Where were you when you realized the cure for corona virus was readily available to everyone all this time?

Where were you when you realized the cure for corona virus was readily available to everyone all this time?

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I fucking started blazing after about 7 months clean and I now always wake up groggy and not well rested despite getting 7-8 hours of sleep.

Weed really is a shit drug

I've been high for forty years and never gotten sick.

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it clearly fucks with rem sleep. I never had dreams while using it.

Smoked every day since I was a teen, quite 3 months ago (31) and have at least half a dozen extremely vivid dreams every night and can't sleep through the night for shit.

Don't smoke before bed.
The little cough I get after smoking spooks me :(

I’ve put my entire family on this miracle plant. The wife doesn't agree with me but her son thinks I’m the shiznit BluntNation he shouts! double plus good we’re all covid 19 free.

The dreams I have when I don't smoke weed are really intense lucid nightmares. Dreams involving people trying to kill me and whatnot. With weed I just sleep like a baby.

Open and shut case, Watson

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It's not great for the prepubescent mind

However after your mind fully mature at 21 I would advise blazing it

Your kid will be an addict if you let him junk out on it dude for real he won't have any memorable experiences and develop mental problems very early in adulthood

>dreams I have when I don't smoke weed are really intense lucid nightmares

Definitely agree with the lack of dreams while smoking weed. I also recently quit and have been having insane lucid dreams. Fortunately i stay asleep and wake up feeling fucking amazing, its like i haven't truly slept in years.

>Fortunately i stay asleep and wake up feeling fucking amazing
Lucky for you, I wake up after each one and get to the point where I'm just waiting for the sun to come up because I want it to stop lol.

I’ve read similar articles in some of my favorite periodicals. It’s a head scratcher because I got the medicine from my wife’s son Tyrones friend.

This for me as well. Not always nightmares but i have had a few where i was forced to kill other people in self defense but the situation made it seem like murder and then i have to figure out how to hide the bodies.

You mean a generic anti-malarial drug?

How long has it been for since you stopped if u don’t mind me asking?


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Americans turn, someone post a plate of food for OP and explain what to do with it.

Fug that sucks. Maybe try taking melatonin. That shit knocks me the fuck out.

its only shit if you are smoking shit weed lol...get off the reggie

Just over 3 months.

>her son
Remove yourself

>howz dem italy nugs tho

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nor I anonbro

but if so travel on business, and don’t smoke for maybe a week at a time. the dreams return after three days. i wish the dreams didn’t return, and can’t wait to get back home

she’s an Independant thinker and he’s a cultural treasure trove. If there’s ever a problem I always have my shed to meditate in.


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No nigger brain it is $200 a ounce strawberry cough weed is just for stupid niggers desu can't wait to finish this oz off and go back to real drugs like a man

Usually shit unless you have good connections. I'm smoking on some weed smuggled from the netherlands by a friend, it tastes so good i wish i had a kilo of it

Meme weed. That's your problem. Did you wash it down with a whiteclaw too?

What does meditation have to do with being a cuck?
When will leftist hippie cucks stop polluting eastern philosophies. Meditation has been hijacked by low test lefties and alikes.

>t. shit person

Well that's weird, because I do have dreams every night and I smoke the fuck down. Lying faggot.


>I've been in a stupor for forty years
>Never been sick

What a life.


This is a meme that is perpetuated by literal unthinking NPCs.

>The little cough I get after smoking spooks me :(
What do you expect dumb ass. Weed is the same as cigs. You are inhaling hot, burnt organic matter smoke into your lungs. Same cancer risk as cigs.

Nah you're the lying one, not having dreams is a common effect of weed use. So either you're lying or you're a special case

I smoke every night before bed and I always have super vivid dreams where I remember every word spoke and it's sequential like a movie. Confusing movie

SuSu is my favorite

not as long as you but close
I had the virus and still smoked lol.
got over it in a week.

Dont smoke within 6 hours of sleeping. Weed makes you pass out, not sleep.
So you arent groggy, you're sleep deprived
All drugs ruin the quality of your sleep

Stop smoking for a few days and see what happens.

I’ve read in mademoiselle and on goopdotcom that men who are married and have wives that are satisfied live longer. She doesn’t mind when I stroke it to porn, she even got me a membership to blackeddotcom. You’re just jelly

I have had dreams like this. It's always a pursuit dream. Where I'm hoping from one setting to another, while being chased.
I also see my dead fiance who talks to me in the dreams about issues in my life.
I guess that's just my subconscious trying to talk to me

If you keep surpressing REM with weed then you build up a debt and you brain will go full vivid nightmare on you as soon as it gets a chance.
Stop smoking before bed and let your body actually sleep properly and your brain and dreams will go back to normal.

This adds up because I use cannabis to prevent a night terror condition
I never get good sleep but I wouldn’t with the night fits either

Nice fake news, nigger.

Nah weed is just gay and makes you a insufferable faggit see For example

imagine falling for such an obvious bait holy shit

what's wrong with whiteclaw?

FYI don't actually do this, especially if you're smoking it.

Your lungs will get messed up and that makes the virus even worse.

Don't be a hippie retard.

Your doing something wrong. Because I had really bad insomnia before I started smoking and now my circadian rhythm is perfect.

That's a lie.

It's 5% and not 3% ABV like budlight

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>Stop smoking before bed and let your body actually sleep properly and your brain and dreams will go back to normal
Have been for over 3 months, night before last was the worst so far, actually felt the dream, hard to explain.

This is what I did. It worked for me, too.

Booze works as well, but don't want to trade one crutch for another.

Ashwaganda root extract, fall asleep like a baby and great sleep quality. I’d advise not taking every day as it made me lose motivation and sleep way too much. 2-5 times a week is sweet spot.

>debt and you brain will go full vivid nightmare

Not necessarily true. Vivid dreams? Sure, but a nightmare isn't guaranteed. REM rebound is a real thing and can happen from any source of REM interruption.

>REM rebound is the lengthening and increasing frequency and depth of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep which occurs after periods of sleep deprivation. When people have been prevented from experiencing REM, they take less time than usual to attain the REM state.[1] When people are unable to obtain an adequate amount of REM sleep, the pressure to obtain REM sleep builds up. When the subject is able to sleep, they will spend a higher percentage of the night in REM sleep.[2]

That's probably your subconcious catching up on years of being suppressed in the sleep where it usually goes wild

and that's a bad thing? are you tard?

look it up moron, its a known fact, stop buying dried turf off your mate, hes laughing at you.

Anti-malarial text + weed pic = photoshopped tweet!

It's sarcasm you mouth breathing mongoloid

Or you know, he has a tolerance to the plant. If I go heavy on the oil I'll start getting dreams too, but I don't like my tolerance that high.

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Look guys! I'v been blessed by the ganja goddess!

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>Same cancer risk as cigs

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my dreams are trash so thats a plus

Yo man, i was a very heavy smoker for about 8 years but had to quit for military. Honestly its such a shit drug, it turns men into beta males. You become content with doing nothing in your life. I was smoking so much that i started to get these mini panic attacks and major anxiety from it even though i was a seasoned veteran with it. Besides the military, quitting that shit was the best decision of my life. I feel so much more present and actually have a fire in my heart to get shit done. Stay far away from it man and dont look back. Life is too short already to be blazed out of your mind.


Not really. I know it's anecdotal but i've smoked for decades and never dream. The few occasions where i've went a couple days without it I start having intense shoot out of bed dreams. It's why veterans love weed, it prevents a lot of their ptsd nightmares.