing lasted two weeks and sore throat also. Had some difficulty breathing but managed with aerolin inhaler. That was on the 2nd week. Also gave it to virtually anyone i met. What do you think? Im looking forward to the antibody test
It's a happening regardless of whether or not the reaction has been out of proportion with the seriousness of the disease. We've seen entire countries shut down for the first time in human history. The global economic collapse is going to completely dwarf the great depression if it hasn't already. This is already a generational happening. The biggest since WWII, and it's not over yet. The virus itself isn't the happening, it never was. The reaction is the happening. Let's get that out of the way.
based big brainposting
There's is a minimum 6 month wait to see the NHS nigger "doctor"
He's punting the blame to someone else retard so when Dems say they didn't get the ventilators he can say "Well Obama tun GM refused to make them"
Dude... you're scaring me.
Thanks chang
The test is for two genes nonexclusive to COVID-19. This means that the two genes that make a positive on the polymerase chain reaction tests are found in places other than COVID-19. Individually, the genes result in a false positive, but two false positives means you have a deadly illness. Makes perfect fucking sense doesnt it. And the reference we have to know the accuracy of the tests? We have none, because the tests have never been proven to be valid. It is based off pure speculation and they OPENLY admit to all of this if you do your own research. There is no evidence anyone has ever been infected with COVID-19. No one has ever been proven to have it. People have been proven to MIGHT have it, but that's as far as the evidence can take us. Every single person infected with COVID-19 could have received a false positive, and the evidence all points to that being the case. 86% of people never show symptoms, 86 fucking percent. That means only 14% of positives experience symptoms. I guarantee you 14% of negatives experience symptoms too. Viral infections are specific to the species, yet we have found pigs, cats, dogs, and sheep test positive for COVID-19. That's 100% impossible. So not only is the testing flawed, but all the evidence points to people getting false positives. You see how this could be fake now? They did this 50 years ago with AIDS and the world still hasn't caught on.
Watch the documentary House of Numbers for more info on that:
It’s sars
Furthermore, I happen to think the reaction is justified because I'm not a barbarian cretin and I don't think sacrificing hundreds of thousands or millions of elderly and sick is justified because it's practical or expedient.
What do they mean by headache? Like a regular headache or sinus headache? I swear To God I went to Seattle 8 months ago and came back with a 3 week long sickness which I will never forget because I had 3 days of sinus pressure in the head so bad it was like stabbing pains when I coughed. I can't tell if that was Corona or not
he didnt get the l strain
Is that an app or website? What is it?
Well yeah. There's literally no inconsistency.
>I can't wait for a Fluoomer to experience those acute symptoms then see if they stick to the "just the flu" party line after.
I am healthy and take precautions in the small case i'm wrong.
However, given that the first cases in my country appeared almost two weeks ago, and literally nothing happened (except media unanimously shilling for quarantine), then my conclusion that it's just a flu and is greatly over-exaggerated is being validated with each day.
> By Izak Shiraz
> Thought long about going public on this or not
> But given how bad is it currently handled by Drumpf, I decided to go public
> I too, had Corona virus
> It's a terrible, nasty disease which we must fight at ALL COSTS
> severe coughs
> barely couldn't breathe
> I could feel my skin falling apart
> In fact, I nearly turned into a lampshade
> We must prevent Drumpf, or i see a future with another 6 millions dead..
Twitter is such a retarded system where a short story has to be separated into thirty million fucking posts.
>moves the goal post after getting stumped on "lol you never had it"
Heads will roll for how this shit got overblown when how much of a nothing burger this really was becomes more and more apparent over the coming weeks.
The study they based this whole thing on was bunk and getting revised to 100x lower then their orginal numbers. People will look back and facepalm at everything involving this BS.
This i had it and i just had a boner for a day.
this is bullshit
1 in 3 people over the age of 30 have hypertension
death rate in italy is 80 (avg)
and the number of people hospitalized that have hypertension is like 57%, considering the age of people being hospitalized isn't bad at all.
>The test is for two genes nonexclusive to COVID-19
why would they do this
>I decided to take my blood pressure because I have a home blood pressure monitor
>no pre-existing conditions
How many "healthy" people just happen to have a blood pressure monitor at home?
Felt like a sinus headache for me. Travelled all along my head ending towards my eyes.
Can I jump in for a moment? I'd like to interject and confirm that the value of what posted is fine. It COULD be a nice discussion, but alas, Jews kick in:
They shill the Hegelian dialectic, create a shitty antithesis against a valuable thesis by OP to obtain a judeo-masonic synthesis: the slided discussion into meds, JEWrusalem, howw great Satan really is and how many great results has the colored jew yorker obtained so far.
Kind of an important detail to leave out, OP.
Welcome, is this your first time here?
You should note the unofficial motto of are little slice of heaven/hell.
>Because of how the virus acts on angiotensins
Well good thing I'm white then
hes probably blood group A
Okay, where else are these genes located?
This feels like this is going to be it. This is going to be the thing to do a massive reset on society.
I do, like to check my levels for fitness.
What if the Wuhan Coronavirus doesn't do anything significant and those people were going to die anyways from other conditions. But instead of being allowed to die, due to hysteria and virus tests, they are put on life extending respirators. Everyone who dies can't breathe at some point.
>43.6K cases, 239 deaths
Cold logical Germans?
This is why Italy is an outlier in claimed "covid-19 deaths": widespread medical malpractice wherein shitheel "doctors" forcefully sedate patients and intubate them needlessly, also citing "lack of respirators" for their malpractice they begin reusing them, spreading severe bacterial infections across many patients, worsening any non-condition they may have had into life-threatening conditions caused by shared bacterial infection and trauma from forced intubation. This is what has happened in Italy.
Everything else is social racketeering and government mandated, media propagated mass-hysteria. Literally nothing is happening except hysteria.
UK was right in their orginal assessment.
>quarantine at risk
>eveyone else go about your lives
You may think the reaction was appropriate, but of it's as overblown as the murmurs are suggesting people will tell the government to piss off when the next one happens.
Honestly, I don't know if you're lying about having it or not. It just seems extremely unlikely.
The happening is real and it's happened. There's no taking it back.
>People will look back and facepalm at everything involving this BS.
I doubt it. It's still just getting going in the US, and if Italy is any indication, we're gonna get royally assfucked by this thing. It's gonna be apocolyptic.
These stories have been pretty consistent, the only reason anyone would say they're fake is if they're in denial out of fear.
grats on being a bluepilled sheep that gets rolled by fearmongering