Absolute Happening!

Guys, this may be a big happening.

>Nevada State Trooper shot and killed.
>Suspect stole troopers uniform and vehicle
>All law enforcement had to disconnect their in car modems to prevent the suspect from tracking them

Listen here:

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I'm sorry a guy killed a cop and is now dressed up like one

There have been multiple reports of shots fired, and they continue to come in.

Lmao fuck cops

Oh fuck, think this is related to the guy who tried to shoot up a hospital


Show flag leaf

Go fuck a dingo bogan

oh shit maybe. they guy was gonna blow up a hospital, IIR.

Nice analysis for knowing absolutely nothing about the situation.

4 shills ITT already.

Ha, the Yas Forumstards got to it first.

So what did the cop do to make the guy do this I wonder?

Oh shit is this the big boog guys?


>All law enforcement had to disconnect their in car modems to prevent the suspect from tracking them
This can be interesting..for a schizo


I never said I was pro cop. You just make assumptions out of your ass.

lol who gives a fuck.
quit being a bunch of bootlickers
fucking boomer trash

Retard deleted all his dumb shit


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Everyone that doesn't agree with me is a paid shill!!!!!! Waaah waaah waaah!!!!

Ok, now the happening has actually begun... What's his name?

>Guys, this may be a big happening.
People are dropping like flies from COVID-19, and one cop shot is a big deal?

We are stuck inside and this is one neato burrito.

>dropping like flies
post images of the piling up corpses

G-g-guys... what if it's a terminator?

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Bugaloo initiated
God help us all

I aint, shits badass

Sounds like a two-man team, one has the cop car and the other is in an F-150.

One man team. The F-150 is the stolen vehicle.

Shots officially fired. Not cops firing.

Oh, ok.
Shots fired!


suspect is still alive and firing shots

Subject still up and still firing.

"He is not deceased yet"

I thought the trooper said he was shot as well.

beware false flags

By that I mean the misheard bit by dispatch.

Dispatch thought so too and asked, and he said no.

They just said something about gunshots?

That's been happening to me more and more on pol.
Some retard will misread something I say, put words in my mouth, assume I'm not on their side and attack me.
It feels like summer.

Are you sure it isn't just a normal cop copping out?

newfag doesn't know how to handle scanner threads.

Lol people are not dropping like flies you paranoid freak

>>Suspect stole troopers uniform and vehicle
left his dead naked body?
thats not respecting law enforcement
those guys do their best working for the banks and deserve to have clothes on their dead bodies

summer started early this year
and it's going to end pretty late

I have foreseen this.

Good Lord don't you remember dorner? Everyone's a "suspect" so cops can shoot random people

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That feeling when I’m switching from phone to computer cause I can’t listen to multiple broadcasts on phone.

Subject in custody.

Swat has him in custody, apparently

We got em

explosives in the vehicle



Elko S.W.A.T. has the autistic suspect in custody.

Just fireworks. Cops always overacting.

>state trooper
Did he kill any real people though?

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Grab the cat!

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Well this was comfy.

when he gets caught will he do time for stolen valor?

Impersonation of a police officer is a felony i think.

well you killed my sides so there's that

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probably mad hes getting trumpcucked out of his trumpbux